"We now need to wait for a while to ensure that the potentially harmful gases below have dissipated before we can go down." Taking advantage of this waiting time, Liang En began to speak to the camera lens.

After all, this time is different from the previous treasure hunt activities, and the audience in front of the camera needs to be considered, so Liang En also needs to talk to the camera and communicate when he has free time.

Otherwise, it would be terrible if the audience dislikes you when the final show is over and you don't get the bonus.

"If a closed space like this is kept closed for a long time, it is very easy for some gases that are harmful to the human body to appear, such as a basement where no one has been in for a long time."

"So you must remember to ventilate before entering such a room, otherwise various serious accidents due to lack of oxygen are likely to occur——"

Just as Liang En was eloquently introducing some daily knowledge to the audience in front of the camera, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The caller was from the staff who had previously received them at Hampton Court Palace Museum, and the reason why they did so was related to the cigar cone that Liang En had taken away from there.

"Sorry, Mr. Liang, the silver-plated cigar tube you just took away should belong to our Hampton Court Palace Museum, but it was lost during the transfer during World War II-"

"So what you're saying is that I need to return this cigar tube to you now, right?" Liang En said with some displeasure. Obviously, this was a mistake made by the museum before.

"We will pay you 750 pounds as a reward." The staff member's voice came from the microphone. "This is indeed our mistake, and we are really, really sorry."

"Okay, I'm here in Whitechapel District now -" After hearing the other party's very serious apology, Liang En still forgave him.

After all, they were also workers, so Liang En felt that it was best to stop in this regard. It was enough to get a reasonable answer, and there was no need to keep struggling.

Half an hour later, two staff from Hampton Court Palace walked into the excavation site. Obviously the other party drove over directly.

"Here, the stuff is here." After seeing the two staff members coming, Liang En handed over the cigar tube, "But do you know anything about this cigar tube?"

"We only know that this thing comes from the 17th century and was produced in England." The younger of the two staff members said.

"The internal records at Hampton Court Palace are very vague about this thing. They just say that this thing was found in a cabinet and was thrown into the warehouse until it was lost during the transfer during World War II."

"It seems you don't know the secret here." After listening to the staff, Liang En smiled, and then told the two staff members what he had just discovered in front of the camera.

From Liang En's point of view, since he had just broadcast the process of finding out the secrets in front of the camera, it was natural that he would tell these staff what was going on at this time.

Obviously, this was a very attractive story, and it was also related to Hampton Court Palace, so the two staff members stayed to wait for Liang En's next step in the search.

It happened that the ventilation work underground had been completed during this period, so Liang En put on a gas mask and climbed down the ladder to the entrance of the secret room below.

After opening the door to the secret room made of wood and iron, Liang En found himself in a tunnel paved entirely with bricks.

Unexpectedly, although this place is on the edge of a well, it is not as humid as expected. It just has a slightly cold atmosphere.

However, it is unclear whether it was for the convenience of construction or because people in the past were not tall. The height of the tunnel is only about 1m7. Therefore, Liang En had to walk forward with his back hunched over.

"Eh-" He took out his flashlight and took a few steps forward, when he noticed a flash of silver light on the ground. When he got closer, he saw it was a silver coin.

As he continued to move forward, more and more silver coins were scattered on the road, as if someone had hurriedly stolen the silver coins from the treasure house, and then scattered the money all the way because he was in a hurry.

"Is this a money cellar?" Liang En frowned as he looked at the thick stack of silver coins in his hand. Considering how chaotic the place has been, it's likely that this is where some gangster hides his money.

But if it is a place where gangsters hide their money, then these people should be aware of being hunted down. It is very unprofessional to do something like this where more than a dozen silver coins were missed along the way.

Thinking of this, Liang En shook his head and continued to walk forward. After all, the end of the road was not far ahead. If there was something, the answer to the mystery would be revealed soon.

At the end of the tunnel is a dark basement, which is lower than the previous tunnel and only covers an area of ​​11 or 12 square meters, but the whole house is packed to the brim.

Taking up most of the area are some wooden boxes and barrels, but they have obviously decayed due to the passage of time.

After opening some boxes and barrels, Liang En found that they were completely carbonized. After taking a closer look, he realized that these things were luxury goods from France.

The boxes mainly contain textiles, such as velvet and lace. And those wooden barrels contain France’s famous specialty wine.

Considering that the consumers of this type of luxury goods are all wealthy and powerful people, if this is really a smuggler's den, then it is reasonable for the other party to locate it in London, close to the market.

Soon, photographer Hans and a Hampton Court Palace staff member also came down from the top. Then everyone worked together to clean up the basement under Liang En's command.

More than an hour later, as a row of messy debris was cleared away, a new secret door on the wall was revealed.

"I think the real target is behind this secret door." The staff member pointed the flashlight at the secret door on the wall and said, "Just the wine and velvet, I don't think it is necessary to notify the transfer through such a covert means. .”

"You're right." Liang En stepped forward and took out a silver coin that was sandwiched between the secret door and the floor. "Obviously, there should be a small vault hiding money behind the secret door, otherwise this silver coin would be Won't--"

Speaking of this, Liang En suddenly paused. Because he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the silver coin in his hand. He saw something different from the traces left when he took the silver coin out of the gap.

"This seems to be a fake silver coin." Liang En stuck the flashlight on the special clip on the side of the helmet, then took out a knife and started scratching on the silver coin.

Sure enough, when the knife dug through the surface layer, what was exposed at the wound was not the shiny color of silver, but an obvious gray color.

"Yes, this is a fake silver coin." The staff member said, "In the era when this silver coin was minted, 1/5 of the silver coins circulating in the market were fake, so it is not surprising to find fake silver coins in a place like this. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"No, no, no, come and take a look at these silver coins." Liang En said, taking out the silver coins he found along the way and said, "Do you think these silver coins are a bit too new?"

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