During the exchange with Pierce just now, Liang En learned that the participants in this place came from all over Europe. So it is natural to use this communication opportunity to advertise for yourself or your store.

For this reason, it is not a simple matter to get a berth here. You need to apply and review it in advance.

To take the simplest example, although the Emerald Thrift Store has always been allowed to participate in this exchange meeting, it has been refused to set up a shop in this place because its scale is too small and its overall level is not high.

Although Liang En joined the Emerald Thrift Store this year, and he entrusted several valuable products to the store for sale, the store has greatly increased its points.

But because this was only the first year, the organizers rejected this year’s application for setting up a shop in the Emerald Store on the grounds that there was insufficient time for inspection.

Fortunately, the other party also made it clear that if this year's momentum can be maintained, then they will definitely have a place in the negotiations on the sale of goods at this time next year.

Perhaps the people in this place came from all over the UK, or even continental Europe. Therefore, the items for sale can be said to be dazzling and diverse. This also makes the entire hall look like a small museum.

For example, from these stalls, Liang En saw a variety of things from ancient Egypt and ancient Rome to modern times. Most of these things were items of some value, but not very high value. But there are also various exquisite products.

For example, at one stall there was a beautiful pansy crown made of gold, silver and diamonds. It seems to have a lightness and freedom that is inconsistent with the precious metal above.

After asking, he learned that this crown was made by the Ferson brothers, the second-generation heads of Paris Chaumet, a top luxury brand. It was a naturalistic style crown they made in 1850, during the Second French Empire.

This crown, which is composed of flowers, fruits, leaves, birds, wheat ears and intertwined bows, was also the most popular jewelry of that era for many European aristocrats and American nouveau riche.

As the top popular jewelry of the year, this crown looks really beautiful. Unfortunately, judging from the seller's eloquent explanation, the seller knew the specific situation of the item in detail, so there was basically no chance of picking it up.

And this is indeed the case. When the price was finally asked, the other party offered a sky-high price of 350,000 euros for the crown. This price was okay if you wanted to keep it for yourself, but you couldn't make much money if you wanted to sell it.

As mentioned in the previous invitation, this exchange meeting is full of professionals, especially the group of sellers who are the elite among professionals, so it is not easy to pick out the leaks from their hands. .

The same was true for the next few stalls. The stall owners had already thought through the things that Liang En was interested in, so the prices offered were basically unattractive.

However, this does not mean that the turnover of these stalls is not high. After all, everyone is a professional, so there are still many people with their own channels who are willing to buy the required items here.

For example, if you are a businessman selling furniture from the French Imperial period, then if you buy a piece of furniture here at a low price and make a set with the furniture you already own, then it is absolutely no problem to make a small profit.

However, these things were not what Liang En needed, so he quickly focused on the other stalls selling various information.

The stall owners of these stalls are often experienced individual antique dealers who are basically in a state of semi-retirement or have retired and are no longer directly engaged in antique trading.

For them who can no longer run, using their experience to collect various information and sell this information to their peers can be said to be one of the few pleasures they have after retirement.

For example, the small stall in front of Liang En is like this. Not only are there piles of information on the table, there are even a lot of large and small notebooks and folders piled under the table.

"Young man, these are all kinds of information related to treasures that I have collected in the past few years. All the records are things that can be confirmed to exist but are now missing."

After watching Liang En and Jeanne stop in front of his stall, the old man with a Mediterranean haircut and a monocle on his eyes raised his head and looked at them and said.

"Can I take a look?" Liang En asked.

"Of course." The old man nodded, "But you can only read it in this place, and you can only read two pages from each notebook and folder at will."

"Okay. Liang En nodded. After all, the items sold in this stall are important information, so it is normal not to let them read through.

"By the way, how do you sell this thing?" Liang En asked as he reached out to a folder. "I see you have such good categories for these things——"

"This is divided by color. A folder or notebook with a white cover costs 50 euros, a blue one costs 100 euros, and a red one costs 300 euros." The old man said, pointing to the information he had collected.

"Let me take a look." Liang En said, opening a white notebook and reading it. Judging from the first two pages, the content contained part of the news about a shipwrecked ship during the American Civil War.

Although most of the things above are copies, many of them are first-hand information from the past, such as the starting point and destination of the ship and the contents of the items shipped by the ship.

After taking out another notebook and selecting a few pages at the back to open it, he found that it actually contained a map, which plotted the last route of the Caribbean trade ship recorded in this notebook.

"Give me this one first." In order to determine the gold content of these things, Liang En first selected a white-covered folder that recorded information on the disappearance of a ship off the coast of Ireland.

When Liang En, the organizer on the stage, swiped cards on the POS machines of these stalls, he immediately opened the folder and started reading.

As Liang En had guessed before, these things are all information about this ship. In addition to the records of the port at that time and the records of items left by the owner of the cargo on the ship, there is also a ship structure diagram and route map.

What's more interesting is that this route map also marks other ships around the route during the ship's journey, ocean current conditions, dangerous areas around the entire route, and the weather at that time.

There are even some handwritten personal analyzes next to this information, showing the areas where the ship is most prone to danger. And this is where the ship might be pulled from the ocean floor.

"These analyzes were done by me and a few old friends. The accuracy should be pretty good." The old man took off the monocle from his eye socket and wiped it. "But the actual value is not as high as you think."

"Even if the locations where the ship may encounter are drawn, the area of ​​the suspicious sea area drawn is still too large. Unless you are very lucky, the cost of searching the entire area will far exceed the cost of salvage. Get."

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