Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 232 Sinai Turquoise

When Liang En and the others walked down the mountain to join Mr. Scold, they quickly got some useful information from him that they had found after they split up to search.

"My people just found several mines and dug out some turquoise and malachite after simple digging." Mr. Scord said, taking out a piece of turquoise the size of a broad bean.

"So I think this place should be a turquoise mine -" However, Liang En only listened to the beginning of Mr. Scood's explanation, because at this time, all his attention was taken by Mr. Scood. This piece of turquoise attracted me.

Turquoise is a very common gemstone, so Liang En has owned decorations inlaid with turquoise in both his previous life and this life, but this piece of turquoise is different from common turquoise:

There are often some lines on turquoise, usually black or brown. But now the lines on the turquoise stone in Scood's hand are actually bright red.

"I seem to have heard about this kind of different turquoise somewhere. Have you seen it before when you were searching for information?" Looking at the turquoise, Liang En fell into thinking.

"——According to the results of my people's exploration just now, the reserves left in this turquoise mine are not small, so for us this is a mine with commercial mining value."

Just when Liang En was lost in memories, Mr. Scold ended his speech and gave out a piece of good news, with an expression full of excitement on his face.

The reason why he is so excited now is because compared to his previous failed treasure hunts that lasted several years, the process of finding treasures this time was really smooth, and the things he found were also very valuable.

"Yes, this is indeed a valuable mine." At this time, Liang En finally recalled the information he had seen before, and a smile broke out on his face. "And it should be worth more than you think."

"More valuable than I thought?" Mr. Scord showed a puzzled expression after hearing what Liang En said, and then he suddenly became energetic. "Is there something special about these turquoises historically?"

"Yes, because the ancient Egyptians were the first humans to use turquoise for decoration, and the turquoise they used came from the Sinai Peninsula." Liang En said, picking up a piece of turquoise.

"Compared with ordinary turquoise, the biggest feature of this Sinai turquoise is that the network pattern and the surrounding rock soil are both red, and it looks like blood has seeped into the stone."

"According to the cultural relics excavated now, this kind of turquoise with red lines is mainly concentrated in and around the ancient Egyptian civilization. It is obvious that the ancient Egyptian civilization was the core and spread to the surrounding areas."

"You're right, I have a scarab amulet that seems to be made of this material." Hearing what Liang En said, Scood quickly recalled an item he owned. "But I don't think I've seen turquoise like this anywhere else."

"This is because Sinai Turquoise is already a legend today." Liang En thought about the information he had checked before and then said.

"Judging from the existing cultural relics, Sinai turquoise was mined from the first dynasty of ancient Egypt until the 20th dynasty, which took about two thousand years, but after that there was no more Sinai turquoise production."

"According to the latest translation from the Louvre, the turquoise in the Sinai Peninsula should only be produced in one mining area, so after the mining area was closed, people quickly forgot about the origin of this turquoise."

"The reason why the mine in the Sinai Peninsula was closed was because the mining cost of this mine was too high. So with the emergence of international trade, this mine was naturally abandoned by people, and in the following time forgotten."

"So if you take into account these Early Dynasty Egyptian statues that are in the valley now, then we have found this mine that is very likely the earliest turquoise mine for humans."

"Humanity's earliest turquoise mine!" Mr. Scord's eyes widened after hearing Liang En's words, because such a discovery far exceeded his best expectations.

"Of course, this is just speculation now. Because no direct evidence has been found yet." Liang En said and shrugged, while the corners of his mouth turned up slightly to reveal a smile.

The reason why it cannot be determined is that although the scale and various facilities here can infer a lot from the side, from an academic point of view, direct judgment cannot be made until direct evidence is found.

"But I think both the temple of Horus and the statue of the Pharaoh indicate that this place was probably the core mine of the ancient Egyptians, because only core mines would go to such trouble to build so many additional facilities." Liang En concluded.

"Don't worry, direct evidence will definitely be found." Mr. Scord said after recovering from the mental shock he just received. "We have just discovered several traces of human activities in the past, and we should be able to find the information we want."

So in the next three days, everyone devoted themselves to the work of sifting sand. Because according to local laws, after a cultural relic is discovered, the cultural relics authority must be notified within 72 hours.

Indeed, no matter how many cultural relics they find now, they will be left to the Egyptian cultural relics department, but being able to unearth an important cultural relic with your own hands is still a great temptation for everyone.

Especially for those who dig legally, finding important cultural relics and leaving their names in history is their biggest gain in archaeological activities.

Of course, another reason is that after a simple survey, they found that although the mining area has been mined for two thousand years, due to ancient productivity limitations, the entire mining area still has mining value.

Even better, after questioning, they learned that the land in this mining area, including the mineral deposits below the ground, belonged to that group of Copts, and they were very willing to cooperate with Liang En to develop this mining area.

Therefore, when it is confirmed that this treasure hunt can earn a lot of money, gaining reputation in archeology has naturally become what everyone is most pursuing now.

However, it is a matter of luck to dig out important things, so when they each chose the target to dig, Liang En handed over the task of judging the target to Joan of Arc.

Because in his opinion, if we talk about luck, no one here should be able to compete with Joan of Arc, a living saint, in this aspect.

The subsequent discovery proved that Liang En's judgment in this regard was correct, because on the second day of excavation, Joan of Arc found a stone tablet that looked as tall as a person in a small hole buried by sand and gravel.

After the sand was cleared away, Liang En and the others were almost dazzled by the things on the stone tablet. Because this stele is actually covered with a layer of gold foil, and there is a figure sitting on a chair inlaid with turquoise, malachite and lapis lazuli on the top of the stele.

"Oh my god! This is definitely an important discovery." Looking at the golden stone tablet in front of them, Liang En and the others' eyes widened. "At least none of the ancient Egyptian stelae left today have ever been so ornate."

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