Joan of Arc sat on the stone for several hours. It was not until it gradually darkened that she jumped off the stone with a sigh, and then walked towards the woods behind her and said.

"I remember that this place was just a meadow when I was herding sheep. I didn't expect that it has turned into a forest now. As you said, everything is changing, and I should accept this change."

Soon, she came to a big stone, then took a branch from a tree on one side and dug it up about one meter away from the edge of the stone.

"Uh - what are you digging?" Seeing Jeanne begin to dig the ground, Liang En also took a branch from the side and helped her dig, while asking her what exactly she was digging.

"Before I left home, I left most of my things with my parents or gave them to friends in the village, but there were a few things from my childhood that I buried in this place where I used to graze sheep." Ting Liang En When asked, Jeanne turned her head and answered.

"So I want to look for those things now to see if they are still there. If they are there, I can keep them as a thought. If they are not there, I will feel at ease."

Soon, black fragments appeared in the soil. Obviously this should be the wooden box that Joan of Arc used to store those things. Unfortunately, after so many years, the wooden box has completely rotted.

In this case, all the things that originally had mechanisms were completely rotten, leaving only a little black trace left there to indicate the existence of those things.

Fortunately, not all toys back then were made of wood or fabric, so after using branches to remove a small pile of black carbonization marks, they found two small terracotta dolls from underneath.

"It seems that you were a little different from ordinary girls since you were a child!" Liang En joked in a low voice as he looked at the cavalry and infantry dolls in front of him.

What is different from today is that the education for boys and girls in Joan of Arc's time can be said to be completely different, so it can be said that it is a very rare phenomenon for Joan of Arc, a girl, to be interested in soldiers at that time.

"These actually belong to my two brothers." Joan looked at the two dolls with a look of reminiscence. "It's just that before I left home, each of them gave me something as a souvenir."

After setting the two figures aside, they resumed digging. Because according to Joan of Arc, she remembered that there was a small top made of pottery among the things she put there.

But to their surprise, when they found the top and took it out, they unexpectedly discovered a golden light emerging from the soil under the top.

"What is this?" After digging through the bottom of the pit with his hands, Liang En found a small thing that looked like it was only about the size of a thumb from the soil under the pit.

This thing is inlaid with purple flake crystals on both sides, and a circle of gold in the middle. It looks like a piece of crystal set in gold.

However, after careful observation, Liang En found an extremely delicate hinge on the circle of gold, which meant that this thing should be a very small container.

After further inspection, Liang En discovered that this object was actually a reliquary composed of a central axis and two veneer covers. The overall condition was very well preserved.

There are two pieces of crystal on the outside of the reliquary. On one side of the inside are six scenes from the life of Jesus Christ, and in the middle of the other side are the nativity manuscripts and the Annunciation to the Shepherds.

Behind these scenes is a wooden spike mounted on crystal, which looks like 1/3 of a toothpick, with the inscription DE SPINA: SANCTE: CORONE engraved on one side.

This inscription is in Latin, which literally translates to the thorns of the Holy Crown. And if the cultural background is taken into consideration, it should refer to the thorns on the crown of thorns that Jesus wore during his crucifixion.

"Reliquary!" Joan of Arc immediately recognized what Liang En was holding now, "I didn't expect my mother to actually put this thing here -"

After seeing this thing, Joan seemed a little excited. She took a few quick breaths and then started sobbing. Tears dripped down the long eyelashes on the reliquary.

Obviously, this should be something very important to her, that's why she seemed so excited.

Seeing Jeanne suddenly burst into tears, Liang En was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out a few napkins from his pocket and handed them over. Although he was a straight man, he also knew that he would not say anything at this time and would only stay with her quietly. it's the best.

From the few words that Joan just said, Liang En realized that her mood swings had become so great all of a sudden. She must have seen things and missed people, and thought of her mother.

For Joan of Arc, suddenly coming to this era really brought too much pressure to her. Because everything she was familiar with was left behind more than five hundred years ago.

Relatives, friends, and enemies have all turned into dust, and everything they are familiar with has turned into lines of text in history books.

This is why she has an obvious dependence on Liang En, because Liang En is the only familiar existence in this world besides the simple common sense in her mind about how to live in modern times.

So when she suddenly saw something related to her mother, Joan of Arc naturally had a lot of feelings, and she also had an extremely strong emotional reaction.

Although in the eyes of many people, as the saint who led the army to save France, Joan of Arc should be a very strong person, even indifferent to joy and anger.

After all, in most people's impressions, a great warrior or leader should have a mind as strong as steel and a city as deep as the sea. He would not cry, let alone cry in front of others. .

However, according to the records of a French king's attendant at that time, Joan of Arc in history was actually a relatively emotional person. When she felt emotional, she would laugh and cry whenever she wanted. She was not as straight-laced as the so-called big shots. With a straight face.

After a while, she stopped sobbing and recovered. Then she raised the small relic box and told the story behind the relic.

It turned out that after Joan of Arc successfully recaptured Reims, although Charles VII was successfully crowned King of France in Reims Cathedral, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops after being alone to avoid being surrounded by the enemy.

Because Reims was originally French territory, and because the city had the conditions to open the city gates and let them in at that time, the French army was not able to obtain many trophies in this city.

However, because the Reims Church itself belongs to the French royal family, before leaving, the French army took away a large amount of property from the Reims Church on the order of the king.

Because Joan of Arc had previously declined the canonization of herself by Charles VII, who became king, she only asked to be exempted from taxes in the village where she was born. So Charles VII rewarded her with this precious relic taken from Reims Cathedral.

However, at that time, Joan of Arc believed that she was blessed by the gods and did not need the protection of these holy objects. So I asked a reliable person to take this thing back to my hometown and give it to my mother.

Now it seems that Joan's mother obviously put this thing together with the little thing that Joan had buried out of love for her daughter, praying to the gods to keep Joan safe.

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