Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 122 The Destroyed Sun Cave

After realizing the weirdness of this place, Liang En and the others immediately went to the nearby cave to call Professor Brown and his students. Then they started digging together.

Because of the large number of people and the strength, all the gravel on the nearly square wooden board was cleared away in just ten minutes.

"These gravels are somewhat different from the previous ones." After carefully picking up a few pieces of gravel with a magnifying glass and looking at them, Professor Brown said to Liang En.

"Unlike the rubble accumulated in front of the previous ruins, the rubble in this place had been dug up before and then piled up again."

"In other words, after the previous Freemason blasted the mountain, someone dug up the rubble twice and discovered the cave below." After listening to Professor Brown's analysis, Liang En fell into In the midst of thinking.

However, Liang En, who was lost in thought, did not hinder the next work of Fan Meng and the students. Soon, the iron-covered wooden board was lifted aside by several people, and then a hole was revealed that could only be used by an adult male to climb in. Small cave. "

Damn grave robbers! "Just after climbing into the cave for inspection, Professor Brown cursed loudly. Liang En, who was following him, shined a flashlight around and suddenly understood why he did this.

Because the overall structure of this cave is very close to the Mithraic Sun Cave just now, but the overall structure is obviously much simpler. For example, there were three rooms in the cave before, but there are only two rooms in this one.

At the same time, unlike the cave just now that was filled with various sculptures, this cave was empty.

Judging from some of the murals left on the walls of the cave, it turns out that the cave itself was also the sun cave of Mithraism, so there were ceilings that imitated the starry sky and statues of gods unique to Mithraism.

However, unlike the Sun Cave not far away, which is almost intact as new, this cave has obviously experienced a man-made catastrophe: the original murals on the walls were stripped away in large areas, leaving only the bare walls themselves.

"This mural will not have been damaged for more than 100 years." Looking at the sharp-edged marks, Professor Brown cursed angrily, and his voice was amplified by the small cave and buzzed in everyone's ears.

Almost all the students present looked at the mess in front of them with angry eyes, because the damage here was so serious, both the statue of Mithras at the core of the Sun Cave and the surrounding portraits recording religious rituals were all gone. .

However, Liang En and Fan Meng did not feel that they shared the same hatred as those present. After all, the British had pasted murals in other countries in the same way. It was normal for their own murals to be damaged. There was not much to be overly sad about.

Of course, they still had sad looks on their faces. This is mainly because the cave now belongs to Liang En, so if it is destroyed, it will be equivalent to damage to his property, and naturally he will not be happy.

"What is that?" After scanning around with a flashlight, they unexpectedly discovered something that seemed to be where the altar should have been placed.

"Let me take a look." Liang En said, taking out his flashlight and walking to the edge of the platform. He found that seven silver coins were lined up on the stone platform, which was the same as the stone cracks that Liang En and the others had placed above the entrance of the cave. The silver coins found were exactly the same.

This gives people a sense of time and space distortion. After all, such Victorian silver coins should not appear in an ancient Roman ruins.

"For Mithraism, seven is a magical number." Professor Brown came from behind and said, "So the seven silver coins in this place are probably related to this."

"If you say so, I think there is a high probability that these silver coins were placed by people who came here before. There was some kind of trend of reviving ancient paganism in the Victorian era, so many people are trying to revive those ancient paganism. teach."

After hearing what Professor Brown said, Liang En quickly synthesized the information he had obtained before and came to a conclusion.

"In other words, these silver coins may be some kind of reward, used in exchange for taking away the murals or stone carvings. Similar to the Chinese people who buy statues of gods when they go home, you can't say "buy", but say "please".

Historically, starting after the Industrial Revolution, non-Christian paganism in continental Europe gradually began to cause a revival. In the beginning, these things were all secret, because the power of religion was still very strong at that time.

However, with the passage of time and the weakening of religious power, these pagan activities have become more and more frequent, and at the same time, various activities have gradually been brought to the fore.

For example, in the early 18th century, William Stukery, an archaeologist and physician at the University of Cambridge, a freemason and an Anglican minister, led a movement to reconstruct the Druidic religion.

Today, the emerging Druidism can already practice openly. For example, in the first decade of the 21st century, this religion has obtained the status of a legal religion in the UK. and gather publicly near Stonehenge on the winter solstice.

Therefore, it would be a very reasonable explanation to say that some British people who re-selected Mithraism discovered this sun cave and then took away all the religious-related things in the ruins for their own activities.

"If that's the case, then it's okay. What I'm most worried about now is that some people will take it away and keep it as a private collection and hide it in my room." After listening to Liang En's analysis, Professor Brown sighed and said.

"If it is really the revival of those ancient religions, the other party should have consciously maintained the integrity of those murals. One day we will have the opportunity to see the contents on them."

One thing Liang En and the others are sure of is that there is a high probability that the murals that were taped down still exist. After all, using special tape to remove murals from the walls is a very professional act. Only people with money and clear goals can do it. Do this.

Therefore, the guy who stole the murals from here must have had enough money and professionals. In this case, it is a high probability that the murals will remain today after more than a hundred years.

While Professor Brown and the students were taking pictures of the damaged cave with distressed expressions, Liang En followed Fan Meng out of the entrance of the cave.

"Did you find something just now?" After coming out of the cave, Liang En, who confirmed that there was no one around, asked Fan Meng in a low voice, because Fan Meng was the last one to come in, and after entering, he pulled Liang En's clothes to signal. I have something to say to him.

"Yes, a new discovery." Fan Meng said, taking out the silver coin that he had just dug out from the cracks in the rocks above the cave, and then placed it in front of Liang En.

"When you entered the cave just now, I thought the cave was too small and it would be boring if there were too many people. So I just stayed outside and looked at the silver coin just now, and I found an unusual mark."

As he spoke, Fan Meng pointed at the surface of the silver coin that should have been smooth under the portrait of George III on the front.

"This is the symbol of Freemasonry!" He took out a small magnifying glass from his body and took a look at the black dot at that location. Liang En immediately recognized that the black dot as big as a grain of rice was a compass. Masonic symbol composed of and ruler.

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