Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 158 Reason for Disappearance

Two days later, Liang En and the others followed Skaud to Stockholm. As soon as they got out of the airport, they took a stretched Mercedes-Benz and headed straight to the manor on the outskirts of the city.

More than an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of a manor with a huge garden. Then he passed through the iron gate that had just been opened and entered the manor.

"Follow me." After getting off the car, Liang En and Fan Meng were led by Mr. Side to the building attached to the manor, and then rang the doorbell.

After a few seconds, a young man opened the door and let everyone in, saying at the same time. "Good morning, Mr. Scord. The information you ordered previously has been compiled and can be consulted at any time."

Scood nodded like the servant at home, and then led Liang En and the others along the corridor. Soon, they saw a house filled with bookshelves and boxes, and an old man was sitting there. Looking through a photo album among the pile of information.

"Little Hopton, why did you suddenly come back today? Did you ask someone to sort out all these old materials before you came back?" After seeing the person come in, the old man with white beard and hair raised his head, and then took off the old Flower mirror.

"Also, these two young guests should be related to your sudden return this time. Can you tell me what is going on?"

"They are members of the Panda Adventure Studio. At the same time, the owner of the studio is also a genius explorer and archaeologist. Not only has he deciphered ancient Egyptian texts before, he has also recently discovered the Viking American colonies."

The conversation between Mr. Scoud and his father was all in English, mainly so that Liang En and the others could understand.

Interestingly, Swedes not only have a high level of English, but also have a high degree of popularity. They even use a lot of English in their daily lives.

So much so that even Paradox, a Swedish game company, can launch an official Chinese version of the game, but it has never launched a Swedish version of the content.

"——The main reason I brought them here this time was to entrust them with finding clues about my uncle. This is why they want to search for this information."

"To be honest, I don't have much hope in this aspect anymore." The old man who should be called Old Scood shook his head gently, then sighed and looked at Liang En and the others.

"But I am also very happy that you are willing to accept such a commission, so if you want to ask me anything in the next time, you can ask me directly. As long as I know, I will answer you as much as possible."

"Thank you!" Liang En nodded to the old man, then turned on the recorder on his body and started asking the questions he had prepared. "Do you still remember why your brother embarked on the expedition?"

"Well, I think my son should have told you. What he hopes to find is some solid evidence that can reveal a certain secret of ancient Rome. And this evidence will be related to gold."

Old Scott began to talk about what happened more than half a century ago. "At that time, my brother said that he had made some new friends, and these friends had some important information but no money. So he hoped to join forces with him to start an adventure."

"This is not the first time for my brother. Because our family is relatively wealthy, and my brother is good at exploring, many explorers have come to seek sponsorship."

Hearing this, Liang En nodded, because he knew that most explorers had sponsors behind them. If he hadn't been able to earn enough money after having a golden finger, he would probably have spent most of his time In soliciting sponsorship.

"After half a month of preparation, my brother set off with that group of people. During this process, my father investigated the background of this group of explorers and found out that they were members of the English Freemasons. .”

"English Freemasonry? Isn't it the Golden Order?" Liang En asked curiously. "Yes, it was indeed like this when the investigation first started. It was precisely because of the identity of the English Freemasons that we finally acquiesced in allowing my brother to embark on an adventurous journey."

Old Scott shook his head and said. Then he asked his son to take down a yellowed letter from a nearby bookshelf.

"My brother first arrived in Istanbul and then sent us such a letter, and this was the last letter we received from him."

"Let me take a look." Liang En took out the letter from the document bag on the table next to him, and then read it carefully from beginning to end, not missing any detail.

This letter looks like an ordinary letter from home. It may have been sealed in the same yellowed plastic envelope because of its important significance. Judging from the content of the letter, in addition to reporting that he was safe, the other party also briefly talked about his new discoveries.

According to the letter, they found more information in the last capital of the Roman Empire, and at the same time locked in the location of their final target. If there are no accidents, they will soon go to eastern Turkey to find the target.

"If it's the east, then the other party will most likely go to Trabzon." Liang En muttered softly. Because just in the east of Turkey, the former Roman royal family, the Komnenos family, still ruled the Trabizon Empire at that time.

"Yes, my uncle did go to Trabzon. Because after my uncle disappeared, the investigators we hired found traces of him and that group of people in Trabzon." Skold said at this time arrive.

"It's just that the detectives we hired at the time only knew that my uncle and the group of people arrived in Trabzon and left Trabzon after a day of rest."

"It was not until nearly a month later that only two of the people who went on the adventure with my uncle returned to Trabzon with serious injuries, and then died there inexplicably."

"According to our subsequent investigation, the Golden Order, which had long been estranged from its headquarters, became independent and had a brief but fierce conflict with the English Freemasons."

"So I think that my brother was innocently involved in that conflict. And then he was unfortunately killed. This is why we have always wanted to find the core members or information of the Golden Society." Old Scott added to.

"Because all the people who went out with my brother back then are dead, I think that except for the core members of the Golden Society, no one will know the whereabouts of my brother."

"In other words, if we know where your brother went, we might be able to find his whereabouts." Liang En nodded. "Please give me a moment and I'll go through all this information first."

"Okay." Old Scord nodded, and then walked out with the help of his son. "You can check the information here as long as you want. If you need anything, you can press the red button next to the door and someone will help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Scord." Liang En sent the father and son out of the door, then looked at the information on the wall of the house and said with a wry smile. "Okay, we may have to deal with these books for a few days."

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