After returning from Sweden, Liang En spent more than half a month sorting out the recent discoveries and starting to code the paper. After all, he discovered several very important things this time when he went out.

This batch of discovered things is divided into two parts, one part is about the ancient Viking American colonies, and the other part is about Greek fire.

Compared with the latter, the former has a higher historical value, but in terms of popularity, it is obvious that Greek fire is obviously more important. Regardless, these findings are very important.

Since Liang En is the discoverer, whether it is the archaeological team investigating Vinland on Newfoundland or the archaeological team excavating in the Turkish Stone Church, they will all send him a copy of the discovery.

After possessing this information and the title of the first discoverer, Liang En was naturally able to write several very weighty papers that could even be said to be of decisive significance for the study of these ruins.

Because he knew the importance of these papers, he had been writing these things in retreat for most of the month. Fan Meng was responsible for bringing him food every day.

"Come out for fun again?" Fan Meng, who was lifting iron in the living room, put down the dumbbells in his hands and said after looking at Liang En who opened the door and walked out. "I feel like people are going to get moldy if they stay in a room like this all day."

"Don't worry, this kind of life in a house all day long is coming to an end now." Liang En stretched and said. “I’ve written all those papers and sent them out.

"This does sound like good news." Fan Meng nodded and then asked. "Then what are your plans next?" Should we wait here for the paper to be published publicly or—"

"I plan to go back to my hometown. By the way, you can also take a vacation to go home and reunite with your relatives." Liang En said the plan he had thought of before.

Of course, the reason why he wanted to go home was not just to visit his parents. The most important thing was that he wanted to completely perfect his Greek fire card and go to the ranch to test out the Ottoman Sultan's dairy recipe.

So after simply packing up, Liang En and the others took a flight back to Dublin the next day, and then said goodbye to each other at the airport and returned to their homes.

Liang En's parents felt a little strange about his sudden return. After all, there were not many people in Ireland who went abroad to work in the UK, but few of them ran home like Liang En.

"Don't worry, I'm not unemployed." During the first lunch after getting home, Liang En explained to his parents, while taking out a lot of news as his own examples.

After all, Liang En's two previous discoveries had a lot of social value, so some reporters came to interview them during the excavation work. Although Liang En himself did not accept an interview, he still took a lot of photos.

Those photos on the news have naturally become important evidence for him to explain to his parents. After reading these news, Liang En's parents finally felt relieved.

The main reason for this situation is that neither archeology nor treasure hunting are common jobs. Therefore, ordinary people sometimes do not understand much about these jobs.

"It seems that you have run around half the world this time." Liang En's mother asked with concern after giving him a chopstick of food. "Are you coming back this time to rest?"

"It's not just for rest, but more importantly, to prepare some things that will be useful for the next expedition." Liang En explained simply.

"And this time I found the recipe for dairy products made by the Turkish emperor in the past, so I hope to show it to Uncle Jack and the others to see if it can be used on our own ranch."

"The recipe of the Ottoman Sultan? Can you find such a thing?" Liang En's father showed a surprised expression when he heard this. "I always thought your job was to dig through trash and dig holes."

"Dear dad, although part of this job involves dealing with all kinds of old things and even rubble, it is really different from the work of recycling waste." Liang En explained to his father helplessly.

As a first-generation Chinese-American, his father always hoped that he could engage in technical jobs such as lawyers and doctors.

For this reason, when Liang En chose his current job, he clearly expressed his objections and repeatedly advised Liang En to find a more stable job.

Fortunately, after Liang En's few papers established his academic status, he finally recognized his son's current career.

Shortly after finishing lunch, Liang En went to his ranch not far away and discussed with the workers on the ranch about the reduction of various dairy products in the recipe.

He initially thought it would be difficult to restore the dairy-making methods of hundreds of years ago, but after talking to experienced farm workers, he learned that the situation was not as difficult as he imagined.

"Actually, many of the reasons why these things were difficult to make in the past were because the temperature was difficult to control. But in modern times, this is not that difficult." said Uncle Jack, the most experienced among the farm workers.

"As for the complicated filtration and sedimentation processes and the continuous transportation of semi-finished products during the fermentation process, it is indeed more labor-intensive, but with today's machines, the labor intensity is not too high."

"In other words, these things can be restored today." After learning that these ancient dairy products could be restored, Liang En nodded happily, and then asked these professionals the next question.

"The preparation methods of these dairy products come from the kitchens of the harems of ancient Ottoman sultans. They are considered to be some of the highest-quality foods in the ancient Ottoman Empire. Do you think there is a market for us to restore these foods?"

"I'm not sure about this." After chatting quietly with several workers, Uncle Jack said, "This is mainly because we don't have control over the original microorganisms used during fermentation, so we can't guarantee that the restored things will be exactly the same."

"And another risk is that the tastes of people in different eras will gradually change, so it is unknown whether these top-quality dairy products from the ancient Ottoman Empire can meet the tastes of today's people."

"Of course I understand this, so I think we can try some cow's milk and goat's milk first." Liang En thought for a moment and said.

"If the test product tastes bad, then we will stop this matter. But if everyone thinks it is acceptable, we can produce a batch of finished products and put them on the market to test the water. Then we will make the next decision based on the situation. .”

Liang En naturally knew that there was no reason in the world to let a horse run and not eat grass at the same time. So in addition to deciding on the trial, he also announced additional bonuses for those who contributed to the trial.

Obviously, the potential for good future development and additional bonuses greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of these farm workers. Uncle Jack also gave a relatively optimistic inference after careful consideration.

"If you can accept the loss, then all this is not a big problem." After everyone's cheers subsided a little, Uncle Jack looked at Liang En and said seriously.

"After all, this kind of experiment is not technically difficult, it just requires a part of the cost. Especially with the help of this detailed recipe, I think it may only cost seven or eight thousand pounds plus two months of time." .”

"If that's the case, then I'll leave the rest to you." Liang En looked at Uncle Jack and said. "Whether it's manpower mobilization or purchasing various needed items, it's all your responsibility."

"Don't worry, little Lawrence." After hearing Liang En hand over the command to him, Uncle Jack nodded solemnly and promised, "I will definitely be able to handle this job perfectly."

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