After confirming the general situation of the blacksmith shop, Liang En and the others began to expand their search scope. After about a week of searching, they found the remains of a series of buildings such as stables, dormitories, command posts, and peripheral fortifications in the camp.

Judging from the scale of the ruins and the items left behind, there were about three to four hundred people in this camp before, but not all of them were soldiers.

Considering that a traditional wing cavalry unit, that is, a squadron has between 150 and 200 people, plus such an army requires almost the same number of logistics personnel.

So Liang En felt that the camp they found this time should belong to a wing cavalry squadron, and it should be a semi-permanent or permanent camp.

Krakow was once the capital of the powerful Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th and 17th centuries, when this camp existed. Even after the capital was moved to Warsaw, it was still an important national town, so there were troops stationed around it such as hussars. Elite troops are a very reasonable thing.

A large silver coin issued in Germany in 1660 and several Russian five-kopeck copper coins from the 17th century excavated from the remains of a dormitory confirmed that the camp should have been in operation until the end of the 17th century or the beginning of the 18th century, and then abandoned.

The reason for its abandonment is easy to deduce, because Poland as a whole has been in decline since the 18th century. Even at the end of the 18th century, Austria, Prussia and Russia divided Poland three times, completely wiping out the country.

It's just that because there have always been human activities around this land, all architectural remains, including the blacksmith shop, show signs of being repeatedly disturbed.

Fortunately, even so, they were able to determine the purpose of most of the buildings through the remaining parts of the ruins and the items found around them.

Just when Liang En and his companions confirmed that the camp was a camp belonging to the Hussars Squadron, four new cards appeared in his mind.

It is a pity that although this ruins belongs to the famous wing cavalry, it is not very famous in history, so the cards given are very ordinary.

These cards include two [Detection (N)], one [Identification (N)] and one [Repair (N)]. It can be said that they are all common consumption cards.

"Okay, we can call the Poles." After having the card, Liang En said to Pierce after being able to confirm that there should be no valuable discoveries in this area.

So in the afternoon of the same day, Polish archaeologists came from the city and took over the exploration work of this ruins. At the same time, they judged the historical value of this ruins to determine the final amount of bonus for Liang En and the others.

"These Poles are so greedy." Early the next morning, when Liang En was drawing the illustrations for "The Devil's Three Blond Hairs" after breakfast, Pierce suddenly walked into the tent and said angrily.

"Didn't you discuss the bonus with those Poles? Did they withhold the bonus?" Liang En raised his head and asked after finishing a stroke on the drawing.

"It's worse than withholding the bonus, because these Poles don't intend to pay for the bonus of 50,000 to 70,000 euros." Pierce pulled the stool and sat across from Liang En, and then said. "This group of people intends to give us 10% of the loot."

"Are you so wicked!" Liang En's eyes widened. The local law does stipulate that excavators can get bonuses, 10% of the items or 10% of the value of everything. This bonus scheme looks similar, but in fact it is different. Very big.

For example, in this situation, the bonus is the most worthwhile for Liang and the others, while giving money according to the overall value is the second best, and the most embarrassing thing is to give 10% of the loot.

Because this place is just a military camp, the only things that can be dug out are some scrap copper or some worthless ancient coins. The 10% loot is obviously the lowest value among the three options.

"These guys are so unethical in what they do." Liang En shook his head helplessly. Although the other party was within the legal scope now, this approach was obviously bullying Liang En and the others as foreigners.

"This is because my previous investigation was not detailed enough." Pierce sighed and said, "My partner once told me that this group of people might be unreliable, but I didn't have time to ask in detail-"

"Now that the situation is like this, there is no point in talking about such things." Liang En gently shook his hand and said, "Now it is better to think about how to recover the losses."

Obviously, Pierce should have moved Liang En out during the negotiation just now. Unfortunately, for those in the archaeological department, Liang En's reputation is not enough to make them pay a greater price.

Because no matter what, these guys were doing things within the scope of the law, so they were not afraid of what scholars like Liang En, who came from abroad and had no relatives in the local area, could do to them.

"That is to say, we may have to wait for a while before we can get a small amount of money." After thinking about it for a while, he found that he could only suffer this loss through formal channels. Liang En looked at Pierce and found that Pierce His face became even uglier.

"It's worse than that," Pierce sighed. "The other party has set aside 10% of the area in the ruins for us, and then everything excavated in these places belongs to us."

"It's not that the other party is making things difficult for us, it's that they told us that it would be too difficult to ask for money afterwards, so they had to take this approach to prevent us from going home empty-handed."

"Okay, we may be busy for a while." After discovering that except for the blacksmith shop, armory and commander's residence in the core area, Liang En nodded slightly, feeling that the other party was not targeting him specifically.

Judging from the friendly approach of the other party, which only designated a few restricted areas where excavation is prohibited, it is not the local archaeological department that really got things bad, but the fiscal expenditure department.

"Then which area do we want?" Pierce asked after pulling up the surrounding map captured by the drone on his tablet. "I think we might be able to find something valuable over there in the dormitory area."

"No, we want this area." Liang En pointed to a big tree not far from the commander's residence and said, "This oak tree seems to be four or five hundred years old, which means that the Hussars were This oak tree is here when there’s activity around.”

"Normally, considering fire prevention and safety issues, there would not be any trees in such a small military camp. So it is a bit strange to have the only big tree in the entire camp."

"More importantly, there is a tradition in Poland of holding May Day around trees, especially giant oaks, so I guess this oak tree is likely to be a very important thing in the camp."

"What you said makes sense, then I'll listen to you." After hearing Liang En's explanation, Pierce nodded and redefined the excavation scope to include the oak tree and its surroundings.

"Okay, that's it. I hope your sixth sense is as sharp as usual this time." After finally confirming the drawn target, Pierce walked over to the group of archaeologists with the drawn map, preparing to delineate the excavation scope. , and then start work.

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