Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 140 Information and Ship

After several days of inquiry, Liang En collected enough information.

This information mainly comes from two epic poems, one of which is the Saga of Eric the Red, one of the earliest heroic sagas in Northern Europe, and the other is the Saga of the Greenlander.

Both poems describe a man who sails west from Greenland, finds a rich new home, and then returns home in rich glory.

Of course, there are plenty of adaptations in this genre of epics. The difference is as big as the difference between "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" and "Journey to the West".

However, after comparing and analyzing multiple versions of the epic, Liang En realized that even without taking into account the information about past lives, these materials could greatly reduce the scope of the search.

For example, one of the versions mentioned that the terrain near that territory is flat, making it easy to drag the boat to the shore for maintenance, but there are some rocks in the bay that need to be avoided.

Another version specifically mentions that the ground is a very soft grass, which is like a wool carpet when you step on it. What's even stranger is that the grass here is green even in winter.

If these details are true, then combining the climate conditions in the Americas thousands of years ago from current archaeological reports can filter out a large number of possible places.

"And I think the colonies built by the Vikings were probably located on an island or a peninsula." After carefully looking through a series of information, Fan Meng suddenly raised a point of view from the perspective of military defense.

"You think, these Vikings crossed the vast sea and came to a land they had never been before. When facing the unknown, humans tend to look for places that are convenient for defense."

"For a group of colonists from the sea, a place surrounded by water on four or three sides will obviously bring them more comfort. It will also be easier for them to evacuate in case of any attack."

"And this island and peninsula will be relatively north, with the long winter written in poetry. But it will not be too far north, so that there will be no grass at all." Liang En continued to analyze.

It is not difficult for Fan Meng to analyze this, because if you look carefully at those early colonies in the Age of Discovery, you will find that those colonies were initially located on islands or peninsulas.

For the side with the advantage of naval warfare and a small number of people, it is a good choice to stay as close to the sea as possible. Because this will at least provide sufficient support when war breaks out.

Ancient epics also support this possibility, because they once described in the epics that they had exchanges with the local indigenous people, but because of the gap in culture and people themselves, the two sides not only failed to achieve cooperation, but instead became hostile to each other.

It seems today that this hostility originated from an accident, because according to the poem, this group of Viking adventurers used dairy products when entertaining the local indigenous Indian chief.

There is actually no big problem with dairy products, except that Indians generally have lactose intolerance, so they feel very uncomfortable after eating them, and they then think that this group of Vikings may have poisoned them.

And this also illustrates one point, that is, you must ask others what they are allergic to before inviting them to dinner, otherwise something serious may really happen.

"Then let's start the search from Newfoundland." After combining the information from this world and the memories from another world, Liang En finally made the decision.

"After all, in terms of climate, this island obviously fits the environment described in those previous poems. Not only is there wood produced nearby, but there are also many berries that can be used for making wine, which meets the needs of the Vikings."

"The most important thing is that the island is the largest island in the entire sea area. Considering that the Vikings were colonists and needed enough space to develop, it makes sense for the other party to place their destination on the island."

So at noon on the third day after arriving in Greenland, Liang En and Fan Meng, who had collected enough information, took a plane directly to the airport near St. John's, the capital of Newfoundland, and then took a car straight to the dock and catch the bus. The incoming ships converge.

After entering the dock area and arriving at the berth that he had made an appointment on the phone, Liang En saw a small offshore fishing boat with a displacement of about four to five hundred tons waiting there.

"I thought it would be a salvage boat, or a yacht or something." Fan Meng whispered after finding the target among a row of similar-looking fishing boats at the pier.

"But the problem is that we don't do ocean salvage. The main purpose of using ships is to make transportation more convenient when looking for targets along the coastline, so as long as there is a ship that can act according to our orders." Liang En shrugged. Speaking of.

In fact, if it were in China, Liang En might choose to use land transportation directly to reach his destination.

Unfortunately, this place is on the east coast of Canada. Except for a few human settlements, the level of infrastructure in most places is equivalent to zero. Therefore, compared to driving in the wild and extreme off-road, taking a boat is obviously a more suitable means of adventure.

Especially all the information collected before pointed out that their destination this time was on the seaside, so choosing a boat as a means of transportation would also allow them to reach their destination directly.

After Liang En and the others came under the boat and spoke to the side of the boat a few times, the gangplank on the boat was lowered. Unexpectedly, Butler Robuchon stepped down from the gangplank at this time.

"Steward Robuchon, why are you here?" Liang En asked with surprise on his face, looking at Mr. Butler's gray hair and wrinkles on his face.

Because in his opinion, the status of a butler like Mr. Robuchon in the Earl's family would never be low, so he really didn't expect that this elder would come to participate in this exploration in person.

"Because I hope to receive your good news as soon as possible and see your discovery with my own eyes." Butler Robuchon showed a smile on his face.

"Although my body no longer allows me to go to sea for a long time, I will wait here in St. John's as much as possible during this time and help you coordinate and explore related matters."

Under the leadership of Mr. Butler, everyone entered the cabin together and then had a brief understanding of the ship.

As soon as he got on the boat, Liang En discovered that the boat was different from what he imagined. Although this boat is said to be a fishing boat, in fact, Rubsson Butler made a lot of preparations for this expedition.

For example, the entire boat was cleaned very clean and there was no fishy smell at all.

At the same time, the cabin that was obviously used to hold fish was now vacated and loaded with a series of supplies, such as various supplies and additional tools, all for the smooth progress of Liang En and their subsequent expeditions.

The captain of this ship is Robuchon's second son. He had been the captain of the Earl's yacht before. This time, he was specially transferred here considering the importance of the expedition.

The other seven crew members on the ship are all veterans who have worked on the same model ship of the Earl's fishing company in this area for more than seven years. They are very familiar with both the ship and the hydrological conditions of this area in the northwest North Atlantic.

"Have a safe journey." After taking Liang En and the others to get to know the entire ship, Butler Lubuchong shook hands with Liang En, then left the ship and stood on the dock waving.

"Goodbye, please wait for our good news." Liang En stood on the side of the ship and waved to the steward. "We'll definitely find the place."

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