Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 192 Entering Historical Projection

After Liang En pressed the button that appeared on the ring with his consciousness, a blue window appeared on the ring, which looked like a patch of light suspended in the air.

He curiously looked down from the light spot, and found that there seemed to be a dark stone building underneath. There were only a few lighting objects like torches or oil lamps. It looked like a cellar or a similar closed space. architecture.

But other than that, he couldn't see anything else, because the stone structure style of architecture seemed too common. Almost all stone buildings in Europe look like this. "

It seems that the only way to figure out what this is is to go down. "After realizing that he really couldn't see any clues in this light spot, Liang En approached the light spot according to the information that was sent to his mind when it was activated.

Just when he lowered his head and touched the surface of the light spot with the tip of his nose, he felt that his room suddenly turned upside down, and then his body rushed forward and fell into the basin.

In an instant, Liang En disappeared into his bedroom with all his equipment. In the entire bedroom, only the faint blue light spot made ripples.

Contrary to what he imagined, Liang En did not feel that he had crossed any special boundary. He only felt that he was falling in a cold and dark material, as if he was sucked into a black vortex——

In this quiet darkness, Liang En felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Unknowingly, he closed his eyes and fell completely into darkness, and even almost fell into a deep sleep.

But soon, he felt that his feelings about his surroundings came back, and that feeling was like a warm sunshine flowing from the top of his forehead to his whole body. After a shiver, all the feelings returned to the body.

Opening his eyes suddenly, he found that he was already standing in the stone passage he had just seen through the light spot, surrounded by cold stone walls, with only a little light shining through the cracks in the wooden floor.

After looking around, Liang En realized that he should have appeared in a stone watchtower or tower, and it was located in the middle of the entire tower.

But now it was quiet above the tower. Liang En didn't hear any movement, but there were some voices and the sound of metal collision coming from under his feet.

"After seeing that we are not at war now, the cards did not throw me directly in the middle of the battlefield." After realizing that he was in a castle tower and the surroundings sounded relatively quiet, Liang En breathed a sigh of relief.

Although according to the information in my mind, this historical projection is based on illusion and reality, so even if you are injured or die here, you will not really be injured or die.

But this kind of injury or death is not without cost. If you hang up here once, you will definitely get seriously ill when you return to the real world.

Because according to traditional Chinese medicine, death or injury here will obviously affect Liang En's qi and blood, and a deficiency of both qi and blood will obviously make his body weak for a long time.

So even if this place is safer than the real world, it doesn't mean that it is as simple as a war game. Therefore, Liang En felt that he still had to cheer up here like in the real world.

After checking his equipment, Liang En subconsciously raised his head to look for the spot where he fell, but found that there was nothing on it, only a vault made of stone.

Liang En took a deep breath, took off the shield from his back and held it in his left hand. Then he held the long spear with the triangular armor-breaking awl tip tightly in his right hand and walked towards the stair entrance with firelight in front of him step by step.

According to the new information that appeared after arriving here, he knew that the mission this time was to rescue a hostage who was now on the first floor and reach the extraction point, but there was nothing in the information except the location of the hostage and the extraction point.

"It seems that I have to rely on myself from now on." Liang En sighed. Even the most elite special forces would find this situation a huge headache, let alone a rookie like him.

Fortunately, this is not the real world. Liang En feels that he can do his best and have a clear conscience. What's more important is that he doesn't know who the enemy is yet. If the enemy is also a bunch of noobs, he might be able to win this time.

Fortunately, this tower was probably the main tower of a castle, so it was quite large. Therefore, the people going up and down the tower are also stone steps instead of wooden ladders.

For Liang En, who is now deep in the enemy's territory and has a high level of weight-bearing, stone steps are obviously better than ladders in ensuring his own safety, and at the same time, they can also keep him ready to fight when going downstairs.

Especially now that we don't know whether the group of people below is friend or foe, using a ladder that requires use of hands and feet is obviously not as safe as using a ladder where you can hold a weapon when going downstairs.

Although the inheritance Liang En received included wearing chain armor, he was very familiar with the plate armor he was wearing now, which had higher defense and was easier to control. At the same time, he was as gentle as possible when going downstairs.

But the large number of things he carried and the short practice time still made him stumble when he went downstairs, and naturally he made a clanking sound.

As a result, when he first arrived at the wooden door on the next floor, he found that the wooden door in front of him suddenly opened, and then two men in armor rushed over with swords in their hands.

"Greek Fire!" After seeing this, Liang En subconsciously used the card [Greek Fire (R)]. With the injection of a few legend points, the whole card seemed to be on fire.

Then, a flame flew out directly from his body, and then completely wrapped the two people in front of him in a ball of golden-red flames emitting black smoke.

"Ah——" Three screams came out from Liang En's eyes and not far away almost at the same time, and then the light from three human-shaped torches lit up the first floor of the tower.

Obviously, Liang En's Greek fire spray skill just now not only ignited the two guys close at hand, but also ignited the person behind him.

After lighting up these people, Liang En immediately seized the opportunity when the other party could not resist, and used the spear in his hand to poke the three guys running around because their whole bodies were on fire to the ground one by one, and then checked the current situation. .

"It seems that this skill is very useful in a closed environment." After discovering that the three guys who were lit as torches and stabbed to death with spears were all wearing armor, Liang En realized that he had just made a very correct choice. .

After all, he is just an ordinary human being. Even if he has mastered a variety of fighting skills and equipped with external equipment, there is still a certain risk in face-to-face combat.

So in this case, it is obviously more sensible to use card skills to kill three guys wearing full plate armor in one go than to take the risk of going forward for a melee fight.

After stepping over two groups of burnt corpses, Liang En passed through the stairs and entered the next floor of the tower. It turned out that this level was divided into two parts by an iron fence.

One section looks like nothing more than a passage. There was nothing but a box and a burning body.

On the other side, the ground was covered with straw and some furniture was placed, making it look like a prison. A not very tall figure was struggling inside holding something to try to extinguish the straw that had just been burned by the fire pillar.

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