"This is obviously a conspiracy." After Liang En explained the entire process to Joan of Arc after he returned, Joan of Arc quickly analyzed the possible situation.

"If I'm not wrong, the source of these things is probably not very legal, which is why the other party ran away in such a hurry after discovering that something was wrong."

"What you said makes sense," Liang En nodded. "But after completing the appraisal, my work is over. The rest of this has nothing to do with me. We just need to take a walk with peace of mind."

Liang En was still very interested in the upcoming auction, especially since the appraisers they had invited before were promised to give them the highest bid for an item in the auction, and the price would be borne by the organizer 1/ 10.

So taking advantage of the remaining time, Liang En came to the display board on the podium, and then carefully looked at the detailed introduction to today's auction items on the display board.

Most of these auction items are clearly priced items, that is, the quality of the items is indeed good, but the price is also very good.

In this case, you probably won't make much money buying the auction items under normal circumstances, but they will be very valuable to some people who need them.

For example, for example, a set of silverware or ceramics with a relatively low production volume, or a certain type of classical furniture, the transaction price at auction is often higher than the individual market price of such items.

For most people present, they would not buy it unless they really like it, but for other people, these things are just enough to supplement their collection, and then the whole set can be sold at a high price.

In addition to these auction items that are mainly used to facilitate everyone's communication, the auction naturally also has some regular items. Liang En's target is those conventional auction items.

"By the way, is there anything you like?" After reading the display boards, Liang En asked Jeanne beside him. "I thought I saw a Japanese armor just now——"

"That thing is just a showpiece." As a real warrior who had fought bloody battles on the battlefield, Joan of Arc could see the details of the armor even just by looking at the picture, "But this knife is worth buying."

"Is there anything special about this knife?" Liang En said and glanced at the introduction, only to find that the introduction introduced that this knife was a Sheshier scimitar from Ottoman Turkey.

According to the introduction under the photo, this is a practical scimitar, using a simple gold-plating process, and the handle is made of horn. The whole knife looks very simple and smooth.

"The back of this knife is too thin." Joan of Arc whispered, "Only the top-notch Persian Sheshier scimitar can make the blade and back so narrow, while a lower-level scimitar can only Increase strength by adding width and thickness."

"Then buy it." After hearing what Joan said, Liang En immediately decided to buy it. After all, Jeanne is an expert in this field, and this knife is not expensive.

After all, ancient weapons are relatively unpopular in both the East and the West, so except for top-notch knives such as Malayan iron knives, Uzi steel knives or Japan, the prices of other cold weapons have not been rising.

For example, this scimitar marked as being made in the 16th century has a starting price of only 800 euros because of heavy oxidation marks. As long as there are no people who are very interested in this knife, Liang En thinks he can win it for 1,500 euros.

After a while, the auction started. Just as Liang En expected, not many people were interested in the scimitar that was put up for auction in the early stage. Liang En bought the knife for only 1,150 euros. .

As each item was sold or failed to be auctioned, some high-value items gradually appeared on the auction stage.

Naturally, these things include the notebook that Liang En had previously fallen in love with, which was left by the famous cultural relic thief Stein and recorded his expedition in Central Asia.

Fortunately, compared to several countries in China and Central Asia where a large number of cultural relics were stolen by Stein, Stein was just one of the large number of explorers in that Victorian era to the British.

Therefore, the price of his notebook was not as expensive as Liang had imagined. After calling the price three times, several other people offered to buy it, allowing Liang En to win the notebook for 2,100 euros.

"Sometimes the truth is always hard to accept." Looking at the notebook he got at a cheap price, Liang En muttered in his heart.

Obviously, when Britain was still the empire on which the sun never set, it robbed all over the world, so it didn't care about such a notorious cultural relic thief among other nations.

At least compared to the river-like wealth that flowed from the colonies to the British mainland in that era, and the piles of bones produced in order to extract wealth, cultural relic thieves like Stein really were nothing.

Because there were serious problems with the so-called remains of Joan of Arc, the last item for sale was a jewelry box made for the queen by the famous Russian craftsman Faberge.

This thing quickly aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and everyone's quotations were higher than the last. In the end, the whole thing was successfully sold for 520,000 euros.

After the auction ended, Liang En went to the auction organizer to prepare to pay and take the item he just bought at the auction. As a result, after handling these matters, the middle-aged organizer just stopped him.

"Thank you very much for your help to us." After shaking hands with Liang En, the person in charge said seriously, "We have confirmed that the so-called remains of Joan of Arc came from a certain church in France and belonged to Stolen dirt.”

"If you hadn't just verified that this thing is fake and successfully prevented these things from being put up for auction, I think our current exchange meeting would be in big trouble."

"It's nothing. The appraisal just now was just the work I was supposed to do." Liang En smiled and said, "If there is nothing else, I will leave. My companion is still waiting for me outside."

"Please accept this card." Realizing that Liang En was busy with something, the person in charge immediately stopped greetings, then took out a card from his pocket and handed it over.

After taking the card, Liang En found that it was a gold-plated metal card with a barcode on it, with his name, profile picture and the three letters VIP in capital letters engraved on it with a laser. ""

"This is the VIP gold card for our exchange meeting." After Liang En took the card, the person in charge explained, "In the future, you only need to go to several locations affiliated with us as the organizer to enjoy VIP services."

These subordinate locations are all antique shops or auction houses. For an explorer like Liang En, having such a VIP card will make it easier to ship or buy things.

In particular, the fact that VIP customers can obtain information about new products before they are shipped to the store is useful to Liang En, allowing him to collect information that is very important to him.

"Thank you, I like this gift very much." After listening to the other party's explanation, Liang En nodded slightly to express his gratitude, and then the other party said goodbye and left the auction with the things he just bought.

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