Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 299 The Anthill Project! The base of the ferry hall! The pet that guards the door! An upgrad

Under the combined action of multiple props, the seemingly hot magma did not harm Mo Lin at all.

Moreover, when Mo Lin struck down a fierce son, he did feel a force of thought swept away on his body.

But that's it, and didn't give too much attention.

After all, he wearing a stone hat is like a stone.

Who will pay attention to falling stones? And this is a very common thing in volcanoes.

Lava, isn't it the stone that is melted?!

Even the base below is equipped with a camera to project the image, putting Mo Lin's figure clearly on the screen.

Other personnel in charge of surveillance will treat Mo Lin as a stone and ignore him, even if his figure occupies most of the screen.

Nobita was wearing this stone hat, but sat on the TV with his legs covering the TV screen.

His father could not squint, and watch TV there with gusto.

Later in the baseball game, Fat Tiger even treated Nobita as a stone, came to him, and took off his pants.

Well, urinating at Nobita, scared Nobita away.

In the end, Nobita wanted to ask Doraemon to help take off the hat, but he was knocked down by Doraemon.

The latter has no reaction to hitting something at all~~~

It can be seen that the effect brought by [Stone Hat] is far beyond the imagination of others.

After Mo Lin fell from the magma, he kept diving.

I don't know how long after swimming, I vaguely saw the outline of the faint building.

And it was not these buildings that first entered the sight of Mo Lin, but


Two groups of fiery red auras sprayed out from the huge creature's nostrils next to the building.

It was a huge fish with a long tail. The rear part looked like a snake, but the front part was the 357 fish body.

At the same time, there are many horrible claws in its abdomen, tearing and swinging there.

In terms of appearance, the snake fish is a name that barely matches it.

If you just observe its appearance, it is more like the king of the swamp that Gon fished out on Whale Island.

No, or rather, it's an upgraded version of the King of the Marsh, PULS, the King of Lava, or the King of Magma.

It is bound with chains around it, swimming around the many buildings below, seeming to be protecting the base below.

His face is fierce, his eyes are fierce, and everything looks bad.

Even the faintly-appearing figures in the base were not cold.

Well, this should be raised here in the ferry hall as another defensive measure to guard against intruders.

After all, even the Zoldyck family has Sanmao as a goalkeeper, and miscellaneous wyvern as a means of transportation.

There is no reason that a higher standard ferry hall will not have a corresponding guard pet.

But then again, it was hidden under the magma, and thoughts were attached to the magma, and finally found the ground, avoided the thoughts, and prevented the magma from coming here.

Then I encountered this huge snake fish

Ask for the shadow area in the hearts of those invaders.

It's strange that it doesn't collapse like this!!

But from this, we can also see the rigor of the ferry hall, and the various defensive measures are more difficult to find its position than the Tang Seng learns from the scriptures.

The secrets contained in it are indeed extremely important!!

"Now that you have found the location, you can use the [Space Displacer] and [Warping Space Pen] to come here directly next time you come back, saving me an extra trip."

Mo Lin ignored the snake fish that can swim freely in the magma, and is also very leisurely and comfortable, living in this environment easily.

(abai) The figure was swimming, and it soon landed on the row upon row of buildings below.

It is a complex of buildings, but there are only two towering buildings, which look dark and red, which is extremely conspicuous.

Moreover, the buildings on the left and right sides look almost symmetrical, exactly the same, which can be said to be twin towers.

Each tower occupies a large area, and the combination of pitch black and red, there is a kind of cold emotion that exists in the wasteland and stands in the blood.

In the hot lava on the surface, there are quite deserted buildings hidden, which still forms a sharp contrast.

Mo Lin randomly picked the tower on the left and landed there.

As soon as he approached, he felt that his whole body had entered a barrier.

With a sound of "pop", Mo Lin's body entered a space that also isolated the magma.

Well, the people in the ferry hall can't naturally live in the magma, and there must be an independent space inside.

After Mo Lin came in, he felt a burst of thought power sweeping over him.

Several successive inspections can be called a copper wall and an iron wall.

After landing, the space environment in front of me was suddenly new, which was very different from the outside situation.

In short, it is like a place where the many laboratories in Marvel movies and the mansions of the rich are joined together.

"There are a lot of people~"

After Mo Lin came to the ground, he glanced around randomly.

He was in the entrance field of the tower, and many people with hurried steps and serious expressions walked in and out of the entrance.

Everyone's dressing and matching seemed very casual, and some people had bread in their mouths, and had eye shit on their faces, and walked out from the door with a look of sleepiness.

Well, they are already at the bottom of the magma, almost isolated from the world.

It is not realistic to maintain the kind of social interaction outside.~~~

Mo Lin followed a guy who looked very stylish, had a good spirit, and had no anger or prestige on his face, and walked in.

This guy is at the top leadership level at a glance, and can get in touch with the news from the top.

If V5 intends to extradite the Chimera ants here, then it should have begun preparations now.

Even the preparatory work has been done, and the implementation is now underway.

Regarding the commission of Mr. Netero, Mo Lin arbitrarily copied a few key documents from here, recorded what they said, and then they could be handed over.

Stepping from the door into the door, the inside and outside are different.

The sci-fi-like starry sky texture walls with distinct layers give people an excellent visual experience.

That seems to be a corridor passage in the universe, and it makes people feel infinite heroic spirit.

"Such an environment seems to have been designed by a dedicated Nen, and the thoughts attached to it can more arouse the fighting spirit of the personnel at the ferry terminal."

Well, V5 really took great pains for this group of staff.


"Psychological hint?"

Mo Lin glanced at the wall and the surrounding environment, then slowly closed his eyes.

Under normal circumstances, it's not a problem to walk past here.

But once you walk and watch for a long time, you will be guided by the above thought power, and then plant a certain psychological hint in your heart.

Although Mo Lin doesn't know what this psychological hint is, he is mostly loyal to V5, and is willing to dedicate everything he has for the cause of the Dark Continent.

Although this kind of psychological suggestion will not do any harm to the human body, even this thought will benefit the body of the person who walks by.

But as far as personality is concerned, it may gradually become more radical and indifferent, and develop towards a working machine with no emotions.

In order to benefit and achieve goals, become unscrupulous and in order to maximize the effect, regardless of any morality and reason.

Otherwise, the group of people in the Ferry Terminal would not come up with the crazy idea of ​​restocking the Chimera ant, a human-eating species, into the NGL autonomous country.

Mo Lin followed the leader and walked all the way through the long corridor.

Soon, at the end of the corridor, I saw a door standing there.

The door was hidden, and a faint luster radiated from it.

"You are late."

When the leader pushed the door and walked into the room, the person already sitting here said faintly.

The room is small and the style is very simple. There is only a round table in the center and a large electronic projection screen behind the round table.

There are five chairs around the round table, and there are already four seats seated.

The senior leader who came in last took out the last chair and sat on it.

"Five people? And look at the clothes they wear, as well as the color of their body, their behavior, and the way they speak."

Mo Lin, who walked in behind the leader, looked up and down the situation in the court.

"The main person in charge of V5 dispatched to the Ferry Terminal?!"

Even though V5 has done so many measures for this place, it is still not at ease for the Ferry Terminal.

Of course, they will send their respective leaders here to supervise and inspect the work arrangements of the Ferry Terminal.

The five people had already opened up the documents placed in front of them, except for the stern face that was not angry and prestige that came in last.

"Planning plans, action plans, supporting materials, etc., are all prepared."

One of them wore a luxury watch on his wrist, one hand with diamonds and one hand with platinum. He looked very graceful and luxurious, and tapped his finger on the plan in front of him.

Well, grace and luxury can actually be used on men.

"We have all seen it, there is no problem~"

On the left hand side of the graceful and luxurious man is a man with a firm face.

It's just that he wears colorful and colorful ties on his chest.

"I'm leaving you alone now.

On the right hand side of the graceful and luxurious man was a man with a Chinese character face wearing a military uniform and his face more majestic.

"After you have no problem, our plan can begin to be implemented thoroughly.

Sitting directly opposite the graceful and luxurious man, beside the serious-faced man, was a woman with swollen wrists with hot curly hair, wearing gold-wire round glasses.

A total of five people, representing the strongest organization in the world, the country behind V5!!

The serious-faced man didn't talk to him, he just picked up the materials on the table for himself and began to look through it.

"These documents also have mental power, is it to distinguish people who flipped through the materials?"

Mo Lin said with emotion that the Ferry Hall's anti-theft awareness was extremely strong, while watching the contents of the file with a serious face.

With Mo Lin's eyesight and memory, it is not difficult to memorize the entire plan.

The name of the action plan at the beginning of the document was also clearly reflected in Mo Lin's eyes.

"Ant Nest Project."

Does this mean the Six Continents are used as greenhouse nests for ants?

Mo Lin followed silently and continued to look down~~~

[Sorry that the update is late, there will definitely not be broken later~].

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