Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 118 Relics in the Cave

The reason why Professor Brown asked Liang En to send students to help him was because he felt that based on Liang En's previous contributions to archaeological work, it was very likely that a valuable ancient relic would be found this time.

Considering that the ruins were not far from this ancient Roman town, Professor Brown felt that the ruins were likely to be somehow related to the ruins they were excavating now.

Therefore, he hoped to have some of his students go to Liang En to observe the ruins in the cave up close in order to gain first-hand information.

"Thank you very much, Professor Brown. I welcome everyone to come and help." After listening to Professor Brown's suggestion, Liang En replied with a smile.

For him, the prerequisite for finding various treasures is to use legal means instead of digging illegally. This is why he spent so much money and energy to buy this land.

In this case, his excavation work can naturally be placed in the sun openly without worrying about being seen by others. So he naturally welcomes anyone willing to come and help.

To Liang En's surprise, when he asked who was willing to go hunting for treasure in the mountains with him, all seven students raised their hands and showed eager eyes, so much so that Professor Brown had to draw lots to choose to stay. people.

It was only during the subsequent chat that he learned that because of his previous deciphering of ancient Egyptian texts, Liang En himself was now regarded as a rising star in the history and archeology circles.

Especially for these young students, many of them regard Liang En, a young scholar who is about the same age as them but has already achieved great achievements, as their idol.

So after hearing that Liang En was looking for possible ancient secret religious sites in this area, they all hoped to follow the young idol to survey the new ruins.

Of course, the reason why these students are so enthusiastic is similar to what Liang En is doing now, which is a bit like the explorers in movies like Indiana Jones or Laura.

Compared with cleaning up the ancient Roman house with only one foundation left bit by bit, it is obviously a much more interesting thing to search for an ancient religious place related to Freemasonry.

So early the next morning, Liang En and Fan Meng, who had just finished breakfast, took the three students who had won yesterday's lottery back to yesterday's excavation site to continue their cleaning work.

Soon, one of the students who was assigned to use a metal detector to check the surrounding area was the first to discover an artificial artifact: he dug out a piece of copper with the Masonic symbol among the stones and soil on the ground. Quality badge.

This badge is stained with rust, and the pin at the back has been broken. It looks likely to be the Masonic symbol that the Freemason carried with him when he was provoked.

"It seems that the clues we found before are now very likely to be true." After wiping off the patina on the badge and looking at the mottled silver plating on it, Liang En showed the badge to everyone and encouraged everyone.

After passing these badges around, everyone present became energetic. Because it is obviously impossible for such a thing to grow legs and appear in the wilderness on its own. Its presence here can only prove that the records left back then are indeed true.

"Wait, the back here seems to be empty." After everyone had been digging enthusiastically for almost half an hour, Liang En discovered that there was no longer a stone wall under the shovelful of dirt that the shovel had just removed, but a dark cave.

The discovery of the cave made everyone energetic. Everyone present immediately started to clean up the debris blocking the entrance of the cave regardless of their fatigue.

But to everyone's surprise, after they excavated the surface layer of gravel, which was less than half a meter thick, what was exposed below was actually a low wall built of two layers of wood and one layer of rammed earth.

"Obviously, this cave was abandoned when everything was prepared. So we can look forward to the preservation situation." Just as everyone started digging, Liang En also began to explain to Fan Meng in a low voice the things discovered now. What does it mean?

And when everyone cleared the top of the low wall, they found that the low wall should have covered the entire hole, but the previous Freemason had destroyed part of it through violence to allow him to pass.

"We found a cave, and there are traces of artificial blockage at the door." After checking the low wall that sealed the door with the archeology students, Liang En immediately used the walkie-talkie to notify Professor Brown who was digging outside the mountain. .

"According to the judgment of your three students, the wall that now blocks the entrance of the cave was probably built in the ancient Roman era, but we are currently unable to determine the specific age when this wall was built."

"Is this really a building from the ancient Roman era?" Liang En heard Professor Brown's excitement from the intercom. "Wait for me, I will come right away with my people."

"Where is the thing?" Ten minutes later, Professor Brown and his students rushed over on all-terrain vehicles and asked loudly before they even got off the car.

"Right here." He waved to Professor Brown and the others who were more than ten meters away, and then pointed to the pile of rubble behind him. "We haven't gone in yet, mainly to avoid causing any damage inside-"

"What you did is correct. Although you have received corresponding training, you are not specifically trained for ancient Roman ruins. Therefore, some problems may occur during the cleaning process."

Professor Brown grabbed Liang En's hand and climbed up the rubble pile, then looked at the cave entrance and low wall that had been cleared below and said.

With Professor Brown as the host, the next work became much more professional. Everyone first used cameras to photograph and measure the low wall, then slightly expanded the previously dug hole and turned on the flashlights.

"It seems that the Freemason from back then crawled in." The moment the flashlight light hit the ground, Liang En discovered several handprints on the layer of dust at the bottom of the cave.

However, after briefly taking pictures of the surroundings, they found that these fingerprints were mainly concentrated near the entrance of the cave and did not go deep into the entrance of the cave.

This is very good news. It means that the Freemason, after using the light to see clearly the situation in the cave, retreated directly due to mental shock and blocked the entrance of the cave with some explosives.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the things in the cave will remain in the same state as when they were buried, allowing more information to be left to this day.

"Let's go in." After ventilating for more than an hour, Professor Brown and Liang En looked at each other, then each took a gas mask, bent down and got into the room wearing disposable protective clothing with gloves and foot gloves. A cave.

Because of the wind just passed by, the air in the cave is relatively fresh. Through the illumination of flashlights, they discovered that the cave was not a large natural cave at all.

Although it is a natural cave, the traces of artificial modification throughout the cave are also very obvious. For example, Liang En saw at first glance that there was a wall on the left hand side and the front of the entrance, and an arch above it.

"I think I know where this place is." When Liang En shined the flashlight into the depths of the cave, he first saw a statue at the bottom of the cave facing the door, which made him recognize this place. The specific identity of the cave.

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