With a low and melodious whistle, the fishing boat slowly left the dock and headed eastward along a narrow waterway toward the Atlantic Ocean. Behind Liang En and the others was St. John's that was gradually receding. .

There are no high-rise buildings in this city, only some small buildings no taller than four floors. The facades of the small buildings are colorful and look as if they have just been painted by a group of children.

According to the taxi driver on their way from the airport to the pier, the buildings in this city are deliberately painted in bright colors so that fishermen who go to sea can see their hometown from a distance when they return home. Location.

Inside the busy bridge, Captain Robuchon raised his walkie-talkie to deliver instructions to every post on the ship. From the smooth running of the entire ship, it can be seen that the crew members on the ship are indeed veterans.

After seeing Liang En and Fan Meng enter the bridge along the stairs, Captain Robuchon greeted them warmly, and then handed each of them a telescope.

"Are the six locations I just gave you easy to get to by boat?" Liang En asked after raising his telescope and looking at the Cape Spear Lighthouse, known as the easternmost point in North America, at the mouth of the sea not far away.

These six locations were circled by Liang En based on the impressions in his mind and a series of information collected. They are considered the most likely locations based on the combination of ocean currents and surrounding environment.

"Don't worry, it's not too difficult to get close to the destination in these locations. Except for one location on the west coast of the island, which is more troublesome due to undercurrents, the other five locations are relatively easy to get to."

Little Robuchon explained to Liang En while looking at the chart.

"Since our targets are all on this island, let's go out to sea and circle the island counterclockwise. We can visit all six suspicious locations."

After more than an hour at sea, they arrived at their first target, an offshore island not far from the starting point. Then, accompanied by a sailor, they arrived at the island in a pre-prepared inflatable rubber boat.

But after just a brief search, Liang En returned on the inflatable rubber boat. Because he found that there was no fresh water on this island, so it was obviously not suitable for a colony.

"Don't be discouraged." Fan Meng comforted Liang En on the way back. "After all, this place is so remote that we simply can't collect enough information. Sometimes we can only determine the specific situation in the area by making a trip."

"Don't worry, I won't be hit that easily." Liang En smiled and shook his head, and then said, "It's just that I was thinking about how many problems were missed in the information we collected before."

"After all, there were too few clues when we were preparing to set off, so there will definitely be a lot of problems when making judgments. But I never thought that such a low-level mistake would be made before."

After returning to the ship, the entire ship began to continue its journey north. Because all the crew members on the ship were veterans, and the rest of the journey was mainly on the waterway, Little Lubuchong had some free time to chat with Liang En and the others.

"I'm a little curious as to why you chose to search so far north." Little Robuchon asked an inner doubt.

"Did anyone else search for this ancient Viking colony called Wenlan before?" Liang En showed a puzzled expression after hearing what little Robuchon said.

"Of course there is. After all, those epics were carved on the ancient stones and have been there ever since. So naturally many people come to look for this place."

"Some of them are scholars in this field or businessmen who came after hearing the news, while others seem a bit mysterious, but the brooches on their chests look like they are probably Freemasons."

"The Freemasons? Why are they again!" Liang En frowned subconsciously, because he remembered that the guys who destroyed his sun hole last time were members of the Freemasons.

"This is normal, because many members of the Freemasonry are mystics, so they will also look for a series of things related to legends, such as those legendary places in epic records." The younger Rubsson was right. Know something about this kind of thing.

"For example, some Freemasons in Europe have been looking for places like Atlantis, Troy or even Avalon, and believe that they can gain supernatural powers by searching for such legendary places."

Having said this, little Rubuchon showed an indifferent smile on his face.

"The reason why Freemasonry in many places was established is to find those legendary existences. But except for a few historical sites, I have never heard of anyone finding anything related to supernatural powers."

Liang En nodded in agreement. Although he had mastered this power, he also knew that these things did not exist in this world.

However, if you think about the millions of people in the United States alone who believe that the earth is a flat surface rather than a sphere, you will understand why so many people pursue these mythical and completely unscientific legends.

"In fact, the ship we are on now was chartered to find the Viking North American colony we were looking for this time, but in the end we found nothing."

"Can I ask where those people were searching back then?" Liang En suddenly became excited after hearing that the young Robuchon said that this ship had taken another expedition team on an expedition with the same goal. and asked.

"The other party went to Massachusetts in the United States because the group of New York Freemasons believed that the epic specifically recorded that grapes grew locally, and also later used a lot of ink to introduce how they used these grapes to make wine."

"In the Americas, the coast of Massachusetts in the United States is the northern line of grape growing, so those who search will basically choose Massachusetts as their search location."

"That's why I was surprised to hear that you were going to search for these things in Newfoundland, because that place is so far north that it would have been impossible to grow grapes even in those warm years."

"What you said makes sense, but I have a special idea in this place." Liang En took out his phone and pulled out a picture, and then said.

"As far as I know, the ancient Vikings' classification of many species was inconsistent with today's. For example, for the Vikings, almost all berries that can be used for winemaking can be called grapes."

"While searching for information, I discovered that Newfoundland is rich in a variety of berries. Some of them, like cranberries, can barely be used for winemaking, but due to insufficient sugar, the quality of the wine produced will be very poor. Poor quality.”

"This corresponds to the epic story in which the second group of colonists arrived and found that the quality of local grapes was very poor. The wine produced not only had a poor taste, but also had a very low alcohol content."

"What you say does make sense." Little Robuchon nodded and said, "So, in this place that no one has ever thought of searching before, I think we might actually be able to find what we are looking for. "

Unlike the old Robuchon, the young Robuchon was obviously not very optimistic about this scientific expedition at the beginning. However, after Liang En's analysis, he admitted that Liang En did have a slight possibility of finding the ruins.

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