Although he bought a metal knife outfit at the second-hand market, Liang En also knew that he was just lucky. Especially the scabbard was too difficult to buy a good one from second-hand goods.

So he planned to wait until the Japanese craftsman introduced by Uncle Maimaiti made the white scabbard to see if it was good or bad, and then decide whether to order a Japanese sword set from him.

After a day of shopping around Dublin, Liang En returned home with his trophies. It was at this time that he received a message from Dr. Louis, the curator of the Egyptian Museum at the Louvre.

This email was to inform Liang En of good news, because according to the information obtained by the Louvre Museum, both the Louvre Museum and Liang En’s own excavation application had been approved by Egypt.

However, based on the efficiency of work in Egypt, it is estimated that it will take until this winter to get the official license and issue it to them.

But this is not a bad thing for Liang En, because the location of their archeology is the Sinai Peninsula, which is full of deserts and Gobis. The climate is obviously more comfortable in winter.

Although excavation work should not theoretically pay too much attention to the climate, if there is enough preparation time, it is always better to find a comfortable time to start excavation than to be in the Gobi Desert under the bright sun now.

More importantly, Liang En hoped that he could wait until his historical entourage arrived before embarking on the adventure. After all, if he guessed correctly, this entourage should be the legendary Joan of Arc.

"The biggest problem now is that I don't know what kind of image this historical attendant will follow me." When he was lying on the bed that night, Liang En fell into speculation.

According to his guess, this kind of historical entourage is likely to be like a ghost that only he can see. If this is the case, he feels that he can gain an absolute advantage in many auctions.

Especially in warehouse auctions and some ruins, which are similar to blind box openings, if there is a ghost-like follower, the efficiency will be greatly increased.

The same is true for wild adventures. If there is a follower in ghost state following you, you can detect many hidden things and greatly reduce the cost of searching.

In the next two days, Liang En stayed in his room and began to sort out the previous harvests. In addition to continuing to write the book related to ancient Egyptian texts, I also found time to transfer the "Grimm's Fairy Tales" in my mind.

For some unknown reason, the "Grimm's Fairy Tales" that appeared in Liang En's mind was not the one written by the Brothers Grimm during their lifetimes, but a hardcover German version of "Grimm's Fairy Tales" published in the 1990s in his previous world.

Compared with the fairy tales published by the Brothers Grimm during their lifetime, this set of fairy tales has been refined for more than a century, so it is more refined and perfect than the original version.

In addition, many stories are accompanied by exquisite sketch illustrations, which condense the efforts of many artists and make the entire book look of higher artistic value.

As for Liang En, because he had previously obtained the card [Sketch Artist (R)] and achieved a master-level sketching level, he was able to reproduce those drawings 1:1.

But the process of writing a book in the house was soon interrupted by a phone call, which came from a theme park near Dublin that sells the Viking Age.

The reason why such a park appeared is because the city of Dublin was built on the basis of an ancient Viking city, so the local government and museums joined forces to create such a park to promote local history.

Contrary to the imagination of those who built it, the popularity of this park far exceeded even their best expectations, so the other party planned to expand the park in the near future.

The reason why the other party invited Liang En was also related to the expansion of the park, because they hoped to add content about the Viking Vinland colony to the expansion.

Liang En just thought about it briefly and agreed on the phone. After all, although treasure hunting and writing papers are important, life cannot only consist of treasure hunting and writing papers. Going out to relax is not a bad thing.

So early the next morning, Liang Endu drove his car to the Viking Age theme park less than 10km away from downtown Dublin.

This theme park seemed to have been built with a lot of effort, because when Liang En came to the theme park, he discovered that the entire park was built according to a Viking village.

"Hello, Manager Stoke." A few minutes later, Liang En met the fat, balding middle-aged man and shook hands. "Thank you very much for inviting me."

"This time I'm troubling you because we hope to restore the Viking colony you found on the island of Newfoundland -" the manager surnamed Stock quickly talked about specific matters.

Liang En has already settled the licensing issue. After all, although this theme park is a commercial park, as a joint investment between a museum and the local government, it still undertakes a lot of educational work.

For example, when Liang En came, he saw a yellow school bus pulling students over. It was obviously to provide some historical education to those primary school students.

For this reason, Liang En easily obtained permission from the other party involved in the archaeological work, the Canadian Archaeological Department.

After all, both Liang En and Canada have the right to commercially apply some aspects of this relic, but they just need to obtain permission from the other party before authorization is required.

Compared with the difficulty of obtaining permission for purely commercial aspects, it is much less difficult to obtain permission for aspects with a strong public welfare nature.

However, because it is of a public welfare nature, the licensing fee in this area is naturally not high, and the overall amount is only 10,000 euros.

Fortunately, Liang En didn't have much work to do now. In addition to drawing a map of the distribution of buildings in the Viking North American colonies, he only needed to help them check whether the runes on the buildings were correct.

This job can be said to be very simple for Liang En, and he doesn't need to do anything extra, just pay a little attention when playing in the park.

Because a museum was included in the construction of this park, there were not many problems in setting up various exhibitions. So after a morning of shopping, he came to the park's restaurant to have lunch and rest for a while.

Since it is a theme park, the restaurant is completely in line with the park theme. In addition to the costumes of the waiters, the overall food also looks full of Viking style.

For example, the specialty food here, whether it is stewed meat or barbecue, is deliberately cut into larger pieces and placed in bowls or plates made of wood or stone. The drinks are served in horn-shaped cups.

At the same time, during meals where there are many people eating, young people dressed like ancient bards will come out to sing for everyone and enhance the atmosphere.

After a simple meal, Liang En immediately took out his notebook from his backpack and began to draw the restoration renderings of the Newfoundland ruins. After finishing the drawing, he wrote "Grimm's Fairy Tales" and drew the accompaniments of the story. picture.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer people in the restaurant, and when Liang En finished writing the chapter of Snow White and drawing the accompanying pictures, he heard a quarrel not far away.

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