"I think the reason why those Japs disappeared was probably to hide something." Fan Meng said to Liang En after chatting with an old man and saying goodbye.

"According to these people, the devils only drove away one truck. But they did not return to Zamboanga City along the only road in the area."

"Yes, this is indeed a very suspicious thing." Liang En nodded, "I suspect that the reason why the other party drove away that truck was to transport something."

"But considering that it's impossible for a platoon of people to be accommodated in such a vehicle, I think the place where the Japs really disappeared shouldn't be too far from this town."

Liang En and Fan Meng both felt a little excited at this time, because according to legend, the Japanese leader Fengwen Yamashita plundered a large amount of wealth in Southeast Asia during World War II and planned to transport it back to the headquarters in accordance with the orders of his superiors.

However, when the invader tried to transport the plundered wealth back to his homeland, it was already 1942, and Japan was losing ground in the Pacific battlefield.

In particular, the U.S. Navy's submarine force penetrated deeply behind the Japanese front lines on a large scale and adopted tactics similar to those of the German Navy to break diplomatic ties with Japan.

Because of the correct tactics of the U.S. Navy submarine force and the Japanese Navy's obvious lack of emphasis on anti-submarine warfare and escort, the U.S. submarine force integrated a large number of Japanese transport ships, greatly increasing the risk of Japanese maritime transportation.

No one knows exactly what was contained in those sunk transport ships, because before their defeat, the Japanese destroyed almost all information on this.

But from the sinking of the Awa Maru in April 1945, people in later generations can get a glimpse of the Japanese plunder in Southeast Asia at that time:

The ship was carrying 40 tons of gold, 12 tons of platinum, 150,000 carats of industrial diamonds, about 40 boxes of jewelry and cultural relics, 3,000 tons of tin ingots, 3,000 tons of rubber and thousands of tons of rice.

Due to the outstanding operations of the U.S. Navy's submarine force, starting from the second half of 1942, the Japanese Navy minimized its transportation of precious metals and treasures plundered from Southeast Asia back to the homeland.

So until the desperate situation in mid-1945, the Japanese army in Southeast Asia only transported various industrial raw materials and food to the mainland, and did not transport too many valuables.

This also resulted in a large amount of treasures remaining in Southeast Asia when Japan declared its defeat. So Yamashita Fengwen began to hide the plundered wealth in various places.

According to legend, after the U.S. troops successfully landed in the Philippines in early 1945, the Japanese troops in the Philippines hid the treasures in 175 secret treasure locations.

In order to keep it secret, the Japanese carried out a large-scale extermination operation. In addition to the forced laborers in the region, the victims even included a large number of Japanese.

But after the war, several surviving insiders revealed the location of a large number of treasures to the US military and later Philippine officials. Then most of the wealth was taken away by the Americans and former Philippine President Marcos.

However, according to the information Liang En has found now, the other party should not have found all the hidden treasures. And he now very much suspected that the missing group of Japanese soldiers might be related to the hidden treasure.

So in the next few days, Liang En and the others began to search for various information and summarized and summarized the information they found.

Through this information, Liang En learned that the aircraft built nearby was a field airport, and most of the time it was only used for injured aircraft to land or for temporary sorties.

But just over two weeks before Japan surrendered, a transport plane from Kalimantan landed at this airport without leaving any record of its departure.

According to the records of the US military found, the receiving personnel received an intact Japanese 100-type transport aircraft at this airport.

In other words, if that plane really brought something, it should not have been sent to other places via air transport.

However, considering the cargo capacity of the transport aircraft at that time, Liang En felt that the things that the other party actually used the truck to hide should not only be the things on the plane, but also maybe some things that were originally placed in the area.

The most critical clue comes from the detailed map of the surrounding area. Considering the off-road capabilities of Japanese trucks during World War II, there were not many routes that could allow the opponent to pass.

After a brief screening, Liang En quickly identified the few surrounding terrains that could allow trucks from the World War II era to pass through, and then analyzed them one by one.

"There is no need to consider the roads leading to the seaside." Liang En said, pointing to three of the passages. "A lot of things gathered in Zamboanga City at that time could not be transported out. It was impossible for a special ship to transport items from this place."

"Do you think the things on that plane were very important, so the other party specially sent a submarine or speedboat to take those things away?" Fan Meng raised a possibility.

"This possibility is unlikely, because at that time the United States had a special force composed of destroyers and anti-submarine aircraft operating around Zamboanga City. If the Japanese really had any submarines, they probably would not be able to escape." Liang En shook his head and analyzed.

"And if the other party really uses a boat to take them away, there is no way we can find those things at our current level, so it is more appropriate for us to take the prerequisite that those things are hidden in the surrounding mountains."

"Well, you're right." Fan Meng nodded. "If these three channels are excluded, then there will only be four other channels that are suspicious. Which channel do you think the other party might take?"

"I think these two passages can be eliminated." Liang En said, pointing to the two passages on the map. "One of these leads to a small village 6km away, and this small village has no traces of being destroyed or massacred during the war."

"With the ferocity of the Japanese devils, if they really wanted to hide something, they would definitely kill all the people in the small village on their road."

"The road condition on the other side of the road is extremely bad. It is a virgin tropical rain forest in a mountainous area. Even if modern people want to pass it, they need a lot of professional equipment. For non-professionals, taking that road is no different than seeking death."

"You must know that the Japanese airport garrison has been stationed here since the occupation of the Philippines. The intermediary personnel have basically not been mobilized, so these guys who are familiar with the local terrain should not be seeking death."

So early the next morning, Liang En and Fan Meng searched for the road closer to home.

Unlike the end of the other road, which goes deep into the mountains, the end of this road is just some hills, and there are even scattered plantations scattered around.

In order to serve these plantations, the valley that was deserted during World War II now has many artificial traces. For example, a road passes through a previously desolate valley.

This cinder road is indeed a bit rough, and there are even many small potholes caused by overloaded vehicles. And just when they reached the end of the road, they unexpectedly saw something strange on the exterior wall of the plantation building.

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