Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 224 An unexpected opponent

Although Liang En kept talking about how excellent his three ravens were on the way here, and these three ravens had previously appeared on an online program and demonstrated some of their abilities, others still felt that these three ravens were Small animals that live in the city may not be good at such wild activities.

Therefore, just after the raven was released, everyone got together and began to discuss how to scout those locations, and Daniel said that he could notify people in several surrounding villages to search together.

"This is too dangerous." Liang En shook his head and said. "There are a lot of bandits on the other side, and they are the kind of guys who may shoot at any time. It would be too risky for you to go there."

"We are not afraid of taking risks." Daniel said with a wry smile and shook his head. "Unlike the Copts in the city, our life here is not that good."

"Especially the various previous conflicts have severely damaged our lives. Because we want to prevent sneak attacks, we must dedicate a large number of personnel to carry out defense work. This will naturally reduce the income from raising sheep and camels."

"Although peace has now come to this land, various problems left before still affect us, so for us, we are willing to take certain risks in order to increase our income."

"One of those big birds is back." Just as Daniel was talking about the situation here, a young man outside suddenly shouted. It turned out that the raven assigned to investigate the recent key points at this time had already completed Returned from the mission.

"Let's not talk about whether to send people or not. Let's see if there is any valuable information in the photos my little guy brought back." Liang En said, taking off the miniature camera from the raven's neck, and then I connected to the computer and started reading.

"This is so clear." Daniel said in surprise as he looked at the photos downloaded from the camera to the computer, because these photos were obviously much better than he imagined.

He had always thought that no matter how smart these ravens were, they were not that smart, but he did not expect that the photos taken by the GPS-equipped camera after being taken to the destination by the ravens were actually very valuable.

"The other party should not be stationed at these locations." After briefly analyzing the situation in the photos, both Daniel's father and the security personnel who followed Liang En and the others made the same judgment.

Although the location of that group of people was not found, everyone's morale was suddenly stimulated. Because judging from the photos brought back by the first raven, they are indeed capable of observation work.

Sure enough, when the second raven returned, they found some clues about the activities of a large group of outsiders in the second batch of photos.

"This place is wrong." At that time, they were looking at three photos taken in the dry river channel, and in a photo taken on the cliff, Daniel's father saw something unusual.

"If I remember correctly, this dry river is usually not visited here because of its remote location, poor distance, and desolate surrounding environment. But now you can clearly see the marks of the wheels on the edge of the cliff."

"It is certain that these are the tracks left by a Tatra heavy-duty truck. The locals will not drive such a heavy-duty truck at all." A security guard quickly made an analysis after seeing the photo.

"Judging from the clarity of the ruts on the ground and other traces captured in the photos, the vehicle that left this rut ​​mark will not have passed there for more than a week, and it is very likely that it is the target we are looking for now."

"Can you let these big birds scout this place again?" After a brief analysis, the security guard turned to look at Liang En and asked. "This photo alone doesn't really tell much."

"They need a good rest, so the next time they go out may not be until night." Liang En said while cutting the chicken that a child had just handed him into thin shreds and feeding it to the two ravens who had just returned.

"Ravens, unlike most birds, can move at night. So the three of them can wait until dark before heading out, and then bring those larger infrared cameras to search this spot."

After more than forty minutes, the last raven returned successfully, but like the first raven, it did not bring any suspicious information.

Therefore, now that the suspicious location has been identified, the next step is to see how the investigation of the only suspicious location at night goes.

While waiting for it to get dark, Liang En and Mr. Scood began to look at the various items and photos sent by the previous villagers, and tried to sift out valuable things from them.

"Look at this. This graffiti looks quite interesting. Do you think it can be useful to us?" After looking at the computer screen for a while, Scood suddenly said excitedly.

Hearing the other party's voice, Liang En immediately moved forward, and saw a very simple-looking graffiti on his screen, depicting two long-horned cattle unique to Egypt carrying two bags, and someone behind him seemed to be shouting.

The more valuable content is below the picture, where there is a line of text that looks very blurry.

Although the photographers tried their best to clean up the dust covering it, the degree of weathering allowed only about half of the content to be seen.

"I was go to Memphis." Liang En translated the words that could be read clearly. Unfortunately, there were so many weathered parts that it was impossible to figure out what the sentence meant.

But even so, Liang En could roughly infer something. For example, if the words mine and Memphis here are combined with the graffiti, it can be judged that these things should have been left by people who transported locally mined items to the capital.

"Let me see where this place is -" Liang En quickly called up the location where this photo was taken, and then marked it on the map at hand that showed the surrounding situation.

What surprised him was that when he marked the location, he found that the location of the graffiti was also in the wadi, and it was just downstream of the valley where the raven had discovered something unexpected.

If you guessed correctly, the mine should be located in the upper reaches of these dry river valleys. Workers would transport the mined ore along the flat bottom of the river valley to the seaside, and then transport it back to Egypt by ship.

Due to the Nile River, when the ancient Egyptian civilization was first born, they were already good at using ships to transport various items, people or fish.

Although it is difficult for ships that are directly woven from papyrus or tied with papyrus ropes and wooden boards to cross calm inland seas like the Red Sea. But you can still drive along the coast from the west of the Sinai Peninsula back to the capital on the Nile.

Therefore, for the ancient Egyptians who needed to transport heavy ores, except for a small number of precious ores that were transported via land trade routes, everything else was basically transported by a mixture of water and land.

This graffiti allowed Liang En and the others to be basically certain that there might be ancient Egyptian ruins in this river valley, and even the group of robbers went there to excavate because they knew something they didn't know.

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