Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 175 Mastering Greek Fire Skills

After finishing dealing with the Ottoman Sultan's dairy recipes, Liang En began to assemble a Greek fire flamethrower in the farm's warehouse.

According to the card's instructions, he needs to make the ancient flamethrower as it is, and then use legendary points to convert it into part of the card to perfect the skill [Greek Fire (R)].

Thanks to the information age, Liang En's family happens to live near Dublin, the capital of Ireland. So it only took him a little time to get all the raw materials he needed, and then he started to get busy.

As a child who grew up on a farm, Liang En has been familiar with various handicrafts since he was a child. So it was not that difficult for him to make a flamethrower with detailed instructions.

When he started working, Liang En discovered that he had the right to improve some aspects of the flamethrower, but because this power came from the traces left in history, the improvement could exceed 10% of the whole.

For example, the rough joints on the original flamethrower that could only be sealed with leather can be replaced with modern joints that use rubber gaskets and high-precision machined joints.

Leather tubes and handmade metal parts that are extremely prone to leaking can also be replaced with modern rubber tubes and more modern metal parts.

But other than that, there were not many things that Liang En could change. For example, the core power part of the flamethrower could only use the oldest siphon plus low-level pressurization as power.

In fact, he initially tried to replace those primitive power sources with the high-pressure vessels most common in modern flamethrowers. The result was that it was judged to be inconsistent with history and could not be carded at all.

Also unable to be turned into cards are metal materials that are obviously smelted through modern means, such as stainless steel or titanium alloys.

After a brief summary, Liang En discovered that a prerequisite for the flamethrower to be turned into a card was that people in the era when Greek fire actually existed could make it.

For example, top craftsmen in ancient times could also produce finely processed metal parts, and steel smelting could occasionally produce products with properties close to those of today's industrially manufactured steel.

Historically, the reason why they did not do that is because these technologies are not only extremely cost-effective, but also have great contingency in their output, so they cannot be mass-produced as weapons at all.

As for the rubber pipes, Liang En replaced them after repeated thinking. Although compared with the replacement of joints and metal parts, the improvement quota consumed by these rubber pipes is horribly high, but from a cost-effective perspective, it is completely worth it. of.

In addition to the flamethrower, he also used those ancient materials to restore an ancient Roman ballista, because in addition to using the flamethrower to spray the Greek fire, it can also use various weapons to project jars filled with Greek fire.

Therefore, this [Greek Fire (R)] card can also be used in two ways. In addition to spraying flames, it can naturally launch a container filled with Greek fire that burns on contact.

Because the designated projectile weapons of Greek fire were ancient Roman ballistas or torsion trebuchets, Liang En initially planned to copy a heavy ballistae. Unfortunately, the heavy ballistae exceeded the upper limit of the size of the card, so he had no choice but to retreat. Ask for the second best.

Fortunately, the range of this ballista that meets the requirements is not too bad. During the test on the farm, it was able to shoot 1.2kg objects up to 150m away, and the direct range was also about 50m.

In fact, in terms of range, the torsion trebuchet can shoot farther than the ballista under the same circumstances. However, the problem is that this weapon cannot shoot directly, so Liang En naturally gave up on it.

Thankfully, those restrictions on modern objects are limited to the nature of those objects. Therefore, Liang En can use various modern tools at work, saving a lot of time and effort.

Of course, projection tools are not the only thing Liang En has made these days. Relative to these projectors, it was the Greek fire fuel itself that was most important.

Fortunately, with the skill [Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (N)], Liang En not only successfully prepared the fuel for Greek fire, but also used skills to make this dangerous liquid safe by consuming legendary points. Quite a few.

Finally, a week after starting work, he successfully completed all the preparations, and then began to use his power to complete the [Greek Fire (R)] card.

The entire card transformation work was completed in the warehouse. After confirming that everything was safe, Liang En used his will to communicate with the [Greek Fire (R)] card and at the same time poured the legendary power into it.

As the legendary power entered the card, Liang En began to put his hands on the things that needed to be converted according to the new instructions on the card, and then directed his attention to the infusion of power generated by the legendary power in the card. among these things.

When a stream of power enters these items, the items begin to gradually become insubstantial, eventually turning into nothingness. After each item disappears, the [Greek Fire (R)] card will become brighter, and the pattern around the card will gradually become more dynamic.

Eventually, everything on the field is converted into a part of the card, and at this time the content on the card also changes.

[Greek Fire (R): This powerful flamethrowing weapon once saved the Eastern Roman Empire and maintained the national destiny of this ancient empire for thousands of years.

Now, this power that was once lost in history will be resurrected and become a powerful aid for historical explorers to help them solve various obstacles on the way forward.

Skill cards (permanent) allow you to prepare spell-casting props and materials in advance and turn them into cards by consuming legendary power. After that, you can flexibly control the flames like those from hell.

Each legendary point combined with one liter of Greek Fire Fuel can launch an attack, and this attack can be manifested by the user choosing the following two forms:

Flame spray form: Each attack can spray a tongue of flame with a range of 18m. In addition to a single attack, it can also perform a long spray by continuously consuming fuel and legendary points.

Flame throwing form: Each attack is like using a ballista to launch a container containing one liter of Greek fire fuel. The maximum range is 150m and the direct shot is 50m. The thrown object will be ignited when it first touches the liquid or solid.

Note 1: When using the skill, the launch point is located at any point within 1m of the body. At the same time, the target needs to be within sight and locked using mental power, without any additional actions.

Note 2: The upper limit of fuel that the card can store is equivalent to seven times the upper limit of the user's legend points. For example, if the user has 9 destiny points, he can store 63 liters of fuel. 】

"The first thing to do is fireball. It's so exciting." That night, Liang En took a fire extinguisher and performed those skills on a piece of sand in the manor while no one was paying attention. After that, he was shocked by the effect of the magic.

Because when he chooses to use a skill, a tongue of fire will really fly out from his side, or a ball of ice-like objects will fly towards the target and explode into a cloud of sparks.

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