Soon, the defenders on several surrounding towers drew their bows and fired arrows at Liang En and the others. At the same time, a group of armored warriors rushed up the steps waving weapons.

"This won't work." Liang En muttered after hearing the clanging sound of those bows and arrows hitting his armor and shield, and looking at the group of enemy warriors rushing closer and closer, and then launched the Greek fire again.

Different from the previous fire-breathing, this time Liang En aimed at the shooting holes in the towers on the left and right sides of the city wall and used the Greek Fire card to launch fireballs.

Because he could aim at the target roughly accurately, after Liang En used the skill three times, only one shot hit the wall, while the other two shot followed the shooting and flew into the tower and exploded in the tower.

The lethality of the Greek fire that exploded after the two groups flew into the tower was far beyond Liang En's imagination. He didn't know if it was because some flammable and explosive items were stored in the tower for defense. He saw that the entire tower was directly hit by the Greek fire after it exploded. It burned.

A large amount of flames were seen rushing out from every opening of the tower, and ignited the wooden defense structure and the same wooden tiles above the tower. Make the tower burn like a torch.

After lighting the tower, Liang En handed the shield to Jeanne and let her carry it on her back as protection. Then he first sprayed a ball of flames to burn the enemies climbing up the steps, and then used the fireball technique to block the entire steps. .

The enemy was temporarily blocked under the city wall by the flames. But soon a group of people wearing light armor or even no armor came out from behind. At that time, they all carried long-range weapons similar to crossbows.

"It's really troublesome." After seeing this, Liang En immediately used the volley function attached to the Kazan copper pot to fire a volley at the group of people below, and at the same time fired a fireball.

Under the combined attack of fireballs and bows and arrows, the long-range troops below were defeated immediately. And this also made the next escape much safer.

"Okay, let's go." Liang En shouted, and then he and Jeanne quickly slid down the city wall along the tied rope, crossed the ditch filled with wooden thorns, and ran towards the bushes not far away. past.

At this time, the guards in the city had reacted and sent out pursuers to chase Liang En and the others. However, it took a while for the pursuers to arrive from the city gate, enough for the two of them to rush into the woods.

"Are you okay?" Liang En asked loudly after realizing that no more bows and arrows were coming from behind. "Did those bows, arrows and javelins hurt you just now?"

"It's okay, thanks to the shield you gave me, otherwise the positions where some of the arrows were shot would be really dangerous." Joan of Arc smiled, "We have to stay away from the city quickly, and soon the people in the city will come out to hunt us down. ”

"Come with me, just walk a little further. I can feel the presence of support over there." Liang En said, and at the same time led the way towards the planned evacuation point and ran towards it, throwing away the gun in his hand as he ran. Spears and removed bows and arrows.

Running through the trees is not an easy task, especially when wearing a full suit of armor. But considering safety issues, Liang En just threw away his helmet and iron gloves to reduce weight.

In fact, it is easy for people to make various mistakes when they are anxious. For example, Liang En just told Joan that he came alone and didn't know anything, and now he said that he could feel the presence of support.

But the strange thing is that Joan didn't raise any objections to Liang En's obvious logical loopholes. Instead, she held the katana in her hand and followed him quietly, running deep into the woods.

The road was generally calm, because the enemies who were following on foot were far enough apart that they couldn't catch up for a while, and the enemies on horseback couldn't run fast in the woods at all.

Although there were two or three scattered enemies on horseback who chased them very close to Liang En, the loud noise they made made Liang En easily prepared and shot them off the horse with bows and arrows. .

Finally, Liang En and the others came to the edge of a small river out of breath. A small boat was docked on the river bank not far from them, with signs marking the evacuation point.

"We've finally arrived." Liang En wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then asked Joan to get on the boat quickly. According to the new information in her mind, as long as Joan takes this boat and reaches the end point about one thousand meters downstream, , your task is completed.

After pushing the boat into the water, Liang En and Jeanne climbed onto the boat together. Because Liang En had mastered the skill [Sea Raider (R)] before, he easily drove the boat to the center of the river and then went down the river.

"Excuse me... are you the archangel Uriel sent by God?" When the boat smoothly entered the middle of the river, Joan of Arc, who was sitting at the front of the boat, turned her head slightly and looked at Liang En and asked.

After hearing Joan of Arc's question, Liang En showed a look of enlightenment. He finally understood why the obviously unreasonable explanations he had said before were able to convince the other party.

In fact, he realized the flaw in his previous words after entering the woods, and he didn't think Joan couldn't hear the flaw.

After all, although Joan of Arc was not highly educated, she learned a lot by herself during the long war. The huge logical loopholes in Liang En's language just now should not be heard at all.

Now it seems that Joan of Arc was obviously misled by the Greek fire skill Liang En had just used, so she mistook him for an angel. To an angel, everything Liang En said before suddenly became reasonable.

As for why it is Uriel, it is very simple, because according to legend, Uriel is the angel in charge of the fire of hell and the angel who controls hell. He is responsible for opening the gate of hell during the final judgment. He holds a flaming sword and executes eternity in hell. This kind of torture is to burn the sinful people with fire.

For Joan of Arc, Liang En's sudden appearance in the tower, killing the guards and rescuing her was already like a miracle, not to mention that on the way to escape just now, he used flames many times to destroy the enemies blocking his way.

Because everyone was so close, Joan of Arc could clearly see the flames emerging from the void and flying towards the enemy's location, and it looked like the legendary Uriel's flaming sword.

"Of course I'm not an angel, I'm just a stranger, a human being like you." Liang En took the hood that he had put on his head as a buffer before and revealed his face.

"I don't even believe in the gods you believe in." "To be precise, I'm not even from the same world as you, and the reason why I saved you was just to complete the task after receiving some kind of instructions."

Because he knew that this historical projection was not the real world, Liang En also let himself go. He even said things that he would never say under normal circumstances.

Obviously, these words are obviously a bit shocking, especially to people in the 15th century. So even a person like Jeanne who was used to seeing strong winds and waves opened her mouth in surprise.

"It's a pity that this historical projection doesn't allow any modern things to be brought in, otherwise it would be great to take a few photos now." Looking at the surprised expression of the girl in front of him, Liang En thought with a hint of regret.

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