Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 223 Suspicious location

Liang En felt that he should have thought of this a long time ago. After all, Daniel could starve himself to malnutrition in a place like London just to save money to buy some solar panels for his hometown. He should have thought that the economic conditions in this place were not optimistic.

"The nearest regular hospital from here should be in Sharm el-Sheikh in the south." Liang En first approached Jeanne and said a few words, and then said to Daniel.

"After all, your uncle was injured while serving me, so I should pay for the medical expenses. I will ask the driver to drive your uncle there in a moment."

At this moment, Joan of Arc, who had just gone out after receiving Liang En's order, ran in from outside with an envelope in her hand.

Previously, Liang En considered that the Sinai Peninsula was relatively desolate and there would not be too many occasions where various credit cards or even wireless payments could be used, so he specially exchanged euro cash and loaded it in the car. Now it seems that this comes in handy. .

"This is 5,000 euros. Now find someone to accompany your uncle to treat the wound." Liang En handed Daniel the envelope containing 5,000 euros and said.

"Thank you!" Daniel also knew that this was not the time to be humble, so he thanked him first, then rushed out of the room and asked a few people to carry his uncle to the tattered off-road vehicle outside the yard.

Then two young people who looked to be 17 or 18 years old ran out from the side, expressed their gratitude to Liang En, and drove out of the village with another middle-aged man.

After the car left, Daniel's family chatted with Liang En and the others, and the content of the chat was mainly related to the nearby ancient Egyptian ruins and active rebels.

However, during the chat, Liang En discovered that Daniel's family looked at the mobile phone placed next to them from time to time. Apparently they were also worried about Uncle Daniel's current situation.

During this process, people came in from time to time at the door to express condolences to Daniel's family. At the same time, they gave Liang En and the others all the samples and photos they had collected that looked like traces related to ancient humans.

Finally, more than an hour after everyone started chatting, Daniel's father's cell phone rang, and then a young man's voice came from inside.

"Uncle, my father's condition has stabilized now. The doctor said that although the wound was slightly infected and some muscles were slightly torn, he could be cured because he was sent to the hospital in time, and his activities will not be affected in the future."

"That's great." Daniel's father smiled and became more relaxed. It seemed that he had always cared about his cousin.

"Thank you so much." Daniel also turned his head at this time and looked at Liang En and thanked him seriously, "Thanks to you, my uncle will be able to fully recover in the future."

"It's nothing, it's just like I said just now, this is what I should do." Liang En said with a smile and shook his hand. "Now let's continue talking about that group of rebels."

"Those rebels are more like a group of bandits than rebels." After letting go of the stone in his heart, Daniel began to translate to everyone some of the information about his father.

"Although this group of people may have had some intentions at the beginning, now after so many years of chaos, they have completely degenerated into a group of bandits."

"They don't dare to attack our villages, but those people will attack other people from outside. There are cases in several villages around us where they have robbed livestock, kidnapped people and even killed people."

"Can you tell me the origin of the group of people who are currently active around you?" Mr. Scord asked with interest at this time. "If we have the details of the other party, we can make targeted arrangements."

When I learned that there were activities of the rebels around me. Liang En suggested that Mr. Scood leave first, but Mr. Scood said that half of the dozen people he brought with him this time were security personnel, so there was no problem with safety.

Moreover, in his previous adventure career, Scood had encountered various armed conflicts more than once or twice, so he felt that he was even more experienced than Liang En in this aspect.

"You know, the Sinai Peninsula was in chaos for a long time in the past, and all parties to the war would hire a group of people to serve themselves. But as peace came to this land, those people naturally had to fend for themselves. "Daniel explained to Liang En and the others at this time.

"Most people here have chosen to return to their original civilian lives. For example, there are some people in our village who are like this, but there are still some people whose minds have been completely distorted by the war, so they are reduced to living in the desert. of bandits.”

"For example, the bandits my uncle encountered before were probably those operating in the desert. It seems that in addition to robbing us, these people's financial resources should also include smuggling cultural relics-"

The reason why Daniel made such a judgment is also very simple, because for those illegal diggers who come here, the bandits they can hire must be very familiar, otherwise they will be easy to get hacked.

"Then can you determine the specific situation of those bandits?" Liang En asked further. "For example, the opponent's personnel, weapons, or even habits will do."

"It's hard to judge this, because the two people who attacked my uncle before had their heads wrapped with a piece of floral cloth, so they couldn't recognize each other at all." Daniel shook his head and said.

Such an answer naturally made Liang En and the others feel a little frustrated, because it was equivalent to the enemy being in the dark and me being in the open. Fortunately, Daniel soon thought of something related to this aspect.

"But if there are more than ten people active around here, there won't be many places to choose from. After all, the water sources available nearby can be said to be very rare, so if you are active for a long time, there should be only a few water sources. satisfy their needs."

As he spoke, Daniel took out a nearby map, and while writing and drawing on the map, he told Liang En the details of those locations.

"——There is a precious fresh water well in this place, but there are usually a lot of people coming and going, so if the other party wants to get water from this place, it is very likely that the bandits will pretend to be businessmen who occasionally pass by."

"And this place is a salt-alkali pond. Basically no one goes there." After introducing the previous place, Daniel pointed to another place and said.

"However, considering that the other party is an external poacher, it is likely that the other party will have some desalination equipment and use people's blind spots to hide in this place——"

Next, Daniel named a total of 11 suspicious locations around him. These locations are spread over a large area ranging from 5km to 37km from Daniel's village.

As for places farther away, it is unlikely, after all, Daniel's uncle found that there was only a camel behind him. And if two people ride a camel in the desert, it is impossible to go very far.

After obtaining this information, Liang En attached miniature cameras to his three ravens and released them, preparing to observe the points that Daniel had mentioned before.

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