Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 212 Harness and Shopping

Apart from the box, there is nothing else of value in the pit. Only some filler sand and charcoal filled the entire space.

After everyone spent a lot of effort to clean up all these things, they only saw a palm-sized cross with a base lying quietly at the bottom of the pit surrounded by raw soil.

"It seems like this is the only thing in this pit." Liang En said to the people around him after making sure there were no other signs of disturbance around. "Let's look elsewhere."

Unfortunately, in the next day and a half, they didn't find anything that made people shine. The only thing that may have some value is a broken stone cross half a man's height dug out from the ground of the church ruins.

"It seems that this is the only thing in this area. Let's go find the archaeological team over there next." On the afternoon of the second day after the copper-plated silver box was excavated, Liang En and the others looked at a lot of messy things on the white cloth. Something made the decision.

During this day and a half, Liang En and the others went through the entire area assigned to them together with the workers, and dug out all the metal objects in it.

As expected, most of the things they unearthed were just scrap copper and iron, with only a few scattered silver coins, buttons and individual pieces of armor still of some value.

If they hadn't unearthed a small pocket of silver coins and a box before, their search could have been a loss to their grandma's family.

Regarding that box, Liang En could not suppress his curiosity and used an [Appraisal (N)] card the night before. As a result, the conclusion given by the card made people feel a little confused.

[This is a silver-plated copper box. It was just a large jewelry box that the hussar squadron leader bought randomly in the market, but it was used for other purposes. 】

[In 1700, when this distinguished squadron of hussars was disbanded. The last squadron leader of the squadron converted valuable souvenirs in the squadron into money and distributed them to the soldiers. He put the worthless things in a box with everyone and buried them under the oak tree in the camp. 】

Obviously, in the case of box packaging, the card will only identify the box itself, not the contents of the box. Fortunately, after checking the weight of the box and the sound after shaking, everyone determined that there was unlikely to be precious metals such as gold and silver in the box.

And when they took the things to see the archaeological team next door the next day, the attitude of the archaeological team after inspecting various things also proved their previous conjecture.

"We will recycle these silver coins according to the market price." After checking what Liang En and the others brought, the person in charge of the archeology department said. "The other things belong to you. I will issue an exit permit to you now."

During the initial inspection, the archaeological team used a special X-ray machine to check the contents of the box, and found that there were only four horseshoes and a horse bit that looked like they were wrapped in some broken textiles.

It is very common for an elite cavalry unit to use retired horse gear as souvenirs. Therefore, after confirming that there were no precious metals in it, the local archaeological department was naturally unwilling to pay for it.

"If we really want to acquire it, we can only offer 500 euros." said the staff member responsible for negotiating this aspect. "Because based on similar items we have found before, there are often only a few old horse gear inside."

"Okay, give this thing to me. I will pay 1,000 euros for this thing." After completing the handover of items with these local people, Liang En said looking at the box.

Although this thing should not be that valuable from a monetary perspective, for Liang En, who pays more attention to historical value, he will naturally not let go of something that has a high probability of producing good cards.

"800 is enough." Pierce, who had also seen X-rays just now, said. "Although, the guy who raised the price to 500 just now is obviously undercutting the price, but if it is just iron, then 50 or 60% more will be enough."

Pierce's mood seems to be much better now than before, because the pile of things just sold for a total of 62,000 euros not only smoothed out the expenditure this time, but also made about 3,500 euros.

In addition to money, what is more important is that the armor and weapon fragments that are allowed to be taken away can also be sold in the store, adding a supply of goods to the store.

"Does anyone really buy these rusty scrap metals?" Fan Meng looked at the pile of rusty iron and copper pieces and felt a little puzzled. "These things aren't even complete items-"

"You are right, these things are indeed just waste products." Liang En nodded and said, "But that doesn't mean there is no market for these things."

"At least for most people, buying a real set of antique armor, or even a modern imitation of antique armor, is not easily affordable financially."

"So these fragments from the authentic hussar armor are the best items that can meet the needs of ordinary people in this regard. They are collections that ordinary people can also collect."

"Yes, this is a collectible for the general public." Pierce went on to explain. "We can completely remove the rust and oil them and sell them. Depending on the completeness of the preservation, they can sell for 20 to 70 pounds."

"So that's it!" Fan Meng had a look of understanding on his face, "It's really improved my knowledge. Before, I thought only those complete things were bought by people."

After dealing with Pierce's side of the matter, Liang En planned to go home, but an email made him change his mind. Because this email from Ireland told him that his EU concealed carry permit was approved.

The EU in this world is obviously more integrated than the EU in Liang En's previous world, so there are many such documents that can be recognized by the entire EU.

However, compared to similar documents in the United States, it is much more difficult to apply for EU documents. If Liang En had not achieved a certain status in the academic world and had helped a police officer before, this application might not have been approved so quickly.

In addition to Liang En's personal ID, Fan Meng's ID also came down. But unlike the personal certificate Liang En applied for, Fan Meng's certificate was a work certificate hanging under the Panda Adventure Studio. After all, there was really no way for his personal property to reach the lower limit of the certificate.

Having a certificate is naturally a good thing, but the biggest problem for Liang En now is that he has a certificate but no corresponding weapons.

Since he had not paid attention to this before, he did not own any firearms except a bolt-action shotgun and a 56-and-a-half that he bought last time in the United States.

So while he was in Poland, Liang En planned to buy a pistol with Fan Meng and take it back. After all, various weapons are cheaper in Eastern Europe than in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

So after lunch, Liang En and Fan Meng, led by Pierce, drove to the city to buy some bargains.

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