Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 233 Golden Stone Tablet

After discovering the gold-covered stone tablet, Liang En and the others immediately stopped searching and started translating. The reason why he did this was that on the one hand, this stone tablet looked very precious, so he naturally wanted to translate the content on it as soon as possible.

On the other hand, it is because since everyone went out to explore together, and since I have made such an important discovery, I should leave some opportunities to others.

After all, the entire mining area was discovered by Liang En through the translation of photos of ancient Egyptian temples. This time he found such a stone tablet covered with gold foil, so he should leave some opportunities for others now.

Mr. Scord was very well prepared when he went on this expedition. He even had a simple cultural relic processing laboratory in a RV, so Liang En's next work naturally seemed a lot easier.

"What is the content on this stone tablet?" When several people carefully carried the stone tablet into the RV compartment, Mr. Scold, who had been holding a camera to record it since the discovery, immediately asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure the figure on the top of the stele is Imhotep." Liang En pointed at the figure inlaid with gems and said.

The reason why he is so sure is because when the ancient Egyptians carved statues of gods, each god would be carved according to a certain standard template, and there would not be too much free creation.

So now the statue sitting on a chair with its legs hanging down and holding a roll of papyrus in its hand obviously belongs to the ancient Egyptian god of medicine, the god of the pyramids and the embodiment of wisdom, Imhotep.

As we all know, the traditional religion believed by the ancient Egyptians is a standard polytheism, but the biggest difference between Imhotep and other gods is that he is the only being in ancient Egypt who became a god from a human.

According to historical records, he was only a low-ranking official at first, but he had profound knowledge and superhuman wisdom, so he was selected by the then Pharaoh King Djoser.

After being selected, he immediately showed his talent. For example, the tombs in ancient Egypt before him were trapezoidal hexahedral tombs called mastabas made of soil and stones, which looked like a stone tablet lying on the ground.

But after he took office, he completely changed this traditional burial method and chose to build the first pyramid in history near Memphis, the capital of Egypt at that time.

In addition, he is the author of Edwin Smith's Surgical Papyrus I, the earliest surviving medical document, and is the first true physician known in human history.

At the same time, he also designed the sacrificial rituals of ancient Egypt, and was the first to create the method of removing the entrails of the deceased and then mummifying them. From a certain perspective, this Imhotep can be regarded as a As versatile as Leonardo da Vinci.

However, because he is enshrined as the god of medicine and a symbol of wisdom, he is not usually engraved on a stone tablet. In addition, ancient Egyptian stone tablets usually only have one side carved, so this stone tablet must have something special. .

"Did you see anything?" Because Liang En had been checking the stone tablet without saying a word since he got in the car, so after waiting for more than half an hour, Mr. Scord couldn't help but asked.

"I saw something very important." Liang En turned to Mr. Scord and smiled, then said. "The writings on both sides of this stele were carved a long time apart."

"This side is surrounded by a circle of gems, but the very rough side was carved during the period of King Dzoser of the Third Dynasty of ancient Egypt, while the other side with the statues of gods and the very detailed side was carved during the 19th Dynasty. Period Carving during the period of Ramses II."

"That is to say, the time difference between the inscriptions on the two sides of this stone tablet is actually 1,000 years!" After using the tablet computer next to him to quickly check the chronology of each dynasty in ancient Egypt, Skod's eyes widened in surprise. .

"But why did those ancient Egyptians do this?" Fan Meng next to him suddenly asked. "I know that the ancient Egyptians had the habit of recycling coffins. Do they have the same attitude towards stone tablets?"

"Uh - no, in fact most of the stone tablets in ancient Egypt are engraved with text on one side and patterns on the other. It is very rare to have text engraved on both sides." Liang En shook his head and said.

The recycling of coffins that Fan Meng mentioned just now is mainly because wood in ancient Egypt was very precious, making all wood products including coffins expensive.

For this reason, many people have used their crooked ideas. They steal coffins from tombs, dump the mummies inside, and then sell them to other people again.

This is why many ancient Egyptian coffins today either have obvious traces of being chiseled out and re-carved where the name was originally carved, or they simply have a name that is different from the name on the mummy inside.

But this is obviously not the reason for the double-sided carving of this stele. According to the statement on the stele, the gold foil, gems and inlays of the gods on this stele were all put on the stele under the direct order of Ramses II.

Ramesses II was one of the greatest pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Under his rule, the entire 19th Dynasty entered a state of great prosperity. However, because of his great achievements, the entire dynasty prospered and declined. From a certain perspective, he is very similar to Qianlong.

Because of his great success, he naturally invested a lot of manpower and material resources in mining this turquoise mine in the Sinai Peninsula. When the workers opened an ancient mine, they found some words carved at the entrance of the mine.

"These words were written by Imhotep himself. At that time, King Djoser's prime minister Imhotep came to inspect the mining area on behalf of the Pharaoh and wrote some warnings about turquoise mining on the wall - —”

After realizing that everyone around him was looking at him, Liang En did not show off. Instead, he talked about his translation of the content of the stone tablet that was carved in the era of Ramses II.

"After Imhotep left, the foremen carved the words directly on the wall until the ancient lane was abandoned and closed."

"Unexpectedly, this seal remained closed for hundreds of years. It was not until Ramses II developed this mine on a large scale that this thing reappeared."

"At that time, Imhotep had already completed his transformation from human to god, so the words on the stone wall were naturally regarded as sacred objects.

So the workers at that time chiseled out the stone with the inscriptions and the surrounding stones and made them into stone tablets, which were then carefully decorated. "

Speaking of this, Liang En frowned and paused, then pointed at the stone tablet and said.

"Theoretically, this stone tablet should have been transported to the Egyptian capital at that time, but I don't know why it was not transported out and was hidden in the cave."

"But it's very lucky for us because we have now found the only remaining handwriting of Imhotep in the world. From a historical perspective, this is as precious an artifact as the entire mining area."

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