Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 195 Mission Completed

Unlike the previous escape, traveling on the river by boat was obviously much faster and safer. Compared with the calm river, the road on land is obviously more than one order of magnitude rougher.

Therefore, the ship seemed calm until it approached the evacuation point, and no pursuers were seen rushing out from both sides of the river and attacking them on the ship.

"By the way, I have something of yours here." After discovering that there were no pursuing soldiers around, Liang En took out his own locket from the collar of his armor, then opened the box, took out the ring and handed it over. .

After learning just now that the girl in front of him was the legendary Joan of Arc, he guessed that the ring on his hand that was not used as a skill medium was most likely her relic.

"Ah, this is the ring my parents gave me, but it was later taken away by that greedy cardinal." Joan of Arc took the ring, looked at it, and then said happily. "Thank you for helping me find it."

Perhaps because she recovered the things left by her parents after escaping to heaven, the girl looked much more lively than before, and even hummed a soft song.

After listening to a few words quietly, Liang En discovered that the song was singing a ballad about a shepherdess. It seemed that Joan of Arc was missing her relatives and her hometown.

"Will we have another chance to meet in the future?" Joan of Arc asked as if she felt something just as the ship was about to arrive at the evacuation location.

"Maybe, maybe not." Liang En replied vaguely. To be honest, he himself didn't understand what this mission was about, and naturally he didn't know the answer to this question.

"Anyway, thank you." Because she had been in prison for a long time, the hair on Jeanne's forehead was so long that it almost covered her eyes, and her face was too dirty to see clearly. But at this time, Liang En clearly saw her smile.

"It's nothing, it's all the power of fate." After looking at the bright smile on the other person's face, Liang En returned an equally sunny smile.

At this time, the ship arrived at its intended destination. At that moment, both the sound of the wind blowing through the woods and the sound of flowing water disappeared, and the whole world became quiet.

Liang En found that everything around him had stopped moving, whether it was the woods in the distance, the river or Jeanne sitting opposite, they all stopped there, as if the whole world had been pressed on the stop button.

Then he felt that he began to rise slowly, and the whole world began to go away. In the blink of an eye, there was only a bright white light left, which was exactly the same as when he came.

Then he felt as if he had done a slow-motion somersault, his feet suddenly falling to the ground, and the darkness around him blinded him, and then he found that he was back in the bedroom on the ranch.

In front of him, the area of ​​​​light that he entered before began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into nothingness, and the room was completely plunged into darkness because it lost its only light.

"What a magical journey." After standing in the darkness and quietly reflecting on what he encountered a few seconds ago, Liang En turned on the lights in the room and began to examine himself.

When he took off his equipment, he was surprised to find that there were scars where the armor had been hit in the historical projection and rubbed against the castle wall.

After further inspection, he found that whether it was the helmet and iron gloves that were discarded before running away, or the katana and shield lent to Joan of Arc, there was an obvious passage of time, and it looked as if decades had passed.

"Is this the real power of historical projection? It's really terrifying." Looking at these almost scrapped equipment. The expression on Liang En's face suddenly became much uglier.

Obviously, the danger in this thing called historical projection is not just what he saw before. In other words, existences that can be named after history and involve the power of time have an extremely dangerous side.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the power of the golden finger possessed by Liang En is reliable enough, so he can avoid this danger and make full use of this advantage.

"Hey, where's my ring?" When he took off his armor and checked further, he was surprised to find that the ring in the locket hanging around his neck had disappeared, leaving only an empty box.

After a brief search to confirm that there was no ring on him, Liang En felt that his previous practice of giving the ring to Joan of Arc in the historical projection might have caused the ring to be lost directly in the previous historical projection.

"The wind blows away the eggshells, and the wealth disappears and people are happy." Liang En muttered as if to comfort himself, and then put his consciousness into his mind to check the harvest this time.

Just like the first time I got the golden finger, three cards still appeared this time. Except for one [Legendary Power (N)] that can increase the upper limit of legendary power points by one point, the other two are very Rare cards.

[Historical Follower (SSR): A powerful historical explorer can get everything he wants from history, even the most loyal followers.

The abilities of these followers are closely related to those of the historical explorer, but one thing is certain, any one of them has left an indelible mark on history and can become the best companion of the historical explorer himself.

Skill card (permanent) (under preparation), the card user will obtain a follower. This follower will have a special status, but requires an additional 10 legend points per day to maintain its existence. 】

"That is to say, I can summon Joan of Arc from history this time and let her live in this world in a special state like everyone else."

After checking his second SSR card, Liang En showed a thoughtful expression. However, judging from the fact that the card is still gray after activation, it may take some time for this historical follower to be in place.

At first, he didn't understand what the word "Preparing" on the gray card meant. However, after checking around the room, he realized that this follower might need to finish preparations before he could appear next to him.

"It's nothing. I've been waiting for such a long time before. It doesn't matter if I'm waiting now." After realizing that it might take a while for the follower to arrive, Liang En shook his head and then looked at another card.

[Knight Riding (R): In the Cold Weapon Age, the most powerful warriors were the cavalry who rode various animals. As the most elite knight among the cavalry, mastering riding skills is the basics. Base.

In addition, those cavalrymen also need to master some knowledge related to horse habits, disease treatment, etc. After all, horses are much more fragile than machines, so controlling horses also requires learning a lot of additional knowledge.

Strengthening card (one-time use). After using this card, the user will permanently master how to ride a horse, as well as various knowledge such as choosing a horse, caring for the horse and treating the horse's injuries. 】

"A skill that is not very practical now." Looking at the content on the card, Liang En shook his head. "However, considering that we may frequently be active in the wild in the future, maybe it will be useful one day."

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