Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 157 The whole story

"You mean you hope to find my uncle's whereabouts by recreating his last expedition?" Three days later, in the hotel cafe, Mr. Scord and Liang En discussed the commission.

"But my father had already thought of all the things you are thinking of back then. He found several private detectives and explorers, but only found very few traces."

"Can I ask your father when was the last time he looked for your uncle?" Liang En asked as if something suddenly occurred to him, "I know this question is a bit abrupt, but -"

"There's nothing unspeakable." Scott shook his head gently. "That was about half a year before my father retired, more than 20 years ago. He spent millions of crowns hiring five or six famous teams, but found nothing."

"But now nearly 20 years have passed. During this time, many new technologies have been born that did not exist in the past. In this case, I want to conduct another expedition and maybe find some clues that were ignored before." Liang En said at that time.

"——What you said makes sense." Scott thought for a moment and nodded. The reason why he went to find trouble with the Golden Society was mainly because of the failure of the search work, resulting in clues that could only be obtained from the Golden Society.

In other words, if someone can find clues about his uncle's whereabouts from other places and find his long-lost uncle, he will naturally raise his hands in approval.

"All the information from back then is kept at my home. If it's convenient for you, I will take you to my house the day after tomorrow to sort out all the information." Mr. Scord issued an invitation.

"Those materials fill a large room in my house, and my father should be very willing to entertain guests like you from afar and talk to you about my uncle's story."

"It would be great if this could be done." Liang En breathed a sigh of relief at this time. With enough information and even witnesses, the possibility of finding important clues is obviously much greater.

"Actually, it's not just my idea to find my uncle, it's also my father's idea." After realizing that Liang En agreed to his commission, Scood suddenly became excited, and then talked endlessly. matter about his elders.

"My uncle is three years younger than my father. He has had a very good relationship with my father since he was a child. When he became an adult, my uncle chose to become an explorer, and my father inherited the family business and worked for My uncle helped.”

"Because of the relationship between the two of them, my uncle would tell my father roughly what he was looking for before he went out on an adventure."

"The only exception is my uncle's last adventure. We only know that he said that if he succeeds this time, there is a high probability that he will be able to solve a mystery that has puzzled everyone for hundreds or even thousands of years in history."

Having said this, Scott's eyes turned slightly red, and at the same time he recalled that day more than ten years ago.

"I remember very clearly that I was less than ten years old at that time, and my uncle seemed very excited and said a lot to my father. I can still recall my uncle's excited expression to this day."

"And my father was also very happy at the time. After my uncle left, he told me that if he could come back smoothly, then our family would have a famous adventurer."

"It's just that we never thought that all contact with him would be cut off about a week after he left for Turkey, and since then we have completely lost contact with him."

"This sounds very, very bad." Looking at the expression on Mr. Scood's face, Liang En also turned his expression serious. "In the next time, I will try my best to help you find your uncle."

"It would be great if we could really find him. In fact, after so many years, we also know that he must have been killed. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to not contact us for so many years." At this point, Scood shook his head and said arrive.

"Before coming here, I have asked someone to start summarizing all the information we found before. If there are no accidents, those things should be sorted out when we go back."

"It's really troublesome." Liang En thanked him from the bottom of his heart, because the various information accumulated by the other party through so many searches was definitely more than a little bit. If he could sort it out in advance, he would naturally save a lot of time. "

"It's nothing troublesome. In fact, my father does these things, so it just needs to be adjusted a little and checked this time." Scold smiled and shook his head, and then said, "Next we should Let’s talk about the reward.”

"I will help you bear all your expenses along the way. In addition, if you find anything through my uncle's records, those things will all belong to you, and I will help you deal with what you find."

"If you really find my uncle or accurately confirm his final whereabouts, I will pay you 500,000 to 700,000 euros, depending on the situation."

"In addition, you can terminate the search work at any time. Just notify me after the termination, and the termination of the work will not prevent you from reimbursing me for the various costs incurred in the search work."

"It's a very generous reward. I don't think I have many reasons to refuse." Liang En said happily. Anyway, he had already made a decision before, so he would not refuse now that he was offered such a generous reward.

"I'm glad to see you, a scholar, join the search team. I believe you will be able to make unique discoveries this time." Scood stood up and stretched out his hand to Liang En.

"Yes, I wish us all the best this time." Liang En also stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Scood's hand, with a smile on his face.

"Are we still the two of us doing this operation?" Fan Meng asked on the way back to the room.

"No, Pierce will also join in this time." Liang En explained. "Because he knows the dark side of the cultural relics market better than we do, and he has quite a lot of connections in Europe and the United States, so he should be of great help this time."

"I understand, and we do need someone who understands gray or even black transactions." Fan Meng nodded. As a soldier who had been on duty in war-torn areas all day long, he still knew some things.

"Especially since this operation may involve encountering some dangerous enemies and conflict, we do need something less legal to protect our lives."

"You're right, Pierce specifically assured me that there are channels to find something for self-defense." Liang En said. "As long as the money is available, he can even get some rare and good things."

"That sounds very good." Fan Meng nodded with approval. "Although we shouldn't have any conflicts with others this time, it's always a good thing to prepare for some things in advance."

"This is especially true for things related to our lives. I would rather buy it than use it like I did last time I went to Egypt, and I don't want to not have it in my hands when something goes wrong."

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