Liang En, who straightened up after hearing the quarrel, realized that he might have just been immersed in writing, so now the only guests in the restaurant were himself and two young Asians sitting at a table in the distance.

Both Asians looked relatively young, in their thirties. Like Liang En, they seemed to be writing something before. There were several pieces of paper and two pens on the table.

The reason why Liang En focused on them at this time was because the two people might have argued about something, which resulted in the waiter being attracted.

Unfortunately, these two people are Japanese, so they do have a bad English accent, and the waiter who spoke to them had a strong Irish accent.

Therefore, this kind of chicken-and-duck approach not only failed to solve the problem, but made it worse.

After seeing that both parties seemed to be about to escalate the matter to the level of calling the police, Liang En immediately stood up and walked over. At least he felt that it would be better to help in such a situation where he could easily help.

After questioning both parties in Japanese and English with a local accent, Liang Encai discovered that everything was just a misunderstanding, so after a clear explanation, the misunderstanding was resolved.

"Thank you so much." After the waiter left, the two Japanese bowed to Liang En and thanked him, "My name is たけうちたかし, and his name is Nasu きのこ. Are you Japanese?" "

"No, I'm Chinese, you can call me Liang En." Liang En shook his head, and then happened to see the manuscript papers and drawings filled with text that the two people put on the table.

Although I couldn't tell what the other person was writing because the words were messy, the drawings the other person put there did look familiar, as if I had seen them somewhere in my previous life.

"Liang En!" At this moment, the two Japanese reacted as if they had thought of something, "Please, you are the one who deciphered the secrets of ancient Egyptian writing, and also found the secrets of Greek fire and Viking American colonial writings. That great explorer from Lan?"

"Well - if you want to translate ancient Egyptian, it should be me, but the great explorer should not -" Liang En knew that the two Japanese were complimenting themselves, but he was not used to this kind of Japanese speech. Habit.

"Actually, you don't know that many of our newspapers in Japan have reported your contribution to archeology on the front page and called you the light of Asian archeology——"

As the two Japanese explained, Liang En realized that compared with the almost calm situation in the West, there were obviously much more reports on Liang En in Northeast Asia.

Considering that the Japanese themselves like to use certain exaggerated words, it is obviously not that strange for the media to use such embarrassing toe-picking nicknames.

At least compared to nicknames like the Imperial Commander or the Strongest Man on Earth for the Chinese table tennis team, the Light of Asian Archeology is not too exaggerated.

This is the reason why these two people were able to recognize Liang En's identity. At least compared with those Europeans who are blind when they see Asians, the Japanese who are also East Asians will not mistakenly identify Liang En, who is also Asian in the newspaper. Well photo.

Perhaps because of Liang En's current status, the two people quickly started chatting with him, and while chatting, they talked about what they were doing.

"We now have a small game company, and a game happened to be selling well recently, so we plan to travel to Europe to relax and accumulate materials for the next game."

One of them said to Liang En, and then showed him the results of their previous discussion here. "This is a character we just set up here for the new game, she-"

"Master!" The first moment he saw the picture, Liang En thought of a lot of things. It seemed that the difference between the two worlds not only affected the antiques, but also affected some people.

The author's signature at the bottom of this picture with the Scathach pattern also proves his idea, because Japanese people like to write their names in Chinese characters when signing under pictures, and there are three Chinese characters written at the bottom of this picture: Takeuchi Takashi .

Liang En really didn't expect that Fate in this world was released more than ten years later than his previous world, and even the founder of this series was nearly twenty years younger than the one in the other world.

"——We plan to make a PC platform text adventure game about historical figures and heroes based on the stories my friend wrote when he was in middle school." Takashi Takeuchi briefly introduced their goals.

"I can understand that you really need this kind of text adventure game to introduce the background of the entire series, but why don't you develop a card-based mobile game?"

Because he was a street novel writer in his previous life, Liang En specifically researched the world background of Fate in order to write a Myriad Worlds novel. At the same time, he also briefly played the FGO mobile game for an hour or two.

So now he doesn't quite understand why the two founders didn't think of mobile games, which in his eyes are the same as a money printing machine.

"Because we don't know what the future of this series will be yet." The young man who firmly called himself Nasu Mushroom replied. "Furthermore, our previous games were somewhat niche, so we couldn't afford the money to manufacture and make mobile games."

"Ah, I understand." At this moment, Liang En remembered that the Fate series in his world did not become popular at the beginning, but went through a long process.

From the release of "Fate/stay night" in 2004, to "Fate/hollow ataraxia" in 2005, then to "Fate/EXTRA" in 2010, and finally to mobile games in 2015.

In addition to these games, there have been a large number of novels, comics, animations and even animated movies about this series in the past ten years, which finally formed the so-called Xingyue Universe.

In other words, this IP did not become famous overnight, but it took at least ten years and a lot of content supplements to reach the level it was before Liang En's time travel.

But after thinking about this, Liang En felt even more excited. Because he realized that a huge pie had fallen directly in front of him, and he even began to thank the park director for inviting him here today.

After all, adding icing on the cake is far inferior to providing help when needed, and for Xingyue Club, which has just transformed into commercialization, getting important help at this time is naturally more important than at other times.

More importantly, the Chinese heroic spirits in Liang En's Fate series are indeed very powerful, and at least they are obviously more friendly to Chinese people than the so-called Chinese superhero movie "Shang-Chi" in the United States.

This is an important reason why he is willing to help each other at this time, and since Liang En is a historian in this world, it is natural to provide help in such a game related to history.

"I think your settings are quite interesting." Liang En looked at the two founders of Xingyue and said, "To be honest, I have thought about similar things before -"

While talking, Liang En picked up his pen and paper and drew the famous Fate characters in his previous life, and talked about the things he could remember about these characters.

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