Although the British archaeologists are somewhat bureaucratic and can be a bit slow when dealing with many issues. But compared with the Turks, these British people can be said to be highly efficient.

For example, even though the Turkish archaeological department had already known that Liang En was conducting archaeological excavations, and Mr. Scoder also specifically greeted them, this group of people did not rush out until noon on the third day. come over.

Fortunately, there were two people sent by Scood to help, so Liang En and the others could rest all the way back to Trabzon by car after handing over the work, and then took Skod's private plane back to Constantine. fort.

Then the plane took Liang En and his group of luggage straight to England, and Liang En and the three of them planned to spend a few days in Constantinople before going back.

After all, I finally came to Turkey once, and I couldn’t just return to the UK after staying in the wilderness for a few days. If that were the case, life would seem a bit too boring.

"The harvest from this expedition is simply too great." Pierce said with excitement. Unlike Fan Meng who received a bonus of 15,000 pounds this time, Pierce did not ask for a penny.

Because Liang En agreed to make two casts of the stone tablets after returning, and then gave the second cast to Pierce's channel for sale.

Pierce didn't make much money from this deal because he only took out the agency fee based on a minimum commission of 3%. What is really valuable is the improvement of his channels through this kind of transaction.

"By the way, my father wants you to invest in my store." Just as the three of them were enjoying the authentic Turkish bath, Pierce suddenly said to Liang En.

"Are you kidding me?" After hearing what Pierce said, Liang En's first reaction was disbelief. Because he knows that the Murphy family's emerald junk dealer is currently running very well, and there is no need to absorb external capital at all.

According to Liang En's previous private estimate, if real estate is included, the store's fixed assets are between 900,000 and 1.2 million pounds, and its annual net profit is 70,000 to 80,000 pounds, which is equivalent to three thirds of the disposable income of the average British household. times.

What's more, generations of the Murphy family have been running this family-owned store for hundreds of years, so the sudden introduction of external funds doesn't seem right.

"If you are in urgent need of money, I can lend it to you without charging you any interest." Suddenly, Liang En thought of something and quickly said to his friend.

"Where have you been thinking about this?" Pierce, who was lying on the belly stone and enjoying a full-body massage by a bearded masseur called "Tank", smiled and then said in English with an Irish accent.

"There is no problem in my family, whether it is my family or the store. You can definitely ask a lawyer to investigate. In fact, the reason why my father proposed such content is because he felt that it would be better if you could buy a stake in our store. Conducive to development.”

"Actually, there were some people who wanted to invest in our store before, but they were either interested in the house in my store, or they wanted us to become a white glove attached to some wealthy people, but we didn't want that. Do."

Having said this, Pierce turned over according to the masseur's instructions and allowed him to continue massaging his back. Then he lay there and looked at Liang En.

"At least judging from the things you do, your character can be determined, and your recent actions can also show that you do have an extraordinary sixth sense."

"After all, the historical relics you have recently discovered may be impressive to other people if they only discover one in a lifetime, but you can actually discover so many in less than a year."

"In addition to luck, we can also see that you have great prospects. And for us, this is the best opportunity we can take."

"Understood, let's talk about this matter after we return to London." Liang En nodded and said. For him, being able to obtain shares in such a store has many benefits, especially in terms of shipping channels, so he Naturally there will be no objection.

After taking a bath and completely relaxing, Liang En and the others returned to their rooms to rest. After lying on the soft bed, Liang En began to check the previous cards.

Two of these three black cards are the common [Detection (N)], while the other is the precious [Legendary Power (R)], allowing Liang En to maximize his legendary power. Raised to 9 points.

"It's only a little short of 10 o'clock." Liang En said at this time, grabbing the silver box containing the sacred ring he found on the necklace on his chest.

Since gaining the power of legend, Liang En has been able to vaguely feel that this ring may be closely related to his next step in this area, so he is very much looking forward to unlocking this secret.

As for why this thing has only a little legendary power, Liang En thinks it's probably because this thing belongs to humans in legend and has basically nothing to do with mythology.

Although in the late Eastern Roman Empire, the emperor of the empire claimed that this weapon was given to the empire by gods. However, there are very few mythological parts in the overall legend, so the accumulated information in this area is also very rare. The power of a little legend is already its limit.

The other card is a permanent skill card that can be used actively. Interestingly, the usage of this card looks somewhat different from before.

[Greek Fire (R): This powerful flamethrowing weapon once saved the Eastern Roman Empire and maintained the national destiny of this ancient empire for thousands of years.

Now, this power that was once lost in history will be resurrected and become a powerful aid for historical explorers to help them solve various obstacles on the way forward.

Skill card (permanent) (unfinished), you can prepare spell-casting props and materials in advance and turn them into cards by consuming legendary power, and then you can flexibly control the flames like those from hell. 】

According to the card, this card is only half-baked right now. Liang En needs to create the Hellfire flamethrower and fuel before the container can be used normally.

"Human flamethrower?" Looking at these introductions, Liang En fell into deep thought. Although he could only get some general information before completing the card, he could guess what effect the card would have with just a brief introduction.

"Sure enough, after the core card ability of Historical Explorer was improved, the abilities I mastered became more and more incompatible with the world itself."

Liang En is happy to see the changes in himself. After all, these changes are for the better and are derivatives of core skills.

Thinking of this, Liang En, who felt relaxed, took out the Orthodox cross he found in the bank and started playing with it. Scott had taken away the pile of documents left by his uncle, but left the silver cross with Liang En.

According to him, he would only take away his uncle's things. This old silver cross was not left by his uncle, so he gave it to Liang En as a reward.

"I think my uncle will definitely agree with my approach." Mr. Scord said at the time. "He will definitely hope that some future adventurer can continue to follow his own path."

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