"Hello, sir. I am a traveler." Looking at the old man sitting outside the room smoking a cigarette, Fan Meng took out a pack of cigarettes he had brought with him, took out one and handed it over, and then asked . "Can I ask what this thing hanging on the lintel is?"

"Marlboro, it smokes so well." The old man looked at the cigarette and put it behind his ear. Then he answered in the same Hokkien as Fan Meng. "This is our Chinese Feng Shui mirror. Don't you recognize it?"

"Of course I know about Feng Shui mirrors, but your Feng Shui mirror looks like it's old." Liang En said, looking at the round mirror on the door frame that was already a little foggy. "And it doesn't look like a regular mirror."

"Of course this is not a common mirror. I found it in a nearby small swamp." At this point, the old man laughed, showing his teeth that were yellowed by smoke.

"This was originally a rearview mirror on a shabby-looking little devil's military vehicle. It was a bit evil. But hanging it on the door frame can fight fire with fire and help prevent disasters at home."

"Military vehicle!" Liang En and Fan Meng looked at each other and asked immediately after hearing this. "Is the military vehicle you are talking about a truck? Because on the way here we heard that a truck drove away from the airport not far away."

"What a coincidence. There was a truck in the quagmire, but it was so rotten that only a frame was left." After listening to Fan Meng narrate Liang En's words in Hokkien, the old man said.

"The car was stuck in a quagmire. It is usually invisible under the quagmire. It can only be seen when the water in the quagmire dries up during the dry season."

"Fortunately, the first typhoon has not yet arrived, so the water level in the quagmire should not be that high. You might still be able to see part of the car sticking out of the quagmire."

After bidding farewell to the old man, Liang En and Fan Meng followed his instructions and walked along the valley. Finally, they arrived at the edge of the quagmire, which was not particularly large, and saw the pile of scrap metal in the quagmire.

Yes, it can only be said to be scrap metal. Because the car no longer looked like a car at all, if the old man hadn't reminded it before, most people walking by would have ignored that bit of scrap metal.

"This seems to be different from what I imagined." Fan Meng said looking at the wreckage of the broken car seven or eight meters away from the shore.

"I remember I had seen a video before. In the video, the various equipment dug out by the people from the swamp seemed to be in pretty good condition, and many of the mechanical structures were even still functioning."

"Video?" Hearing what Fan Meng said, Liang En was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. "You should be watching the video of the Russian Digging Party."

"I'm not sure, because the video has a soundtrack, so I can't hear what those people are saying." Fan Meng shook his head. "But I think your guess is right, because looking back now, the vehicles that were towed out should belong to the Eastern Front battlefield in Europe."

"That's right." Liang En nodded and said, "The soil in Russia is mainly neutral chernozem. If they are buried tightly and cut off oxygen, those metal products can indeed be preserved for a long time. .”

"And the soil here in Southeast Asia is all acidic, and the air here is very humid. To be honest, it's great that some of it can still remain after so many years."

After explaining to his companions, Liang En looked at the surrounding environment and then asked. "Is there any way you can give me access to that truck."

"Let me take a look." Fan Meng said, pulling out a multi-purpose knife from his shoulder, cutting off a few branches from the side and tying them together, and then explored bit by bit towards the quagmire.

"It's not a big problem." After trying this improvised long stick in the quagmire, Fan Meng gave an affirmative answer. "But we need to make some simple tools, otherwise we will be in trouble if we sink."

So in the next half hour, the two people used branches and rattan to make something similar to snowshoes and put them on their feet.

Then Liang En and the others put their backpacks on the edge of the quagmire to reduce the weight, and then walked toward the wreckage of the car with a long branch that served as a walking stick.

After getting closer, Liang En discovered that the car wreckage was not rusted to this extent simply due to time. At least there were obvious cuts on the exposed parts. Obviously, it was not just the car that removed parts from the car. That old man.

Considering the scarcity of items of all kinds, especially industrial items, in the area, removing usable parts from these abandoned vehicles is apparently a common thing for locals to do.

"I don't think we can find any clues from this car." After briefly circling the car, Fan Meng shook his head and said. "The car was so damaged."

"No, not necessarily." Liang En put his hand on the car wreckage, then combined four [Appraisal (N)] cards into one [Appraisal (R)], and then used this card.

Because Liang En knew exactly when the group of Japanese soldiers evacuated from the airport, he quickly set that day as a reference point, and then reviewed what the car had experienced in the next three days.

Soon, he saw the car driving down the deserted valley from a distance to where it was now, followed by a large group of Japanese soldiers with rifles on their shoulders.

After the car stopped, the Japanese soldiers unloaded boxes and gasoline barrels from the car. But what makes people feel a little regretful is that neither the box nor the oil drum seems to be very heavy, and they can be moved by two or three people.

At this time, Liang En discovered a very important piece of information. Because there were not too many things on the car, and the poor terrain nearby, the platoon that was not full of men had to make 2 to 3 trips per person to move the things on the car. Arrived elsewhere.

The average time those people spent between leaving and returning was between two hours and two and a half hours. Considering that these devils did not notice anyone around at the time, they should not have consciously hidden the time they traveled.

In other words, the things on the car were probably transported to a place about two hours away from this quagmire. Considering that those people had to carry heavy objects, the actual distance may be closer.

After those people had carried away all the things in the car, a driver struggled to drive the car into the mire, and then he and the last group of transporters carried the remaining things from the shore into the jungle.

When the last group of people left, the forest returned to silence. But just when Liang En fast forwarded to this boring scene and was about to end the time for using the card, he suddenly saw new movement in the woods around the quagmire:

Two blood-stained Japanese officers rolled out of the jungle not far away, and then fell down not far from the quagmire.

A minute or two after they knocked them down, several people wearing various clothes and carrying various weapons came out of the surrounding jungle.

They first used the cold weapons they carried to confirm that the two Japanese officers were indeed dead. Then they took away weapons and some personal belongings from the two corpses and threw the corpses into the quagmire.

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