Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 242 The weird final auction item

"To be honest, today's finale may be a bit unbelievable." After hearing Liang En ask about the finale of today's auction, Old Pierce was convinced.

"According to the information I got, that thing was brought over from France by a well-known antique dealer, who said it was the remains of Joan of Arc, the French protector of the country—"

"The remains of Joan of Arc!" Liang En exclaimed in a low voice, because at this time his wrist was suddenly grasped tightly, so he could only cover up his exclamation in this way.

"Yes, according to the owner, they were found in a jar in the attic of a Paris drugstore in 1867. The jar bears the following inscription: "The remains were found at the stake of Joan of Arc in Orleans. "

Pierce obviously didn't notice the strange expression on the face of the slightly short girl next to Liang En and the movements of her hands, so he continued to introduce the specific situation of this auction item.

"According to the display board over there, the contents of the jar include what appears to be a burnt human rib, a black piece of wood-like black meat, a 15-centimetre-long fragment of linen, and a cat femur— —”

"This thing is fake." Upon hearing this, Joan of Arc slightly raised her toes and leaned towards Liang En's ear, and then whispered. "There was no cat on the fire when I was burned."

According to the tradition of the 14th and 15th centuries, when burning a witch, a black cat would also be burned on the fire, so the forger of the so-called remains of Joan of Arc naturally added the cat's bones to it.

But in fact, if you study enough history, you will find that the existing information contains the detailed process of Joan of Arc's torture when she was killed, and cats are not mentioned in it.

More importantly, after repeatedly burning to confirm that Joan of Arc's body was burned to ashes, the British also threw the ashes into the Seine River not far from the execution site, so it was impossible to leave these things behind.

"Do you think this thing is fake?" After Pierce introduced these things, Liang En asked him a question. "I remember we studied this section specifically in class -"

"You're right. In fact, we are not the only ones who think this thing is unreliable." Pierce shrugged after listening to Liang En's inquiry.

"So after lunch, the other party will organize a simple appraisal meeting and ask everyone to recommend a few reliable people to conduct a simple appraisal of those things -"

"Wait a minute, you can do this kind of appraisal work." At this point, Pierce said as if he had thought of something, "At least I think you should be one of the people with the highest academic level in archeology here, and you are completely capable of doing it. This represents.”

"Of course I am happy to be this representative, but will the organizer allow me to go up?" Liang En is not the kind of person who likes to be in the limelight, but under this situation, he feels that he must go and see if that thing is real. .

However, sometimes this so-called appraisal is often done by the organizer, and the people who go up to inspect have been contacted in advance. So Liang En wanted to know whether the other party really wanted to find someone to identify him this time.

"Definitely, because this thing is too controversial. And because it involves religious relics, it is temporarily impossible to use carbon-14 and other technologies for experiments." Pierce explained in a low voice.

"Even the organizers of this exchange meeting were not able to come up with a unified opinion. Although most of the organizers did not think that this so-called sacred object was real, there was a very key organizer. Fang insists, so we can’t just remove the suspicious things like before.”

"Under this premise, because the organizer does not want the goods provided to be suspected of being counterfeit, it hopes to pass the responsibility of identification to us participants through this method, so the other party's idea is true."

"If so, I'll be relieved." Liang En nodded. Although he wasn't too worried about offending the organizer of such a party, it was better not to cause too much trouble.

"By the way, why do you say that scientific measurements are not allowed on such religious sacred objects? I don't seem to remember where there is such a rule?"

After confirming that the local organizer really wanted to find out the authenticity of this thing, or wanted to use the public's help to shift the blame, Liang En quickly focused on another matter.

"If I remember correctly, neither the law nor the church has said that scientific inspection of these religious-related items is not allowed. What is this thing about?"

The reason why Liang En was surprised was that in his memory, whether it was the legendary Spear of Longinus, the Shroud or the Holy Grail, they had all undergone scientific testing, and he had never heard of similar taboos.

"This is just a private request made by the owner of this item." Old Pierce said at this time. "It seems that the other party thinks that scientific examination of religious sacred objects is sacrilege."

"Okay, I respect this kind of person's ideas." Liang En sighed softly and said, after all, everyone has their own choice in this regard, and what everyone needs is mutual respect.

However, for him, it would be more appropriate to test this type of religious items if circumstances permit. After all, compared to other things, the rate of counterfeiting of religious items is not low.

Just think about how in the Middle Ages a goose feather was claimed to be an angel's feather, or a broken piece of wood was claimed to be an angel's feather, and fragments of the True Cross were everywhere to know how long the tradition of counterfeiting such items is.

After temporarily separating from Pierce and his son, Liang En and Joan of Arc were going to check out the private temporary shops around them. But on the way, Joan of Arc suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

"It feels like human beings' ideas have not changed much in many cases. In my time, I have seen many people selling the remains of various saints, but it still feels a bit strange to see others selling their own bones."

"Well - this may be a special case." After hearing what Joan said, Liang En also realized that the situation he was encountering now might be the weirdest situation in human history.

After all, under normal circumstances, no normal person will come back to life after death. Not to mention seeing his own bones being sold as sacred objects.

Because this topic was really embarrassing, Liang En quickly focused on the surrounding stalls. As a large-scale exchange meeting, the overall quality of those private booths can be said to be very good.

Compared with the parcel stalls that Liang En had seen before, each stall in this place looked much more formal: each stall had a table covered with a white tablecloth, and various items waiting to be sold were placed on them. On the table.

At the same time, each stall will have a small sign that looks like it is made of metal and glass, with sheets of white paper with gilded text sandwiched inside.

One side of these white papers is printed with an Arabic numeral, and the other side is printed with some simple information about the stall owner. This information can be a certain person or a famous store.

Obviously, the people in the bunks set up in this place are of a certain level. And it has received unified management from the exchange meeting. It is not just a matter of opening the package, taking out the red cloth and spreading it out.

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