Archaeologists can often discover information left by ancient humans in ruins. For example, these garbage in the eyes of ordinary people can allow them to analyze a lot of interesting things.

For example, these archaeologists can infer the time when the banquet was held and the eating habits of the local people through these bones, fruit cores and the like.

It is even possible to further infer a series of contents such as the financial status and logistics situation of the region through the recipes finally discovered.

And this is why archaeologists hate private treasure hunters, because those private treasure hunters only focus on items with sufficient economic value, and in turn will destroy many carriers containing information.

"This statue must be very valuable." Fan Meng whispered while looking at the statue of Mithras placed on the main seat of the cave. Because he found that the statue was very similar to a similar statue now hidden in the British Empire Museum in London.

Considering that the statue was rated as one of the top 100 cultural relics of the British Empire Museum, Fan Meng felt that it would not be difficult at all to sell the statue for millions or even millions of pounds.

"Yes, it's very valuable. It's a pity that we can't sell this statue." Liang En said while looking at the white marble statue that was as warm as ivory.

Under British law, Leung now owns the Sun Cave and everything in it. But not only can he not sell any of the items, he is also obliged to preserve them.

"In other words, not only can't we make money from these things we dug up, but we also have to keep losing money?" After listening to Liang En's explanation, Fan Meng's eyes widened.

"To be precise, we should just lose money for the time being." Liang En said, staring at the exquisite statues in the cave and the complete mosaic patterns inlaid on the walls and floors.

"This place should be the most luxurious sun cave in the whole of Britain. It has extremely high artistic value, and it is not far from the Antonine Wall attraction. So it should be profitable if it is developed."

"Don't forget, I bought not only this cave from that real estate businessman before, but also more than 900 acres of surrounding land. Although more than half of it is mountain forest, the remaining flat land has been developed with some ancillary There is still no problem at the service point.”

"That's right. The cave must be preserved intact, but it doesn't say that commercial real estate cannot be developed around it." Fan Meng clapped his hands and suddenly realized, "Even if the scale here is not big, it is definitely very profitable."

While Professor Brown was leading his group of students in the deepest hall of the cave, using various tools to collect samples from the cracks in the stones, Liang En quickly walked out of the cave and dialed a number stored in his mobile phone.

Soon, the phone was connected, and then a deep voice came from the receiver. "I'm glad to receive your call again, Mr. Liang. What did you dig up this time?"

On the opposite side of the phone was Dr. David Caldwell from the Scottish Underground Treasure Department. He seemed very enthusiastic after discovering that it was Liang En who called him.

After all, Dr. Caldwell has been paying attention to this young man since the Iron Age golden ring that Liang En dug up last time.

It turned out that this young man not only discovered many things of important historical significance in just six months, but he also made significant academic achievements.

Therefore, in Dr. Caldwell's view, Liang En is obviously a genius in this area. So after receiving Liang En's call, his first reaction was that this young man whom he was very optimistic about had discovered something important.

"Yes, I found a well-preserved sun cave on my land near the ruins of an ancient Roman town south of the garrison site of the Antonine Wall."

"This Sun Cave should have been abandoned when the Antonine Great Wall was abandoned. The believers took away almost everything that could be taken away in the cave before leaving, but the stone carvings left behind looked very exquisite - "

Liang En introduced his previous discoveries as fast as he could, and sent some of the photos he had taken over the Internet.

It was obvious that Dr. Caldwell was very shocked by those exquisite sculptures and mosaics, so he was silent for more than ten seconds before he came to his senses and continued talking to Liang En on the phone.

"This is a great discovery. Wait for us two or three hours, and our people will rush over immediately. Also, Professor Brown from Durham University is a professional in this field, you can trust him. "

"It seems we have two or three hours." After hanging up the phone, Liang En put away his phone and picked up the metal detector and said to Fan Meng. "We can see if there's anything else interesting around."

From the exquisiteness of this cave, Liang Enneng could see that it took a lot of financial, material, and manpower to complete this small palace. Therefore, he believed that there should be other traces of human activities around the cave.

The facts were the same as Liang En's analysis. Just after they explored an area the size of a basketball court on the gravel-filled slope next to them, the metal detector in his hand rang again.

Liang En stood up straight and observed the surrounding situation, and found that he was now standing less than 20 meters away from the cave just now, and the metal reaction was in the stone wall under his feet.

"What did you find?" After hearing the alarm sound of the metal detector, Fan Meng, who was not far away, ran over and asked. "I remember your detector should only react to precious metals."

"Yes, there should be silver underneath the sound." Liang En put down the metal detector and took out the shovel and started digging, while Fan Meng was helping him.

Soon, a section that looked like the upper half of a cave appeared in front of them.

At the same time, Liang En also found the thing that made the metal detector respond just now: a 19th-century one-crown silver sword coin with a relief on the side of George III's head.

What’s even weirder is that this silver coin is not stuck somewhere like a lost coin, but is wrapped in carbonized fabric and stuffed in the cracks of the stone.

"Do you think this thing is something left by the Freemasons?" Fan Meng said after taking a look at the coin.

Because this silver coin was issued between 1818 and 1820, just before the era of the former Freemason who left the lead piece, this can't help but evoke some associations.

"The only option is to keep digging." Liang En rubbed his numb hands and started digging. Fortunately, the location of this cave is much higher than the previous cave, so the amount of earthwork excavated is naturally different.

Soon, Liang En and the others appeared from under the crack where the silver coins had been hidden, a wooden board that looked at least 1m5 wide and covered with a layer of rusty iron.

"You're right, there shouldn't be only one ruin in this place." After seeing the iron-clad wooden board that was obviously used as a wooden door to block the entrance, Fan Meng stepped forward and tapped it with his fingers before turning his head and saying.

"It's just that judging from this wooden board, I don't think it is a product of the ancient Roman era. Because in the ancient Roman era, there certainly were no such iron nails and iron sheets that were obviously mechanically produced."

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