Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 237 Enlightenment and Relief

"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris when you were young, then it will stay with you wherever you go in your life." This is Hemingway's admiration for Paris in "A Feast at Paris".

But for Liang En, this city is not much different from the cities he has been to before. Of course, this may also be because the previous few visits were either too small or in a hurry and did not stay much in this city.

For Joan of Arc, this city was an elusive dream. She once led the troops to the city of Paris and launched an attack, but she had to retreat because of the king's order.

From a certain point of view, her experience is very similar to the situation when Yue Fei was forced to return after receiving 12 gold medals, so it was expected that this city would be the first stop of the trip.

From the moment she got off the plane and took a taxi into the city, Jeanne looked out the window without saying a word until she entered the pre-booked hotel and put her luggage in the room and walked into Liang En's room.

"This is completely different from the Paris I remember." After sitting down on the chair, Jeanne told Liang En her feelings about the city in the first sentence.

"I can't see anything in common between this city and the Paris in my impression. Both the architecture and the people are far from the Paris of that year. I can't find any pictures that make me feel familiar."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Looking at Jeanne with confusion in her eyes, Liang En smiled and said, "Since you have been given a chance to live again, isn't it true that this city has been reborn? A normal thing?”

"I know that this city is still completely different from what you remember. But I think this change is a kind of self-renewal of the city. Compared with the same, this change is obviously good -"

"Yes, you are right." After listening to Liang En's words, Joan of Arc quickly fell into thinking. But after just a few minutes, she raised her head, and at the same time she looked much more lively than before.

“The past will never come back, so instead of dwelling on memories, it’s better to look up at the future and make every day that follows more meaningful.”

"That's right, we have to look forward, instead of worrying about our past regrets." After hearing what Joan De said, Liang En Liang En clapped her hands gently.

To be honest, since the first meeting with Joan of Arc, Liang En found that this girl seemed to be hiding something in her heart, so that she looked a little depressed.

He was not surprised by this situation, because anyone who knew Joan of Arc's life experience would know how much heavy things this girl was carrying in her heart.

But times have changed now, so Liang En naturally hopes that she can be herself again instead of falling into those ancient memories, so the trip to France with her this time is also related to this.

It now seems that although Joan of Arc has not received much formal education, she has a much stronger thinking ability than ordinary people, so she can figure out the things inside in such a short period of time.

So during the rest of the journey, Joan of Arc suddenly seemed much more relaxed than before. In Liang En's eyes, she now truly became the young Jeanne, not the Saint Joan of Arc.

Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris... Liang En and the others visited various scenic spots, especially Joan of Arc, who also went to see the piece inside Notre Dame de Paris that said 1455, the Holy See is here. A bronze medal commemorating the process of convening the redress proceedings for Joan of Arc.

It’s just that she is not very interested in the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc. She feels that she is just a person who saves France under the guidance of the gods. Whether she is evaluated by the church as an evil witch or a saint actually does not mean much to her. .

She even confessed when they went to have dinner together that the basis of her trial or rehabilitation was not what she did, but the needs of the big shots back then.

"I understand, so getting out of that memory and looking at the world from a more objective perspective is the most important thing to you." After listening to Jeanne's words quietly, Liang En smiled. Speaking of.

At this time, the waiter brought the first dish of the day from the back kitchen. So the two stopped chatting and started eating.

"This is a little different from when I ate." Taking advantage of the gap between the two dishes, Joan of Arc said to Liang En, "Let's not talk about the changes in cooking techniques and cooking habits. Just serving the dishes is the same as in the past. There's a noticeable difference."

In Joan of Arc's time, Western food was served by putting all the dishes on the table at once and then starting the banquet, instead of being served slowly one by one like now.

This is mainly because as the times progress, some nobles and wealthy people are more inclined to show off their pomp and chat at banquets. If they are served together, it is easy for the dishes to get cold during the banquet.

"You are right. It can even be said that the hundreds of years from your time to now can be said to be the fastest-changing period of time for human beings as a whole." Liang En nodded.

"So in addition to staying at home, reading books and following my adventures, we will still have to go out frequently in the future. This will help you understand the world today."

After spending three days traveling around Paris, Liang En and the others headed to the village of Donremy-la-Piselle in Lorraine. After bypassing several groups of noisy travelers, they came to a small mound where they could see the whole thing.

"I was born here -" After finding a stone to sit down, Jeanne pointed to a two-story building surrounded by many tourists. "Of course, the small building there now should have been rebuilt later. My house back then was much worse than this -"

In the following time, Joan talked about life in her hometown. Different from what is said in some street stall literature, her family is not very poor.

Joan's father was a low-level official in the village, responsible for collecting taxes and organizing the village's defense. The reason why he was able to obtain such a position was that he operated a farm of about 50 acres.

However, due to past productivity and war, this farm was able to sustain a family's food and clothing, but it was not necessarily how wealthy it was. Therefore, Joan of Arc had to go out to herd sheep to help the family when she was a child.

However, because it was a time of war, Joan was able to briefly learn some knowledge from her father and other people in the village about how to use weapons and how to ride a horse.

In peacetime, it was basically impossible for Joan of Arc, a woman, to teach this knowledge at that time, but after experiencing the long war, the situation naturally changed.

What happened next was just like what was written in many biographies and records. Joan of Arc said she heard guidance from angels and decided to save France.

"——Since then, I have never been back home." At this point, Jeanne stared straight at the two-story building in the distance and said, "It's just that I never thought about it. I will return to my hometown as I am now.”

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