In the next three days, Liang En, Fan Meng and Pierce, who came from the UK after receiving the notice, worked together to check the information in the room without even leaving the small building.

Food, drink and other things are all brought in by the servants through the communication device in the room. When tired, they directly rest in the room next door. When they wake up, they simply wash up and return to this room to continue searching for analysis data.

"Okay, I think we have been able to roughly establish a time list about Mr. Conrad and the expedition team since they went to Turkey." On the third day of searching for information, Liang En and the others finally sorted it out. Clear this pile of information.

This information allowed him to understand a lot of things, including but not limited to the character and habits of the missing person, Mr. Conrad, as well as a lot of details about the trip.

"After the other party arrived in Constantinople, they first searched for information for a week, and they should have found something. So after writing the letter, they went straight to Trabzon." Liang En took out his notebook and said.

"After arriving in Trabzon by boat, he rested for a day. Then he and the entire team left the city and began real exploration."

Mr. Conrad and the others disappeared from everyone's sight after they left the city. It was not until 28 days later that two seriously injured people in the expedition returned to Terra in a Willys Jeep that looked like it had been hit several times. Buzon. It looked like it had been robbed. "

"After entering the city, they were unconscious and were taken to the hospital by passers-by. The strange thing is that after rescue, they were already in danger, but after staying in the ward for one night, they died inexplicably the next day."

"Because these two people did not have any identification documents on them, the hospital quickly cremated each other to avoid infectious diseases. Fortunately, the remaining relics were bought by Old Scold, which is what is on the table."

After speaking, Liang En pointed to the contents of a small box on the table. This small box looked about the same size as a makeup bag. It only contained a ring and a pendant with family photos.

"According to the information received from the Scood family, both the ring and the pendant have been disassembled and inspected before, but nothing unexpected was found."

"However, during my inspection, I accidentally discovered that there are some patterns on this pendant that were probably carved by this scientific expedition team, so I suspect that this may be some information left by the other party, but there is no more information. The message was previously undecipherable.”

What Liang En didn't say was that he also tried the [Cryptotext Cracking (R)] skill after feeling that this thing might have left some information, but what was translated was a simple English phrase Love You.

"Okay, let's talk about the doubts we discovered before." After listening to Liang En's general summary, Pierce continued.

"For example, Conrad would write letters or send telegrams to his family to report that he was safe wherever he went before, but why did he do nothing after arriving in Trabzon?"

"Maybe he wrote the letter, but he just failed to send it." Fan Meng suddenly took out a document from a pile of documents and said, "Because the waiter at the hotel saw Conrad coming downstairs and walking to the mailbox that day. there."

"It's just that in a small place like that, the postman comes to collect ordinary mail only once every three days. The mailbox in the hotel caught fire the next day because the oil lamp fell down, so part of the letters in the mailbox were burned. "

"I remembered it." Pierce also thought of this part of the information. "The previous detectives also suspected that this might be a man-made incident, but the fire scene had been reconstructed when they went there, so the matter could not be investigated further."

"In other words, Conrad's team may have been targeted by someone at least after arriving in Trabzon." Liang En analyzed carefully.

"But we don't have any more information in this regard for the time being, so we'll start by analyzing the information we have at hand and infer where Conrad and the others might have gone at that time."

"Someone has analyzed this from this perspective before." Fan Meng pulled out a document and said, "At that time, the Jeep driven by the two people who fled back to Trabzon only had 1/3 of the gas left in the mailbox. .”

"At that time, World War II had just ended, and the military surplus materials of the U.S. Army were sold all over the world. This Jeep came from a local car rental shop, and was later rented by Conrad's expedition team."

"According to the boss, the jeep has been modified, and the biggest modification is the replacement of a 35-liter fuel tank. Considering that the survivor who drove back to Trabzon was seriously injured, the other party probably would not have run out of gas before Come on."

"Jeeps running on mountain roads near Trabzon consume 12 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers, and those who are new to it may consume 15 liters. Therefore, based on various considerations, the place where the expedition team died will not be more than 150 kilometers from the city."

"It should actually be shorter than that." Liang En took out a case report and said. "The injuries on the survivors were very serious. If the car had been bumpy for hundreds of kilometers, no one would have been alive. Even if the will to survive was considered, the other party would not have been able to drive for an hour."

"In this way, the place where the opponent was attacked should be about 50km away from Trabzon as the center, otherwise the wounded would not be able to hold on to the city."

"But such information is not of much use to us." Pierce shook his head and said. "The area with Trabzon as the center cannot be covered by the three of us. Even if our number is increased a hundred times, it will be useless."

"So I think deciphering the message left on this pendant is the most important thing." Liang En looked at the patterns on the pendant and fell into deep thought, "Otherwise, we can only apologize to the two Mr. Scoud. "

"Then have you figured out what the pattern on it is?" Fan Meng asked curiously.

"It can only be said that we have understood part of it." Liang En pointed at the dots and lines that were quite strange in the eyes of others. "If I guessed correctly, these patterns should record a piece of Morse code."

Because Liang En had previously deciphered the secrets in these patterns through cards, he also deduced what these patterns meant.

"Starting from the top, each flower is a letter. The flowers at the top represent the dots in the telegram, and the leaves represent the strokes. The letters are ordered from top to bottom."

"Wait, if that's the case." Fan Meng immediately took out a notebook and a piece of paper and quickly deciphered it, but quickly raised his head. "Love you, it's normal for such a phrase to appear behind a pendant with family portraits."

"But if this is the case, the other party can write the word directly, there is no need to use such an obscure method." Liang En raised an objection. "So I thought that was supposed to be a message."

"Yes, this is probably the last signal Mr. Conrad tried to send after he realized something was wrong, and the secret should be contained in this phrase."

Pierce looked at the pendant in front of him and what Fan Meng had just translated next to him, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"For example, why is the other party using Morse code?"

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