Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 239 Hearing about the Golden Meeting Again

After discovering the reliquary, Liang En and Joan of Arc thoroughly cleaned the entire small hole where the items had been hidden. Unfortunately, apart from the reliquary, nothing of value was found in the pit.

Come to think of it, this place was just the place where Joan hid her toys when she was a child, so her mother may have put the holy objects in it to pray for blessings from the gods, but she certainly wouldn't have put other belongings in it.

After all, this place is safe, but it is not close to Joan of Arc's house, so it is always troublesome to hide something.

After this trip to Donremi Village, Joan of Arc suddenly felt a lot more lively. If she felt like a serious warrior before, now she looks more like a girl under 20 years old.

Originally, they planned to return to Ireland as their next stop, but what they didn't expect was that when they were about to buy air tickets, Liang En received a call from Paris.

"Congratulations on discovering the oldest turquoise mine in the world." The caller was Dr. Louis, the curator of the Egyptian Museum of the Louvre. He congratulated Liang En on his latest discovery at the beginning.

It was easy for the other party to know about Liang En's discovery, because since Liang En went to the Sinai Peninsula, the Louvre has been paying attention to his work, so a big discovery like the mine cannot be hidden from them.

"This time it's probably just a coincidence that I met a Copt living there, plus good luck." Liang En said with a smile. "Excuse me, why are you calling today?"

"Ah, that's it." After listening to Liang En's question, Dr. Louis said, "I would like to ask if you can allow our archaeological department of the Louvre to conduct archaeological excavation in the mine you discovered—— "

Unlike Liang En's big discovery this time, the archaeological team sent by the Louvre conducted excavations based on the historical relics they discovered in the northern Sinai Peninsula more than half a century ago.

The reason why the other party made this choice is easy to understand. After all, they are a large museum, so all kinds of excavation work must be based on stability. They cannot be like Liang En and tend to take more risky options in the selection of target locations.

However, as a result, the excavation work of the Louvre's archaeological team was less fruitful. They only found a section of the ancient Egyptian road to Canaan and the ruins of an armed fortress used as a way station on the roadside.

So after learning that Liang En discovered ancient Egypt and even the oldest turquoise mine in mankind. The curator of the Egyptian Pavilion of the Louvre called Liang En, hoping to find some inspection tasks from him.

"Of course." Well, he replied. After all, we had a pleasant experience cooperating with the Louvre Museum before, and we achieved a win-win goal. So Liang En didn't mind that the Louvre sent a scientific expedition team to join the scientific investigation of the mine ruins.

"You can talk to my lawyer about this specific content. Of course, I will tell the lawyer that you only need to pay the lowest price among similar transactions."

After discussing the matter of cooperation, Liang En originally planned to hang up the phone after a few polite words, but he suddenly remembered something and asked Dr. Louis.

"Before discovering the ruins, my Coptic partners had a firefight with a group of looters who were mixed with local gangsters. I just want to ask you if you know what happened to that group of looters who were obviously from Europe. Who is he?"

"After all, we have already spent a lot of money on exploration, and we have confirmed that the mine can be excavated for a long time, and we have obtained an excavation permit from Egypt, so we are a little worried about what happened to the previous group of people."

"Ah, we've heard about that too." Dr. Louis thought briefly after listening to Liang En's inquiry, and then said.

"But you don't need to worry too much. That group of people should not affect the mining of your mine. After all, they are just a team under the Gold Society."

"To be honest, your collaborators have dealt a heavy blow to the damn Golden Society this time. That team is the only elite one among the several teams of the Golden Society in the Middle East. This total annihilation will make They were quiet for a while in the Middle East direction."

"Golden Party!" After hearing Dr. Louis' answer, Liang En's eyes suddenly widened. Because he didn't expect to hear the name of that organization again at this time.

"Yes, this is a cultural relic theft organization that operates around the world, and sometimes it chooses to destroy a large number of cultural relics in order to sell the things on hand at a high price." At this point, Liang En could hear the anger in Dr. Louis's tone. .

Presumably, any normal archaeologist would not have much favorable impressions of illegal cultural relic dealers, let alone those who would wreak havoc on ancient cultural relics.

"But those guys have suffered a few big losses recently." But soon, Dr. Louis' tone became more relaxed, even showing a sense of gloating.

"Not to mention the team that was killed by your partner. Recently, an important trade node in Europe and their entire chain were destroyed, so they will definitely be quiet for a while."

"Important node, what's going on?" Liang En's curiosity was aroused. In his eyes, the most important thing for this group of lawless gangsters is the sales system, so it is strange that this system can be destroyed.

"I heard that the last time I wanted to sell some cultural relics stolen from an Irish museum, I somehow left evidence at the auction. As a result, the police targeted them and exposed their personnel, and then they suddenly attacked and killed several nodes."

As the well-known curator of the Egyptian Department of the Louvre Museum in the archaeological community, Professor Louis naturally has his own special channels. So he had a clear understanding of the whole thing and told Liang En what he knew.

However, Liang En's expression became a little strange after hearing his explanation, because he remembered that the last time he was entrusted by a police officer to attend an auction, it seemed that the task was to investigate the whereabouts of lost items in the Irish Museum.

"It seems that I am in conflict with the Golden Club." He complained in his heart. It was really depressing to have such incidents with the Golden Club several times in a year.

However, considering that he may have made more achievements in treasure hunting and archaeology in this year than most of his colleagues in a lifetime, it is also expected that he will conflict with this group of professional cultural relic thieves.

Fortunately, according to the news obtained from Dr. Louis, the other party has been hit hard recently. Therefore, Liang En is not worried that the other party will have too much strength to launch revenge in a short period of time.

Especially for the elite team that was destroyed, after the shipping channels in Europe were hit like this, the other side definitely needs to do its best to solve the problem of the destruction of these channels, and it is impossible to focus too much on other aspects.

More importantly, Liang En's previous actions were all secretive enough, so the other party would not realize the harm that Liang En had done to them before knowing this.

So Liang En quickly calmed down his excitement after hearing such news, then hung up the phone after a few words with Dr. Louis, and then went to the airport with Joan of Arc to return to London.

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