"The other party's price doesn't seem to be cheating you." After the lawyers from both parties negotiated and signed the contract early the next morning, Fan Meng, who drove back to the previous area, talked about the previous transaction.

"You just didn't see the light in that guy's eyes when he heard that you were a famous historian. I thought he would blackmail you severely."

"He wouldn't dare to do this even if he thought about it." After hearing Fan Meng's words, Liang En said with a smile. "Don't forget, he is a real estate developer. If he gets a bad reputation this time, his future business will be over."

"Not to mention that I have a bit of a reputation now. Although the other party insists that I have the money to buy the land, he does not dare to raise the price too high."

"Otherwise, if I tell the media about this one day, he will probably be able to say goodbye to all kinds of business activities forever. Because no one wants to deal with someone who is too greedy."

"And as a real estate businessman who can make a big fortune in the UK, he is absolutely clear-headed to be able to reach this point. For him, the most important thing about this transaction is to get the piece of land in his hand. The land is sold.”

It can be seen from the time when the other party purchased this land that the other party originally hoped to use the Andong City Wall as an attraction to increase the value of the land. Unexpectedly, there were not many tourists in this place, and the investment naturally failed.

For Liang En, cards are far more important than money. Now that you have money, spending tens of thousands of pounds for the legendary power that is likely to appear is definitely a very worthwhile thing.

"So the land price is indeed something that cannot be explained." Fan Meng held the steering wheel and sighed, "There are too many factors that can affect the land price such as area, location, etc. Outsiders like us I can’t understand it at all.”

"For example, in the core area of ​​London, one million can only buy a 60-square-meter apartment, but here, we only spent 20,000 pounds to sell an area equivalent to more than 900 acres of land measured in China."

"After all, land is different from land." Liang En smiled and shook his head and said, "For example, the land I just bought is in the wilderness, and there is not even a road. No matter how big the area is, the land is not the same." How valuable is it?”

"I think if we moved to the Sahara Desert, as long as there are no minerals down there, I estimate that this money could buy a land ten times larger than this one."

After solving the biggest land issue on the next exploration, Liang En and the others quickly returned to the previous place. After greeting Professor Brown and his students, Liang En and Fan Meng rode their motorcycles and plunged into the hills.

Soon, they found the location recorded on the lead plates. Because even though 100 years have passed, the traces left by the previous Freemasons who blasted the mountain to sample and covered up the cave still exist.

The entire blasted area looks to be about the size of two basketball courts, and after so many years, these traces are also covered with a layer of green vegetation.

After standing in front of this gentle slope and simply comparing the surrounding environment, Liang En and the others quickly followed the gentle slope covered with gravel to the halfway up the hillside, and then came to a smooth place with gravel piled below. In front of the stone wall.

"Yes, this is it." After scraping away the moss mixed with a large amount of soil on the stone wall with a shovel, Liang En nodded with satisfaction. Because before him appeared a hastily carved Masonic symbol.

"We may not be able to open the entrance today." After a brief inspection of the surrounding area based on this mark, Fan Meng said to Liang En, "The amount of earthwork is too large. Just the two of us may need to dig several times." It takes genius to open it up.”

"It's okay, let's dig first." Liang En said, taking out an engineer shovel from his backpack and digging. At the same time, he said, "As for night, we can camp at the excavation site of the ancient Roman town down below. "

"After all, when I came here, I saw that there were some temporary houses around the excavation site of the ancient Roman town below. Professor Brown and his students would definitely be dissatisfied with their accommodation, so if we go over there and talk, we should be able to find a room to live in."

It has to be said that Fan Meng's estimate is indeed accurate. When excavating such loose soil mounds, the amount of earth required to clear a certain area may be much larger than that required on hard soil.

Therefore, if they want to clear out the entrance that is only 4-5 square meters in the lead plate record, Liang En and the others estimate that it will take three or four days to complete the work.

Naturally, in this case, Liang En and the others did not need to hurry up. So when it got dark, they packed up their tools and went down the mountain to the excavation site of the ancient Roman town.

Perhaps considering that this ancient Roman town required long-term excavation, in addition to a simple fence, a two-story eight-room prefabricated house and several ancillary buildings were built next to the ruins to facilitate the excavators' accommodation.

After getting the key from Professor Brown, Liang En and the others walked up the stairs to the second floor, and then opened the innermost room on the second floor.

The layout of the house is very simple. Apart from two double-decker single beds, there are only two chairs and an electric lamp, and nothing else.

"It's nice here, at least it has a roof." After turning on the light and looking at the surrounding environment, Fan Meng nodded with satisfaction. Then the two of them put their luggage away, then left the room and headed to the front of the building. On the open ground.

At this time, Professor Brown was leading the students around the campfire to prepare dinner. When Liang En and the others saw it, they immediately stepped forward to help. Soon, everyone was chatting about their day jobs.

"You are saying that the target of your excavation this time is a pagan ruins located in a cave?" When everyone sat around the campfire to eat, Professor Brown's eyes widened, "This is much more powerful than I imagined. .”

"Actually, we are not sure that the clue we found before is true, but we saw the Masonic symbol on the stone wall." Liang En said, showing the photo he just took.

"In this case, even if there is nothing hidden here. I can still make back the money I paid for the land by selling the things I found before and the story."

"This is indeed a good idea. After all, apart from their craftsmanship and age, the most important thing about the price of such things is the story." Professor Brown nodded.

"For example, after such a gimmick, let alone the price of other things, it shouldn't be too difficult to double the price of this land."

Just like the price of antiques, the price of land is closely related to the attachments on it. For example, the land where a secret Masonic base is located is naturally much higher than the pure wilderness.

"By the way, do you still need someone for the cleaning work over there?" Just as everyone was eating and drinking, Professor Brown suddenly asked Liang En.

"Of course it is necessary. I think you just saw in the photo that the entrance to the cave was blocked by collapsed rubble, so the workload of excavation is far better than everyone imagined."

"If that's the case, I think my students can spare a few people to help you tomorrow." After listening to Liang En's answer, Professor Brown put forward his own suggestion.

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