Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 248 The Cross of the Master of the Knights Templar

"Didn't you say you weren't going home for Christmas? Why did you decide to go home now?" Joan of Arc asked Liang En in a teasing tone after sitting on the plane the next morning.

"I really didn't plan to go back at first, but then I realized that everyone is off on Christmas and almost all the shops are closed. It's really boring to stay in London at this time." Liang En said with a shrug.

This kind of error occurs mainly because Liang En's current soul is from another world, so even if the memory is integrated, sometimes there will be some accidents.

For example, there was such a question about Christmas. The Christmas in his mind had always been an excuse for young people in his previous life to go out and have fun and promote sales.

As a result, when he came out of the auction yesterday and looked at the shops on both sides of the road that were about to close down, Liang En realized that Christmas for people here has the same meaning as the Chinese New Year.

After realizing that staying in London would be boring, Liang En immediately bought two tickets and took Joan of Arc with him on the plane back to Dublin. After saying hello to my parents.

Liang En returned to the ranch. To be honest, since he had this ranch, he felt that his relationship with his family was better than before.

After all, for parents, if their children never come back, they will miss them very much, but after they come back, they will feel a little bored if they stay at home for a little longer.

This kind of residence that is very close to the parents' residence perfectly solves this problem. It can not only enjoy family affection, but also avoid all kinds of troubles caused by living under the same roof.

"Uncle Jack, why are you still busy now?" When returning to the ranch, Liang En was surprised to see Uncle Jack leading a few farm workers and pushing a trolley out. "I remember there isn't much to do right now."

"Ah, little Lawrence is back." Seeing Liang En and Joan of Arc dragging their luggage, Uncle Jack stopped and looked at them and said.

"Isn't this because the dairy products made with the recipes we brought back are quite popular in the town? Because Christmas is coming soon, there is a lot of demand for these products, so we have to work overtime temporarily."

"Then you go and do your work first." After hearing what Uncle Jack said, Liang En said hello to him and then returned to his room.

"It seems that they helped me bring back the things sent by the Copts before." After entering the door, Liang En saw the familiar small wooden box on the coffee table at the first sight, and then remembered the wooden box. The origin of the box.

"Let me see what's inside." After confirming what this thing was, Liang En stepped forward and opened the box, and then saw a cross inside.

"Sure enough, for those Copts, the most important thing is religious belief." Picking up the blackened silver cross, Liang En showed a thoughtful expression.

This is a small cross that looks only half the size of a palm. The pattern on it looks extremely simple. At the same time, the entire surface of the cross has turned black due to complete oxidation.

"There are words behind this." Because Liang En raised the cross when he looked at it, Joan of Arc, who was standing opposite him, quickly discovered the words behind the cross.

"Let me see -" After hearing Joan's reminder, Liang En turned the cross over and saw a line of words and a shield-shaped coat of arms on the back of the cross that had obviously been carved with some kind of sharp weapon.

"This is French, and it's a person's name." Liang En quickly determined the language of this line of text, and then spelled it out. "Gerard de Ridfort, yes, Gerard de Ridfort."

However, after spelling out the name, Liang En frowned because he found that there was no information about this in his memory, but Jeanne looked thoughtful on the other side.

"Do you know this name?" After seeing Joan's expression, Liang En immediately raised his head and asked, "Judging from the name, he should be a French nobleman."

The reason why Liang En said this is because the French middle name De, like the German middle name Feng, the Dutch middle name Van, and the Spanish middle name Tang, can be regarded as a symbol of nobility.

Although after talking about modern times, this thing can no longer be used as a criterion, but this cross is an old thing, so the name above should most likely come from a noble.

In addition, the shield-shaped coat of arms with a cross and a standing lion on it can also provide important help in searching for this person's identity, but it is still a bit difficult for ordinary people to find the corresponding information.

But what was somewhat unexpected to Liang En was that after he casually asked Joan of Arc, she actually gave a positive answer after staring at the coat of arms and name for a few seconds.

"I know this person. This person is the leader of the Knights Templar." Joan of Arc nodded and said, "According to records, this person served as the leader of the Knights Templar from 1179 to 1184 AD."

"He was a secular soldier himself, knew Arabic, and was very experienced in running a government. He started out as Count of Tripoli and under Raymond III, Regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem."

"However, Raymond III promised to marry a rich heiress to him, but he made a mistake. This incident led to conflicts between the two parties, and then Rodford took the initiative to defect to the Knights Templar. .”

This reason for collapse may seem a bit ridiculous in the East, but it is very reasonable for Western aristocrats, because for those who are capable but slightly lower in status, their status and status are higher than themselves and they are richer than themselves. Marrying an heir is the best way to improve your status.

Therefore, this kind of breaking a promise is actually equivalent to ruining someone's future. For this reason, it is also understandable for a vassal to abandon his vassal and terminate the vassal relationship between the two parties.

"So has this leader of the Knights Templar ever done anything important?" After learning the basic information about the leader of the Knights Templar from Joan of Arc, Liang En asked curiously.

"In fact, the evaluation of the head of the Knights in history has always been complicated. On the one hand, the struggle between him and Raymond III seriously affected the Kingdom of Jerusalem at that time, and was also an important reason for the subsequent failure of the Kingdom of Jerusalem."

"But on the other hand, he and the Templars fought to the last moment to protect the True Cross at the Battle of Harding, and even he himself died on the battlefield, so even in our era we considered him a A pious man.”

"People are all complicated, so a cunning politician and a devout believer can be the same person." After listening to the story of this man told by Joan of Arc, Liang En thought for a moment and said.

At this time, because Liang En obtained the details of this cross from Joan of Arc, three new cards appeared in his mind.

However, Liang En did not check the new cards. Instead, he took out the two things he bought at the auction at the exchange meeting from his luggage and inspected them.

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