Greek fire was a liquid chemical weapon invented by the ancient Eastern Roman Empire that could burn on water and was mainly used in naval battles.

The names now known as Greek fire or Roman fire were the names given to this weapon by the Arabs, rivals of the Eastern Roman Empire, while the Romans called these weapons sea fire, liquid fire, liquid fire, or defensive fire. wait.

This weapon has always been the highest military secret of the Eastern Roman Empire. It has made significant contributions to the empire's military victories many times, and even saved the empire's national destiny several times.

According to the views of later historians, this terrible incendiary weapon was also one of the important reasons why the Eastern Roman Empire could last for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, although records of this weapon lasted for a long time, the exact formula disappeared into history due to the secrecy measures of the Eastern Roman Empire.

According to records, in order to maintain confidentiality, the secrets of manufacturing this weapon were passed down orally, and all written records were prohibited. At the same time, the production of this kind of weapon was limited to the Royal Palace of Constantinople.

In addition, the tightly controlled descendants of the Galinichos family, the inventors of Greek fire, and the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire were the only people who knew this secret. Even within the Galinicho family, this secret was passed down by word of mouth. of.

Not only is the production of Greek Fire kept secret, but the use of this weapon is also strictly kept secret. Whether it is frontline technicians, flamethrowers or engineers, they only master the secrets of part of the entire weapon system.

The biggest advantage of this risk management mechanism is that even if some people leak the secret, others will not be able to restore the Greek fire, allowing the Eastern Roman Empire to avoid being burned on its own head by this powerful weapon.

Historically, the Greek fire weapons of the Eastern Romans fell into enemy hands more than once. For example, in 814 the Bulgarians captured a total of 36 fire-breathing devices, but they had to be discarded because they did not know how to use them and did not know how to mix the fuel.

The Arabs also captured a Byzantine fire attack ship in 827. As a result, they spent hundreds of years making only a projectile incendiary weapon called a naffa, which could not eject at all and could not spontaneously ignite when exposed to water. .

In fact, Greek fire also has a lot of problems, such as strict requirements on weather, wind direction and terrain. It is easy to burn yourself if the wind direction is not favorable.

And if the defense area is too wide, the effect will not be optimistic. But even so, the legend of Greek fire still spreads throughout the European and American world.

Everyone is full of curiosity about the important factors why the Eastern Roman Empire was able to survive the crazy attacks of the Arab Empire.

This is why the people present were very shocked when Liang En announced that these stone tablets contained secrets about Greek fire.

"These tablets were ordered by Constantine XI to be hidden here." Liang En explained while looking at the words on the tablets. "After the last emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire knew that the empire was about to be destroyed, he ordered his most loyal subordinates to Bring this secret to the Trabizon Empire.”

"Because the emperor had a dream at that time, in which the gods told him that the empire's turning point was likely to come in the east." At this point, Liang En said to the others who were disapproving.

"Today we may think it is ridiculous to make such a decision based on a dream, especially since this dream was probably caused by thinking about it day by day and dreaming about it at night."

"But in ancient times, these dreams were often seen as some kind of revelation, especially for an emperor, which was enough for him to mobilize his own power to do something."

"The first thing Constantine XI thought of was the Trabizon Empire. After all, this country was also a branch of the Eastern Roman Empire. So at this last moment, Constantine XI gave up his dynastic differences, hoping to work for A seed was planted for the Empire to rise again.”

"It's a pity that the Trabzon Empire just wanted to muddle along, and even went so far as to hunt down and kill everyone who ran out of Constantinople to ask for help in order to avoid being attacked by the Ottomans, so as to avoid irritating the Ottomans."

"In this case, the people sent by Constantine XI could only choose the alternative, which was to bring two boxes of things used as cover to this place belonging to the Palaeolian Dynasty on the Asia Minor Peninsula. Secret Church.”

"In desperation, this loyal team could only rely on hope and the gods. They hid their secrets in the temple of the church, hoping to save the empire with the blessing of the gods."

Having said this, Liang En stood up and pointed at the six stone slabs on the ground. "But history tells us that their dream was shattered, and the Roman Empire completely disappeared in the long history."

As Liang En's words fell, the room suddenly became quiet.

For the Western world, the fall of Constantinople represented the end of an era. After witnessing the history related to the destruction of the empire, everyone present felt that their spirits had been impacted and needed some time to recover. Calm down your excitement.

"Next, it's time to notify the Turkish Archeology Department." Liang En ordered after confirming that he had indeed thoroughly cleaned up the site. Then began to use the equipment and silica gel sent previously to mold these stone monuments.

For this search activity, Mr. Skold specially applied for the Turkish official archaeological permit for Liang En. Because of Liang En's previous experience, the Turks readily issued the permit.

With the permit, Liang En can legally excavate these ruins. Of course, anything unearthed in this joint excavation has similar global rules. For example, the excavated things belong to the local government, not the excavators.

But this does not mean that legal excavators cannot obtain anything in this case, just like Liang En has the right to share research rights with the Turkish side.

Taking molds of cultural relics in a way that will not damage them, taking photos and other means to record these cultural relics are part of the research. It is also a manifestation of his right to conduct research.

This kind of research power is exclusive, which means that if others want to research, they will not be able to research these things unless they obtain permission from Liang En or Turkey.

If others want to obtain this permission, they need to pay. Unfortunately, there is not much text on these six stone tablets, and the total amount of information contained is also very small, so Liang En will most likely not earn much. money.

After all, in this day and age, flamethrowers are far more useful than those ancient Greek fires. And those ancient jet machines are far behind the times.

Therefore, these secrets that used to be an important pillar of the Eastern Roman Empire have become a bunch of things today that have no practical value because they are behind the times. In this case, it only has historical value.

But from another perspective, the reputation Liang En can gain from this expedition can be much greater than the previous discoveries. Because compared to ancient Egyptology, which people don't care much about, Greek fire is obviously more attractive to the public.

"Decipher of ancient Egyptian writing, discoverer of the secrets of Greek fire, such titles do sound good." Liang En muttered softly. "Maybe my title will be longer than Dragon Mother in the future. It will definitely be very cool to introduce myself at that time."

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