Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 146 Unexpected Discovery

"I think this is mainly because there haven't been many cultural relics discovered in Newfoundland and Labrador before, so the corresponding local departments are not well prepared in this regard." Captain Robuchon shrugged.

"More importantly, the government departments here, except for a few emergency departments, strictly follow the eight-hour work system, so no matter how important this ruin is, they will not work overtime.

"But I must also say that we are lucky. After all, tomorrow is a working day. Otherwise, the other party would really be able to rest until the working day before coming over."

"Well, I hope they can arrive on time at noon tomorrow." Liang En resisted the urge to roll his eyes and told Captain Robuchon. He really had nothing to say about the efficiency of the local staff.

Fortunately, although these people strictly follow their vacation schedule, they will not cause any troubles such as arriving late and leaving early when working.

So at 12:30 noon the next day, Liang En and the others saw a seaplane taking the staff directly to the excavation site.

What came off the plane was an entire archaeological team. Apparently, the other party realized the importance of this ruins from Liang En's report yesterday, so they simply took a seaplane and arrived here today.

Of course, the reason why the other party dared to fly over so directly was also very simple, because Mr. Count agreed to hand over the equipment on the ship to the archaeological team for use. This greatly reduces the amount of luggage the archaeological team needs to carry.

After delivering the items to the archaeological team, Liang En planned to take Fan Meng around, especially to carefully search the surrounding bays.

The reason for this was that Liang En and the others had previously found a room that used a large amount of obviously processed wood during the excavation.

Considering that this group of Vikings did not have much energy or enough time to build houses, Liang En suspected from the beginning that the trimmed wood might have come from a sunken ship.

During subsequent inspections, Liang En confirmed this. He found that the collected samples contained a large amount of salt. Apparently, only wood that had been soaked in seawater for a long time would show this condition.

In other words, one or more ships must have sunk nearby, which is why after the archaeological team took over the scientific research site on land, Liang En and Fan Meng chose to search along the beach on all-terrain vehicles.

"The rest is up to you." Before setting off on the all-terrain vehicle, Liang En took out a piece of meat that he carried with him and chopped up the three ravens he fed to him, and released them after they were full.

Soon, the three ravens spread their wings and took off against the sea breeze from Liang En's side. Then they spread their wings and started searching at low altitude along the coastline.

This is actually a luck-based approach, because these enhanced ravens can easily find some shiny things, so Liang En hopes that they can find something in the clear water.

to be honest. That is to say, ravens can play a more effective role in open places like the seaside or desert. After all, even if they are strengthened, they are only limited to the mortal body and cannot see what is below through obstacles.

Soon, a few ravens discovered some things and marked those places through repeated dives. Unfortunately, when Liang En excitedly took Fan Meng there, he often found that those shiny things were just some garbage.

"Another glass shard." Liang En reluctantly put a glass shard that was rounded by the sea into his pocket. Obviously these shiny garbage attracted the ravens, but it was a pity that these things were not Liang En's. want.

Although these ravens can obey commands and their IQs have been improved, they are not human after all. That's why there is this instinct to pick up any shiny thing you see.

In this situation, Liang En can only try his luck to see what his group of ravens can find in the water. After all, for humans, it is still difficult to switch the vision of ravens to detect the surrounding environment. Okay, it’s not appropriate to look for small things.

Fortunately, even if they can't find something for a while, the surrounding scenery is enough to make them worth the money. Especially not far from this place, you can see scattered icebergs and occasional whales emerging from the sea.

"Guess what it is this time?" Fan Meng asked Liang En with a smile as he watched the ravens begin to fly around a reef forty or fifty meters away from the coast.

"Who can guess this?" Liang En smiled bitterly, and then looked at the reef surrounded by sea water.

Obviously, unlike the locations discovered on the shore just now, if you want to search near the reef, you have to take a boat there. Fortunately, the sailors on the boat left an inflatable rubber boat for them.

"Do you know how to use this thing?" After getting on the boat, Liang En asked as he looked at Fan Meng who started to operate the motor. "Although this thing is simple, it requires training to use it."

"Don't worry, my training in the army included operating this small speedboat. Although I am definitely not as skilled as those sailors, I can still be considered a semi-professional." Fan Meng looked confident.

After all, the French established the Foreign Legion to reduce casualties among their own people, so their training can be described as conscientious. The level of military quality that can come out of there is not low.

In particular, the unit that Fan Meng served in before was the Third Paratrooper Company of the Second Parachute Regiment of the French Foreign Legion. It was mainly engaged in amphibious operations, so maneuvering a rubber boat in this calm bay was a very simple matter for him.

Soon, the two people took the rubber boat and arrived near the reef. Then, in order to prevent the reef from damaging the propeller, they turned off the motor, took out the paddle, and rowed little by little to the side of the reef.

This reef is very dangerous for sailors, because even if it is low tide, the height of the entire reef above the water will not exceed 20cm. In other words, if the tide rises, it is likely to be completely submerged underwater.

"Gold!" Just after Liang En and the others stepped onto the reef, which was only five to six square meters, Fan Meng suddenly pointed at a place only one or two meters away from the two people and shouted in a low voice.

After looking along the direction of Fan Meng's finger, Liang En found something shining golden light in the crevice of the stone, which looked like gold.

However, Liang En was much calmer than Fan Meng in this regard, because they had found two shiny golden objects before, but when they fished them out, they found that they were just golden plastic toys used to decorate Christmas trees.

But when Liang En reached out to dig out the palm-sized box from the crack in the stone after taking the photo, he realized that what they found this time was not the plastic they found several times before, but gold.

"We found the treasure this time." After touching it with his hand and confirming that the box was made of metal, Fan Meng immediately became excited.

Because seawater is extremely corrosive to metals, and among the metals that ancient humans could make, only gold can survive being soaked in the sea for a long time without rusting.

"Hurry up, open it up and take a look!" Fan Meng said as he turned on a camera above his head to record the video after seeing that the box was just locked with a buckle. "This could be a big discovery."

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