After roughly guessing the circulation process of this knife back then, Liang En began to pay attention to the specific contents of those cards. Sure enough, the card issued this time was quite valuable.

For example, four of the five cards are common cards, including two extremely precious [Legendary Power (N)], one [Appraisal (R)] and one [Repair (N)] 】.

The last one is a rare skill card, which brings Liang En a new skill related to Japanese swords: Japanese Kendo.

[Japanese Swordsmanship (R): All countries with history often have their own fighting techniques, and Japan is no exception. With the promotion of Hollywood movies, the weapon-holding technique called kendo began to spread around the world.

Although it is called Kendo, it is actually a fighting technique that utilizes a curved single-edged Japanese sword as a weapon. For the samurai who were the ruling class of Japan in ancient times, this could be said to be the technology by which they settled down.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the sword skills of Satsuma's top swordsman. Note that mastering only skills does not involve physical strengthening. 】

"It happens every time. I can feel that I have some extra muscle memory." After receiving this skill, Liang En picked up a stick and waved it twice and said to himself.

He could feel that his body was a little inconsistent with this. After all, practicing different fighting techniques would cause different changes to the body, and his muscles obviously had no memory of this.

Fortunately, there is a slight difference between the body strengthened by cards and the strong body obtained through ordinary exercise. At least it is much stronger than normal humans in terms of compatibility, so I think I can adapt to this kind of sword skill after practicing. .

After briefly checking the information about this style of swordsmanship, Liang En raised his eyebrows. Because this sword technique belongs to an ancient genre of sword technique.

In other words, this kind of swordsmanship is actually a style of swordsmanship purely for fighting purposes, which is very different from the modern popular swordsmanship that is similar to sports.

As a result, it will be more difficult for Liang En to pass the Japanese Kendo rank test. Because this kind of sword technique that exists purely for fighting does not comply with the regulations of modern kendo exams.

Fortunately, he does not need to take the swordsmanship exam. For him, it is good enough to learn this sword technique to strengthen his body and master a self-defense skill.

After confirming that he had mastered the new skill, Liang En once again focused on his newly acquired knife.

"It seems that we have to find a way to equip this knife with a knife outfit first. It doesn't matter if we don't have the knife outfit for going out for the time being, but at least we have to get a white sheath for easy storage as soon as possible."

After using the card, Liang En immediately thought of how to preserve the knife. Fortunately, the bowsmith he met before, Uncle Maimaiti, knew many people related to the manufacture of ancient weapons and wanted to match it with the knife. It's not difficult to get a white sheath.

The reason for this inference is that among the classical knives from Eastern countries, Japanese swords are now the most popular in the West, so it is not difficult to find various craftsmen related to Japanese swords.

And this is also true. When he called Uncle Maimaiti, he actually knew a Japanese craftsman who could make the wooden part of the scabbard.

It's just that this kind of purely handmade product is expensive. Such an ordinary white sheath actually dares to cost nearly 600 pounds. And facing such a thing that can't find a substitute, Liang En can't lower the price.

Fortunately, the other party also knew that the price he was bidding was a bit high, so he said that in addition to making a set of white scabbards, he would also provide a complete set of Japanese sword maintenance equipment.

It has to be said that this Japanese craftsman is also very good from a marketing perspective. At least even though he knew that the gift would not exceed 50 pounds, Liang En still felt a lot more comfortable when he paid for it.

Because these scabbards are all customized items, you still have to wait a few days to get the goods after placing the order.

After finishing these miscellaneous things, Liang En returned to his room early after dinner, and then began to study the ring on his chest. The difference from before is that this ring is now in a state that can be triggered at any time.

[Activating the power in the ring requires permanently occupying 10 points of legendary power. At the same time, you need to enter the historical projection to complete a certain task. Do you want to enter the historical projection to complete the task now? whether】

After taking another look at the information displayed on the ring, Liang En took out his firearm from the safe in his room and loaded the bullet. However, when he held the gun and looked at it like a card, he found that the one on top had become unusable. of red.

After many attempts, Liang En realized that if this historical projection wanted to enter, it would not be able to carry any modern weapons except its own skills.

"It seems that we can't do it today." Liang En shook his head and muttered, "If I can only carry some ancient weapons, then I must make some preparations in advance."

So it started from the next day. Liang En began to purchase various items on the Internet. Fortunately, it is very difficult to purchase various ancient equipment in this era, and there is no disadvantage except that it consumes more money.

Especially after multiple tests, it was found that this historical projection only restricted the styles of various things that needed to be carried but did not limit the materials. The difficulty and budget of purchasing items were significantly reduced.

To take the simplest example, if you want a set of hand-made and restored plate armor, it will not only be expensive, but you will also need to wait a long time to buy it. But if it is made with modern technology and modern materials, not only will the price be much cheaper, but if you are willing to pay more and jump in line, you may be able to get a set of armor in two or three days.

After all, modern production means being able to produce a lot at once, which means that the manufacturer can simply modify an existing set of armor according to Liang En's body shape and needs so that it is more suitable for use.

Under this guiding ideology, Liang Enju placed an order at an online store specializing in this industry that night, and then practiced various fighting techniques in the remaining days.

Finally, three days later, Liang En received two boxes sent from a machine processing factory owned by a Chinese in Dublin. The larger one contained a full set of Maximilian-style plate armor and a more modern-looking armor. japanese katana sword.

The smaller one is equipped with a round shield made of fiberglass fiber, a modern-style battle axe, a spear with a carbon fiber pole and five Viking throwing axes two sizes smaller, all of which Liang En is good at using.

Of course, this set of equipment is not only modern in style in many places, but also in the materials inside. For example, armor is made of titanium alloy, while knives and axes are made of modern steel with better performance.

The reason why the knife does not use titanium alloy is mainly because for normal weapon users, the weight of the weapon changes too much and is not conducive to mastering it, so the opponent chose steel as the material of the knife.

In addition to being armed, he also carries fire, food, ropes, nails and a series of other things that may be useful. in order to deal with any problems that may arise.

After completing all the preparations, Liang En was fully armed and ready in his room at the ranch that night, and then pressed the "Yes" button on the translucent interface that popped up on the ring.

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