Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 145 Smooth excavation work

For these non-professionals, important items are basically equal to gold, silver and jewelry. So after hearing Liang En and Fan Meng's reasonable analysis of the area, most of the people around them dispersed.

After all, most people may be interested in looking at the gold and silver jewelry or beautiful works of art in the museum, but they are not sensitive when faced with these rusty lumps of earth.

"Shall we report to Mr. Butler now?" After almost everyone left, Captain Robuchon came over and asked.

"Of course." Liang En nodded. After all, in this entrusted situation, it is the right thing to report the achievements immediately. The reason why he didn't take the initiative to talk about it just now was because this was Captain Robuchon's job.

"That's right! When you tell Steward Robuchon, ask him to report to the Canadian Archaeological Department a little later than two days. It's best to leave time for us to conduct basic exploration."

"Understood." After Liang En finished speaking, little Robuchon nodded, and then climbed up the stairs to the bridge and used the satellite phone to contact the Rubuchon steward waiting at the port.

Fifteen minutes later, when Liang En had just cleaned out a rusty nail from a mud ball, Captain Robuchon walked down the iron stairs amid a sound.

"My father has contacted the Earl, and the Earl said that he can only help you stay for three days at most. If it exceeds three days, it is likely to cause some unnecessary conflicts with the cultural relics protection department in the region. "

"Three days - if you work hard and overtime, you should be able to complete a basic exploration with the help of ground penetrating radar." Liang En nodded, and then watched Captain Robuchon leave.

"It seems that we may have to work overtime tomorrow." Liang En said to Fan Meng after the young Robuchon went upstairs. "But with a little luck, we should be able to complete the most important exploration work."

For Liang En, although the time gained was much shorter than expected, the basic exploration work was not impossible to complete. It just might take a few extra cards.

"No problem, I'll work as many overtime hours as you want." Fan Meng didn't have any objection to overtime work. After all, he felt comfortable doing this job and earned a lot. So when it’s time to work hard, you will never fish for fish.

So early the next morning, when the sun had just risen from the eastern sea, Fan Meng woke up Liang En, and after a simple breakfast, they took a rubber boat together under the escort of a crew member and three ravens. Returned to shore.

Considering the lack of time, Liang En and Fan Meng simply started conducting large-scale exploration with ground-penetrating radar today.

Fortunately, they have already discovered a house, and it is also a religious building, so if they want to find other buildings, they only need to search around with this building as the center.

As a result, after a morning passed, they discovered that they had wasted half of their manpower: because there was no building across the small river south of the religious building.

Obviously, the group of Vikings probably used this strong religious building as a military support point and used the river as a barrier.

This analysis is made because churches in early continental Europe did have military missions. At the same time, the epic also said that a conflict broke out between the Vinland colony and the local indigenous people at that time, and there was a need for defense.

After confirming this, Liang En and the others immediately concentrated all their efforts on the north bank of the river and began to search. Considering that the Vikings came from the direction of the sea, they mainly searched a line parallel to the sea.

Because the things underground were not buried deep, after greatly narrowing the search scope, it only took them one day to find the ruins buried under a piece of land that was 70 to 80 meters away.

These buildings are almost in a line, almost parallel to the coastline. The two largest buildings are located at the beginning and end of the row of buildings, and the third, slightly larger building is located in the center of the row of buildings.

So in the next two days, Liang En finally found a series of important cultural relics after consuming three [Detection (N)] cards, and determined the identity of the people who lived here and the rooms. the use of.

These rooms include the church, the collective house, the blacksmith's shop, the carpentry workshop and the lord's longhouse. Perhaps because they were in such a mess when they retreated, the group left behind a large number of items that could be used by future generations to identify the purpose of the room.

For example, in the ruins of one house they found charcoal, anvils and iron bars, as well as a form of underground house built to protect against fire. It was further determined that this should be a blacksmith shop.

The other room is a wooden building built completely on the ground, with only a few carbonized wooden parts left underground. Fortunately, the chisels, saws and axes in the room indicate that this room was a wood processing factory in the past.

In the remains of the largest room, which was nearly 30 meters long and 15 meters wide, they found stone rings used on looms and a small round stone with holes on the top of the spindle for spinning threads.

The presence of these textile tools proves that women were present at the camp, which further proves that this is indeed a settlement and not a Viking outpost used to collect supplies.

"You are simply amazing!" When returning to the ship on the third night, Fan Meng said excitedly, slapping Liang En on the shoulder. "It turns out that every tentative dig can bring out something valuable."

"This can only be said to be luck." Liang En showed a slightly ugly smile, because none of the three cards consumed during the excavation in the past two days could be replaced.

It has to be said that the previous group of colonists retreated in a very orderly manner, so what was left behind were all bulky and low-value things, so that Liang En had no way to get new cards from them.

Fortunately, the things dug up this time are valuable enough and can be used as direct evidence to clearly show the functions of these rooms and the identity of the owners. This can be regarded as completing the previous commissioned by Mr. Earl, and at the same time, it can also increase his reputation.

Of course, the so-called precious items here are only from an archaeological perspective. To the crew on board, there was little difference between half-rotten bone parts, rusty ironware, blackened wood and garbage.

Therefore, Liang En directly packed up the cultural relics with valuable information and placed them in the corner of the cabin restaurant, so he didn't have to worry about anyone stealing them with dirty hands and feet.

"The archaeological department from Newfoundland, Canada will be here around noon tomorrow." After Liang En and the others finished their dinner. Captain Robuchon came over and said.

"Tomorrow? I thought they would come over tonight." Liang En looked a little unbelievable after hearing what little Captain Robuchon said. "Didn't you inform them of the key points I compiled before?"

The reason why Liang En was so shocked was because in his memory, this ruins was a world cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO in his previous world, so he didn't quite understand why the Canadian archaeological department responded so indifferently.

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