Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 246 Identification Conclusion

“In fact, after World War I, Joan of Arc became the spokesperson of France at the national level, and by World War II, the French publicity of Joan of Arc reached a new level. "

After discovering that these people were all interested in the story about Joan of Arc, and realizing that everyone had now completed checking these things, Liang En, who happened to be a little free, quickly started telling stories about this aspect.

"For example, during World War II, General de Gaulle of the Free French used Joan of Arc as the symbol of his resistance organization, and even used Joan of Arc's Cross of Lorraine as the symbol of the Free French army."

"Vichy France also used Joan of Arc as its symbol, using Joan of Arc's history of resisting British rule to inspire people to fight against the British, Vichy France's main enemy at the time——"

Even though these people are famous antique dealers, they don't know much about the historical details, so they naturally listened with interest when Liang En told the story.

But at the same time, the two people in another room who had been watching through the computer screen were packing their things and preparing to run away.

"I originally thought that the people who came this time were all antique dealers, and that the things we stole from the secret warehouse of the church in France could be sold directly here, but I didn't expect that an archaeological expert actually came."

The young man among them complained while cleaning up. "It's okay now. If the other party finds something wrong, they won't put it up for auction. Then their plan to provoke a conflict between the church and this place is completely ruined."

"It's really bad, but we can only go back and report it." The older man sighed and said, "Fortunately, this is not our only choice."

In fact, these two people were affiliated members of the Golden Society. They came to this exchange meeting with the original intention of using the things that the organization had stolen from a church warehouse in France not long ago to put them up for auction with the help of the exchange meeting's insider information.

Once the exchange meeting auctions this antique, there will definitely be a direct conflict with the French Church. By that time, they will be able to take more control of the exchange meeting.

The reason why they want to do this is because they lost a lot of sales channels during the last police raid, so they hope to use this method to arrange new sales channels.

Although they had doubted whether the item was real or fake when they got it before, according to their previous plan, these antique dealers should not be able to tell the difference between the real thing and the fake.

After all, the items sold by antique dealers are mainly various ancient daily necessities or handicrafts, which are unlikely to involve the identification of human remains, so they should be able to get away with it.

Not to mention that they have several internal agents who have been bribed in this place, so when everyone is confused about the situation, the rhythm should be able to achieve the goals they expected at that time.

However, these members of the Golden Society obviously did not consider that the final selected person included a professional archaeologist and was able to see through the disguise on the so-called remains of Joan of Arc, so that all plans were ruined.

However, for the staff of the Golden Club, failure will not affect the layout of the new sales network. Because they do not have only one layout similar to this exchange meeting, one or two failures will never affect the overall situation.

Because there was a plan for failure in this area in advance, the two men retreated cleanly. He didn't even go to get the so-called remains of Joan of Arc.

After all, they are not formal members of the exchange meeting. The reason why they are able to enter the monitoring room now is purely because there are insiders on the exchange meeting side who were bribed by them, so they can achieve this step.

But all of this did not follow the rules. If there was no problem with the remains of Joan of Arc, this small problem could still be covered up. But now if something happens, this approach will become an obvious flaw.

Considering that all the insiders in the exchange meeting here are people who have been bribed with other identities, and they do not know the identity of the Gold Club members behind the scenes, there is nothing to worry about when these two Gold Club members want to run away.

On the contrary, if they run away at this time, they can just leave everything on the organizers of the exchange meeting who have been bribed by them, and pick themselves out by the way.

And this place shows the difference between being prepared and not being prepared, because while Liang En and the others were still busy finding flaws one after another in these so-called remains of Joan of Arc, the two real masterminds behind the scenes had already Escaped smoothly.

Of course Liang En didn't know everything that was going on behind the scenes. At this time, he was telling stories to a group of antiques big shots.

Because this is an exchange meeting, not a professional academic seminar. So when Liang En was analyzing these things, he kept communicating with people around him and told some historical stories about these remains to liven up the atmosphere.

These topics range from a very wide range, and the more focused ones include Joan of Arc, the Hundred Years' War between England and France, and a series of contents about the making of mummies.

In addition to Liang En himself, those who came together to participate in the appraisal meeting were also led by him to exchange information about various aspects of history and antiques. These exchanges have indeed brought everyone closer and made Liang En familiar with many people.

However, with this kind of distraction, the speed of the inspection naturally slowed down, so it was not until an hour after the inspection started that Liang En came up with a conclusion that everyone recognized and could be recognized by everyone.

"——Whether it's the black paint-like object on the bones, the ancient weaving method of linen, or the smell of rotting flesh, etc., they all point to a possibility."

After listing all the abnormalities found previously, Liang En made a final summary.

"That is, the so-called remains of Joan of Arc definitely do not come from the French protector saint, and cannot even come from any place related to her. Instead, they were forged by someone using mummy remains in the mid-to-late 19th century. So-called sacred objects.”

As Liang En finished speaking, everyone present nodded in agreement. This is true even for the two guys who were bribed by the Gold Society before. After all, the evidence is too strong, and now a hard fight will only ruin their reputation.

Yes, they received money from the Golden Club to come here to muddy the waters, but that little money and the face of acquaintances were only enough for them to set the pace when everyone was confused about the situation, rather than conclusive evidence. Time front hard steel.

"Okay, thank you very much for your help. Now please participate in the auction. In this auction-" the middle-aged person in charge who came in before them came over and said.

But just as he was about to speak, another young man walked up to him and said something, which made his face suddenly look very ugly.

No one else present knew what happened, but Liang En, whose body had been strengthened, heard the young man tell the person in charge that the previous owner of these things had disappeared half an hour ago.

"Sure enough, there is something behind this matter." When the manager announced with an ugly face that the matter was over and everyone could take pictures, Liang En began to think about it as he walked back to the hall along the corridor.

"But it has nothing to do with me anymore. I just slipped away——"

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