Before dark, Liang En and his crew sailed more than 120 kilometers and searched for two destinations. But neither destination was where they were looking for.

The first of them is located on an offshore island only a few hundred meters away from Newfoundland. However, after actual survey, it was discovered that this island has no fresh water at all, making it impossible for humans to survive for a long time.

Although some traces of human activities were found in another place after simple exploration, judging from the fishhooks made of bones and the spearheads made of stones, these should only be left by the local indigenous people.

Especially since they only found a few pits that had been used to make fires but no remains of any permanent buildings, Liang En was basically certain that this location was just a temporary camp used by indigenous people for fishing in the past.

After nightfall, the fishing boat found a harbor and dropped its anchor. After all, search operations need to be carried out during the day, and approaching the coastline at night is also a very dangerous behavior.

Liang En is not dissatisfied with parking the ship now. Their time is not tight now, and if they want to rest at night, the ship will obviously be more comfortable to rest when it is anchored.

For modern people, few people go to bed directly after dark. So Liang En and Fan Meng naturally studied tomorrow's action goals in the room.

The interior space of this boat is much larger than they had imagined before, mainly because the entire boat requires only 1/3 of the original number of people to operate without fishing.

So now everyone on the ship has a much larger living space. For example, Liang En and Fan Meng can now enjoy the cabin that was originally meant for four people. In this way, they have enough private space to for discussion.

"According to our current progress, we should only have time to explore the northernmost point of the island tomorrow." Fan Meng looked at the map under the lamp with a depressed expression.

"In this case, it may take five days to a week to travel around the entire island. But if something is found elsewhere, this period of time will be extended."

"Anyway, our planned arrangements this time can last for up to two months, so it's not a big problem to delay for a few more days." As for the issue of time consumption, Liang En doesn't think it's a big deal.

"And I think there may be more time to inspect the ruins tomorrow." Liang En said, taking out his tablet and pulling up a photo, and then said.

"The place we are going to inspect tomorrow is called the Old Indian Camp by the locals. There are many grassy mounds. Considering the height and size of those mounds, that place is most likely a relic left by ancient humans."

"In this case, even if the ruins do not belong to the Vikings, we may need to investigate there for a while, so the next time will definitely be very busy."

"After all, although we are looking for Viking ruins this time, since the Viking ruins themselves are uncertain, we'd better look for other things so as not to return empty-handed."

"You're right." After hearing what Liang En said, Fan Meng nodded to agree with him.

Although it is almost impossible for them to obtain any tangible wealth from this search activity due to legal reasons, it is obviously a good choice to take this opportunity to build up their reputation.

However, Liang En feels that his harvest tomorrow will definitely not be too small, because after combining the memories of his previous life, he feels that the area he will explore tomorrow is probably the place where the ruins were discovered in his previous life.

And if the remains of the Vikings are really discovered, then the reward this time will definitely not be low based on the Earl's generosity. This is why Liang En is in a very good state of mind now.

Fan Meng's own confidence also increased after seeing Liang En reveal his confidence, because he believed that if professionals could recognize it, then there would definitely not be a big problem overall.

In the following time, Liang En first compared the information for a while, and then went to another cabin to learn about how to use the new equipment with Fan Meng.

These instruments were prepared by Mr. Earl, the most important of which was a ground-penetrating radar. When facing those underground remains of human activities, modern instruments can obviously save a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, although the changes of the times have enabled more and more functions of electronic instruments, the operation methods tend to be more fool-proof. So after just studying with a professional on the ship for more than half an hour, Liang En learned how to use the radar.

This kind of radar looks like a hand-pushed lawnmower. It looks inconspicuous, but in fact it has very diverse functions and can detect various ancient ruins and relics buried below the ground.

Compared with using Luoyang shovels or metal detectors, this kind of ground-penetrating radar can greatly improve the search efficiency when facing large-scale ruins, and it also helps Liang En and the others to quickly screen these suspicious locations.

After getting familiar with the new equipment, Liang En and the others returned to their room. At this time, three black figures flew in from the open hanging window.

"Quack - quack -" It turned out that the three ravens came back after circling around. This time Liang En spent a lot of energy to bring these three guys with him, just to get a reliable Aerial reconnaissance point.

"It's a very good idea for you to bring your three ravens this time." Fan Meng said suddenly when he saw Liang En taking out freshly frozen raw meat and cutting it into strips to feed the ravens.

"Why do you say that?" Liang En stretched out his hand to caress these big birds, which may look fatter than similar birds, and turned his head to look at Fan Meng.

"Because I checked a lot of information about this island, and part of it tells about the wild animals living on this island." Fan Meng turned the screen of his phone and said. "It turns out there are signs of grizzly bear activity on the island."

"Obviously, with how smart your fat crows are, they should be able to provide us with enough warning from a long distance to prevent us from being harmed by wild animals."

In field exploration work, the threat of wild animals is a trouble that cannot be underestimated. Unlike China or the UK, there is a lot of wilderness here in Canada, and there are naturally a lot of wild animal activities.

It wouldn't be a big problem if it were rabbits or squirrels, but all the people living here are deadly guys, such as wild boars, elk and even grizzly bears.

One thing these animals have in common is rough skin and thick flesh. This also leads to the fact that if you encounter it in the wild, your gun will not be safe. Because it is difficult to kill these animals with one shot in the chaos, and injured animals become more lethal when provoked.

Therefore, if these three ravens can form a reconnaissance network, then they can at least get effective early warning before encountering these dangerous wild animals.

"Don't worry, they can definitely serve as good sentinels for us." Liang En stretched out a finger to scratch the head of a raven that came close to him and said.

"Since these ravens can follow my orders to search for things on the roof and pick them up, they can also easily help us observe animals that may be approaching and alert us."

The next night was silent, and as soon as it dawned the next day, the entire ship sailed out of the small harbor facing the sun that had just jumped above the sea level, then turned left and continued towards its destination in the north.

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