The call came from the Manila hemp plantation on Mindanao Island. The person in charge of the plantation called at this time because there were some things that he, as the manager, could not decide and needed Liang En to make a decision.

According to the person in charge, the weather forecast says that this year’s typhoon season may be more powerful than in previous years. Therefore, some additional funds are needed to renovate the ditches in the plantation and strengthen the plantation houses.

Considering that he had never been to this property since he acquired it, Liang En decided to take this opportunity to go over and see the specific conditions there, and to inspect his own property.

After all, it might take several months for Egypt's permission to come out, and before that, Liang En planned to find other interesting things to do.

Compared with possible future trips to the Sinai Peninsula, it is obviously much safer to go to the Philippines, because this plantation is located near Zamboanga City and is considered the best developed place in the entire Mindanao region.

And judging from the information Liang En himself obtained from multiple sources, the plantation and its surroundings were very peaceful areas, and the employees of the plantation were also reliable people.

After confirming the general purpose, Liang En spent a day packing his luggage, and then took a plane with Fan Meng to London first, and then from London to Manila via Phnom Penh. Then transfer from Manila to Zamboanga.

Different from the previous actions, Liang En did not bring his three ravens with him this time. After all, this time he was just inspecting his plantation, and there was no need to bring those little cuties with him.

Of course, another reason is that this departure was obviously too urgent, so there was no time to go through the animal entry and exit procedures.

As for the life of the ravens during this period, Liang En was quite relieved, because the IQs of these three birds were much higher than those of the same kind, and he also asked the people in his ranch to cut a little bit of raw meat every day and put it in the designated place. Location.

Finally, after struggling for more than a day, Liang En successfully flew around half the world and landed at the airport in Zamboanga City. Then he entered the plantation under the leadership of the plantation staff who picked him up, and entered the guest room. It took me a day of sleep to calm down.

What makes Liang En feel a little happy is that the person in charge of the plantation is a traditional Chinese like himself and Fan Meng, so communication is much easier than imagined.

"Is your budget 14,200 euros?" On the third day of his stay at the plantation, after reading the budget sheet presented by the other party, Liang En raised his head from behind the desk, and then looked at the other person sitting at the desk. The fat middle-aged man sitting on the chair on one side asked.

"Yes, because we need to hire some additional workers and purchase some cement and even steel bars to comprehensively repair our water channels." The person in charge, Huang Tao, explained.

"It doesn't cost much to hire workers, but the raw materials cost a lot. In addition, we also need to prepare some additional supplies."

Huang Tao's budget did not have much water, because Liang Enlai had also investigated various conditions in the area before, and at the same time took a day to inspect the water supply and drainage system of the entire plantation.

The fact is, as Huang Tao said, many of these canals have been in disrepair for a long time, and some of them have not been hardened at all, but are just a ditch dug in the land.

If this situation is enough in normal times, then this year's typhoon season, which may be significantly more severe than previous years, will definitely not be able to meet the demand for flood discharge, and serious waterlogging is likely to occur.

The reason for this situation is that this plantation is a very marginal industry for the Scood family, which is mainly engaged in shipping industry, so it used to be stocked most of the time.

"So what did you usually do when faced with similar bad weather in the past?" Liang En looked at Huang Tao opposite and asked, because he remembered that there seemed to be typhoons in the Philippines every year.

The location of this plantation is indeed very good. There are some hills around it that can block typhoons, but if the typhoon is relatively large, there is a high probability that it will not be spared.

"We can only clean up the mess after each typhoon passes, and then our income will be significantly reduced that year." Huang Tao said helplessly.

"Fortunately, Mr. Scord doesn't care much about the income here, so he only needs to report the losses."

"I understand, I will give you 20,000 euros." Liang En nodded and said, "In addition to the water canal, you can also dig the reservoir in the plantation deeper and mend the bumpy cement road. .”

"Thank you, it would be great if that's the case." After hearing Liang En tell his decision, Huang Tao showed a happy expression on his face.

For him, after taking over his father's position, he has been serving the plantation almost all his life, and even owns 5% of the plantation's dividend rights, so he naturally hopes that the plantation can become better.

After transferring the money to the plantation's account, Liang En didn't need to take care of the next thing. So he and Fan Meng went to a nearby village to take a look around and see if there was anything interesting.

After all, this plantation is located not far from Zamboanga City. Considering that Zamboanga City was established during the Spanish colonial period, there are many surrounding villages with a certain history.

At the same time, this place is not on the tourist route. Most of the surrounding residents make a living by farming. Except for electricity, the entire village still maintains the style of decades or hundreds of years ago.

So Liang En felt that he might be able to find something valuable in these ancient villages, so he and Fan Meng drove a broken pickup truck from the plantation to a small town not far away.

After finding a place to park the car, Liang En and Fan Meng immediately started walking around the town together. Soon, he discovered something interesting.

For example, there is a metal water tank that looks like a shuttle next to the hand-pressed well in the town square. Liang En recognized at first glance that this thing should be made of two halves of an auxiliary fuel tank on an airplane.

What's even more interesting is that when Liang En approached the auxiliary fuel tank, he unexpectedly found the words Showa 19 written on the corner of the auxiliary fuel tank, which converted to 1944.

In addition to this, Liang En also discovered more traces of the Japanese occupation forces in the village.

For example, the stew pot in a farmer's home was obviously modified from a Japanese soldier's helmet. Another example is that through a window, he could see a Type 99 rifle hanging on the wall of a resident's home.

Fortunately, many people in this village knew English, so after spending a little money to buy a few bottles of beer, the villagers were happy to share everything they knew with Liang En.

From the mouths of these villagers, Liang En learned that this place had built a field airport belonging to the Japanese during World War II. But before the defeat, there were no planes at the airport. At the same time, there were only about one platoon of Japanese soldiers stationed there.

But on the third day after the defeat, the Japanese soldiers stationed here completely disappeared overnight, leaving only an empty airport with a lot of supplies left.

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