Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 249 Uzi Steel Knife

After confirming the true status of the crosses sent by the Copts, Liang En took out the two items he bought at the previous auction from his suitcase and studied them.

As a result, the notes of the cultural relic thief Stein gave him two black cards, but the other so-called Turkish scimitar did not give him a single card.

"It seems that this knife may not be as explained before." After discovering that no cards were generated, Liang En became interested in the knife.

So he used his soul to connect to a [Repair (N)] card in his mind, and then placed the red dot in his field of vision on the scimitar.

"3g silver, 25g iron, 5kg pine charcoal, 500g sesame oil, 500g sheep oil, 300g beeswax, 500g asphalt, 50g hematite, 50g glass, a lighter, a piece of soft leather, 50ml leather maintenance oil, 150g lemon, 3 points of legend Power."

Looking at the text next to the red dot, Liang En frowned because these things were really too complicated and more complicated than his previous two repairs.

But think about it, the previous restoration was a clay tablet, and the other restoration was the blade of a Japanese sword. From a certain point of view, they are all composed of a single thing, unlike this knife which has various components.

After looking at this complicated list of items needed for repair, Liang En suddenly felt that his decision to brush out all the cards and look at them together might not be the right decision.

However, it may not be a good idea to back down at this time, especially since he just said in front of Joan that he would wait until the cards are gathered before opening together. Changing his words at this time will definitely affect the perception in the eyes of the other party.

So less than 15 minutes after entering the house, Liang En and Jeanne walked out of the room and began to collect various needed items.

Fortunately, they live on the farm now, so things like lanolin, beeswax, asphalt, hematite, etc. can be easily found in the manor.

As for things like glass, lemon and leather care oil, you can buy them from the grocery store in town, but the price is 20 to 30% more expensive than usual because of Christmas.

The only thing that is hard to find is sesame oil, which is sesame oil. After all, Ireland does not have the habit of eating sesame and sesame products.

Fortunately, Liang En's mother bought three bottles of 500ml sesame oil during the last Chinese supermarket sale before Christmas, so Liang En, remembering this, went directly to her to ask for the sesame oil. Soon, he returned home carrying two bottles of sesame oil and a large lunch box.

"Let's eat first." Looking at Joan of Arc who found the items assigned to her from several surrounding farms, Liang En raised the lunch boxes in his hand and waved them, "We will start working after we are full. "

"Fried dumplings, this stuff is delicious." After opening the lunch box, Jeanne raised her eyebrows after seeing clearly what was in the lunch box, and then showed a smile.

"I remember that the stuffed things I ate back then were huge, so I rarely ate them. Because if I only ate half of them, it would be a waste of food during the war years, and I couldn't finish most of them. .”

Compared to other women of the same body, Joan of Arc eats more because she exercises a lot, but she is still somewhat different from those adult men.

This is why the records of that era recorded that his appetite was very small, because those recorders subconsciously regarded Joan as a male warrior like them, so by comparison, she naturally had a small appetite.

After finishing lunch quickly, Liang En cleared the table, placed all the things he had just found on the table in a circle around the knife, and then used the [Repair (N)] card.

When the card was consumed, the knife began to emit light, and then the light became bigger and bigger, completely wrapping the knife inside.

When the entire knife turned into a light cocoon, a dozen silk threads also woven from light appeared from the light cocoon, rolled up the things placed on the side, and then brought these things into the light cocoon.

As each thing merged into the light cocoon, the volume of the light cocoon expanded again, and even finally turned into a ball of light that seemed as big as a person.

After this ball of light took shape, the entire light began to gradually transform into golden red. At the same time, high temperature began to radiate outwards and there were bursts of metal collision sounds.

With the sound of these metal knocks, the entire ball of light began to pulse with the rhythm of the knocks, as if there was a life gestating inside.

With the injection of legendary power, the light began to gradually shrink with flickering. Five minutes later, the light completely disappeared, revealing the scimitar inside.

Different from how it looked just now, the scimitar is no longer dusty, but shines with a soft light, while details that were previously obscured by rust and stains.

"The handle is actually a rhinoceros horn." Liang En's eyes widened as soon as he looked at the handle, because the bamboo silk pattern that appeared due to the vertical section was extremely obvious, and he could tell at a glance that it was a rhinoceros. horn.

This expensive equipment suddenly made Liang En more interested in the knife, so he took the knife out by the handle, and then looked at the blade.

"Sure enough, this is a Uzi steel knife." Looking at the black lines formed by casting on the silver blade, Liang En immediately recognized what this knife was.

Judging from the material and style of the blade and blade, as well as the Arabic writing on the handle, this knife should belong to the Royal Guards of the Safavid Dynasty in Persia.

Just as Jeanne had guessed before, this knife was indeed not an ordinary Ottoman scimitar. It is a fine product from Persia, which is considered to be the top-notch Persian scimitar.

This also explains why the blade of this knife appears so slender, because compared to the Ottomans who often faced enemies wearing heavy armor, the proportion of enemies faced by the Persians did not wear heavy armor. .

Therefore, compared with the Ottoman army, which needs to focus on armor-breaking capabilities, the Persians focus more on killing lightly armored enemies and the continuity of the battle.

In this case, the Persians naturally chose a scimitar with a narrower and thinner blade, but it was also lighter and more conducive to long-term swing fighting.

So judging from today's incident, it is indeed a truth that the ancients said that there is a specialization in the arts. For example, the reason why Joan of Arc could see the details of this knife before was because she had actually fought on the cold weapon battlefield.

"Actually, I have seen a similar knife before." After stepping forward to look at the knife in front of her, Jeanne whispered. "In my time, these swords made of wootz steel were the favorite luxury goods of the nobles."

"It can even be said that the entire aristocracy at that time was pursuing these beautiful swords. They regarded them as one of the best things to use to highlight their status."

"But not many people will bring this thing to the battlefield. On the one hand, this thing is too expensive, and cold weapons on the battlefield are all consumables."

On the other hand, it's because we are wearing plate armor, and Uzi steel swords are good at cutting soft targets such as human bodies or cloth, but they are not very suitable for breaking armor. "

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