Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 211 Treasure under the Oak Tree

Just as Liang En had guessed before, the guys who made all kinds of tricks in terms of trophies were not those at the scene. So the scope of the excavation they applied for was quickly approved.

As soon as the permission was obtained, Liang En, Fan Meng and Pierce left the camp together with the workers and walked towards the excavation target.

After entering the camp, Pierce first arranged for the workers to excavate several buildings within the excavation range, and then he and Liang En and others carried the tools and walked straight in the direction of the target oak tree.

The oak tree stood upright near the center of the ruins, far opposite the main entrance of the commander's residence ruins. Perhaps because of the lush branches of this oak tree, there is only a thick layer of fallen leaves under the tree, and not many other plants grow.

It is now around 9 o'clock in the morning, and the golden sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the oak canopy, forming a dream-like scene.

"It's really beautiful. I think this is a good sign." Looking at the pillars of light formed by the sunlight passing through the canopy of the tree, a smile appeared on Pierce's face.

"Yes, a good sign." Fan Meng nodded and turned on the metal detector in his hand. "The area that can be excavated in this area can be said to be very small, so if there is something, we should be able to find it before lunch."

After arriving under the tree, the three people used metal detectors at the same time to explore the surroundings little by little with the big tree as the center. Soon, a buzzer alarm sounded from Liang En's earphones.

"I found something." Liang En said to his two friends as soon as he heard the alarm sound. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at the location of the land where the alarm sounded.

This location is about four or five meters away from an oak tree, and it is located on the line between the oak tree and the commander's residence, which is the central axis of the entire camp.

"It seems that there is probably something buried in this place." Liang En muttered, and then he, Pierce and Fan Meng took out the tools and started digging.

Different from the ruins they excavated before, after removing the top layer of leaves and humus mixture and digging down 20cm, a large number of stones began to appear in the soil.

The sudden appearance of these stones disrupted Liang En's excavation rhythm. Because the fist-sized stones blocked the engineering shovel, several people had to slow down the excavation speed and move these things away bit by bit.

Fortunately, when the three of us were digging together, the level of tacit understanding gradually increased as time went by. Therefore, after more than half an hour, they successfully discovered something unusual under the pit more than 1m deep.

"Ding--" With a crashing sound, Liang En felt that the tip of his shovel hit another stone. But just when he wanted to pry that stone away like the previous ones, he unexpectedly found this stone. Much bigger.

"It seems we have found the target." Five minutes later, Liang En whispered, and a round stone slab with a diameter of more than 1 meter appeared at the bottom of the pit.

After digging a little from the side, they confirmed that the stone slab with a shallow cross carved on it was only seven or eight centimeters thick, but it was definitely not something Liang En and the three of them could lift.

Fortunately, they had made sufficient preparations before coming this time, so they quickly ordered their workers to build a tripod with steel pipes above, and then installed the pulleys and used iron chains and hooks to pull the stone slab. Pulled up.

There is a thin layer of soil under the stone slab, and hundreds of small black metal discs sit quietly in the soil. Just grab a few and rub them on. They soon discovered that these were silver coins.

Interestingly, the origin of these silver coins is very complex. In addition to locally minted silver coins, there are also silver coins minted from the German region, Russia and even the distant Middle East.

In ancient times, it was very common for metal coins from different countries to be mixed. Because the real value of these currencies was the precious metals contained in them, it was not a problem who issued the currencies.

The total number of this batch of silver coins is more than 170, which are distributed under the stone slab at the bottom of the pit with a radius of 1m. After taking out the silver coins and weighing them, they found that the coins added up to nearly 3kg.

"It feels like these silver coins are much larger than the silver coins I saw before." Fan Meng asked with confusion after taking out a silver coin and shaking it in his hand. "I feel like the silver dinar coins I found before are much lighter and smaller than this one."

"Your feeling is correct. After the Europeans discovered America and developed its gold and silver mines on a large scale, Europe experienced significant currency devaluation due to the influx of large amounts of gold and silver." Liang En also picked up a silver coin. After shaking for a while he said.

"So in order to adapt to such changes, the size of gold and silver coins throughout Europe at that time became larger to facilitate daily use. The batch of silver coins we found now were minted after the price revolution in Europe."

After some inspection, Liang En and the others were basically certain that the contents of the pit should have been buried in the mid-to-late 17th century, and could not have been later than 1682.

Because among this batch of silver coins, the closest silver coin they found was a Groschen silver coin minted in 1682.

Somewhat surprisingly, when they dug out the silver coins in the soil, they found that the bottom of the silver coins was not soil, but another stone slab.

"It seems that this is the reason why the moisture did not penetrate." Liang En muttered quietly as he looked at the obviously larger and thicker stone slab. This also explained why the rust on those silver coins just now was not very serious.

But on the other hand, he didn't think that this stone slab was just for moisture protection. Compared with the value of more than a hundred silver coins, whether it was a backfill full of stones or a whole stone cover, it seemed a bit overreactive.

"I think these are silver coins that are probably used in some kind of ritual or as a cover-up, but the real thing should be hidden under the current stone slab." After looking at the silver coins, it was thicker, larger and taller than the previous stone slab. Liang En said behind the rough stone slab. "So I think we should dig out that slab of stone at the bottom as well."

"You're right, we'd better not let go of any trace." Pierce nodded in support. "At least we have to dig this hole until it reaches raw soil that has never been disturbed."

After making the decision, several people used the tripod and the pulley to repeat the previous work. As the stone slab moved away, a piece of metal embedded in sand and charcoal was exposed underneath.

After a brief dig, Liang En discovered that it was a rectangular copper box plated with silver. After wiping the slightly flattened box with his gloved hands, he found that the box was quite rusty.

Fortunately, the box wall is thick enough and protected by a silver plating layer, so the rust stains are only superficially floating on the surface, and there are no bad perforations.

For the contents of the box, this level of rust is better than no rust at all. Because the rust just seals the entire box, ensuring the safety of the contents.

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