Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 134 The Outlaws of the 18th Century

In the dark basement, with the light of everyone's flashlights, Liang En looked at the camera lens and raised the silver coins in his hand and began to explain the suspicious aspects of these silver coins.

Under normal circumstances, before the advent of the Internet era, no matter what kind of business a businessman did, the currency they received was often different from old to new.

This is especially true for those who do illegal business. Because of their unique trading habits, there is basically not much new currency in the currency they receive.

But now the silver coins Liang En found in the secret rooms and tunnels were a little too new. Not to mention the oxide layer or wear and tear that those old coins should have, there were not even a scratch on these silver coins.

"Look, these silver coins look like they were just minted, and there are more than one scattered on the ground." Liang En said, taking out the few silver coins he just picked up from his pocket and showing them to the camera.

"If these silver coins are all fake silver coins, then there is a high probability that this place is related to the rampant counterfeit coin manufacturing back then. That's why there are so many coins with no trace of use in this place."

After finishing speaking, Liang En carefully used a crowbar to open the secret door in front of him. It turned out that inside the secret door was a small double-layered closet. "It seems that this should be the target we are looking for."

After pushing aside the thick cobwebs and dust with his hands, Liang En took out the three boxes placed inside the secret door.

These three boxes are all about the same size as shoe boxes, but the difference is that two boxes are very heavy and the other is very light.

Apparently, these boxes contain different things. And when Liang En's hand touched the lightest box, the white light used for identification disappeared, and at the same time, three cards appeared in his mind.

However, Liang En did not check his cards, but continued his previous work to inspect the small closet.

Judging from the placement of these boxes in the cabinet, there should have been items equivalent to the volume of six boxes placed there at first, but the items previously placed in these spaces have already been taken away.

Judging from the silver coins picked up in the secret room and tunnel just now, it is likely that there were a lot of fake silver coins that were placed here before.

So when encountering an emergency, people who realize that they want to give up here leave with the silver coins that are easiest to spend, leaving only those things that are inconvenient to get rid of.

After a final search of the secret room and making sure that nothing was left behind. Liang En and the three of them climbed up with the pile of things they found and the help of those who stayed behind.

It took too much time to sort out the things in the secret room. When we returned to the ground, it was already afternoon and the sky was getting dark.

"Next we should contact a laboratory." Liang En ordered Fan Meng after returning to the ground, "These boxes are likely to contain some organic matter, so it is not convenient to open them in such a place-"

"You can come to our place and open these boxes." After hearing Liang En's instructions, the staff member who was waiting above said.

"I have just contacted our curator and she has invited you to come to our Heritage Laboratory at Hampton Court Palace Museum."

"You just saw that our laboratory is not only fully equipped, but also has many professional personnel who can cooperate with your work. The most important thing is that our director said that the funds for this part of the cleanup will be paid unconditionally by the museum."

Hampton Court Palace Museum is a for-profit museum, so the curator also needs to consider this aspect. Obviously, the influence of the program that Liang En is currently participating in is not small, and it will naturally be beneficial for the museum to participate in the program.

For Liang En, it is naturally good to have free helpers and venues.

After all, Dr. Caldwell just asked him to help promote various museums, but it was up to him to choose which museum. So he naturally agreed to the other party's suggestion.

More than an hour later, a long table in the subordinate laboratory of Hampton Court Palace was illuminated by slightly dim white lights. A row of transparent boxes were neatly placed under the light.

"The items we found in the secret room were the criminal tools of a leading 17th-century outlaw and included four sets of steel molds for silver coins and a copper version of the Bank of England note, Britain's earliest banknote."

Liang En said, pointing to several transparent boxes filled with nitrogen in front of him. Each of these boxes was put into a set of metal molds that had just undergone simple rust removal.

In the past few dozen minutes, Liang En not only helped complete the cleaning work, but also kept explaining to the camera the cleaning and protection of these cultural relics.

There are many more people interested in these professional things than expected. At least Liang En learned from Old Mike that the number of people watching his channel during this period has at least tripled compared to the beginning.

This is naturally good news for Liang En, because in this way, he can complete the goal entrusted by Dr. Caldwell to popularize archaeological knowledge to the public.

In fact, the doctor has always been troubled by the lack of popularization of archaeological knowledge among the public. After all, both the Indiana Jones series and the Tomb Raider series are illegal excavations in the eyes of professionals, and they are also very bad.

For example, whether it is the Indiana Jones series or the Tomb Raider series, there was no formal permit application process from the beginning, and what followed was a series of serious damage and looting of various cultural relics and monuments.

This is why Liang En agreed to help the doctor promote it. As a person from an ancient eastern country, he only needs to visit the Longmen Grottoes or Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and see the destroyed cultural relics to know what to do.

It is also for this reason that Liang En chooses to follow the rules before starting every treasure hunt. Although this may seem pedantic, at least it will not be nailed to the stigma of being a destroyer of history.

"Everyone can pay attention here." After explaining the proliferation of counterfeit currency in that era, Liang En pointed to a special stamp next to the steel molds and said.

"According to the information we found before, this imprint consisting of the capital letters w and c belongs to William Challoner, the largest counterfeiter in Britain at that time."

A person who dares to put his badge on a counterfeit coin mold is definitely not an ordinary person, and this William Chaloner can be regarded as an absolutely genius criminal from all aspects.

For example, he petitioned Congress to accuse the mint of providing tools to counterfeiters for a fee, and asked Congress to allow him to inspect the mint's production process to prove his accusation.

He also asked Congress to adopt what he called an "uncounterfeitable coinage process" and an accompanying plan to combat counterfeiting.

At the same time, he deceived Parliament and claimed to the committee investigating the defects of the mint that he could improve the coinage without increasing costs and prevent counterfeiting of currency.

The most surprising thing is that William Chaloner also wrote a pamphlet called "The Disadvantages of the Current Mint System" and presented a series of evidence to Parliament, taking this as an opportunity Claiming the position of Director of the Mint.

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