Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 282 The story behind the pipe

"Why did those people spend so much effort to grab a pipe?" During the explanation, Uncle Nell also used his mobile phone to send the missing item to Liang En and the others, and Jeanne looked curious after seeing the picture. asked.

The reason why she asked this question was also very simple, because the photo showed a yellow-brown clay pipe with a somewhat rough appearance, and there was no way to tell what was precious about it.

"For the Native Americans, this is indeed a very precious thing." Liang En explained to Jeanne in a low voice. "Because Native Americans consider tobacco to be very sacred."

"According to their custom, the smoke produced during smoking can convey people's wishes and thoughts to the gods, so they can smoke the pipe alone, or they can pass it around within a community or a family."

"They believe that in this process they can unify their minds and convey their thoughts to the vast universe, the Creator and the mediator. For example, smoking together during negotiations is more reliable than signing a document, which is equivalent to being in front of gods. swear."

"That is to say, this is a sacred object. If this is the case, it makes sense." Joan of Arc nodded, because in the era she lived in before, religion was also supreme, so she did something for the sacred object. Not too surprising.

But Liang En soon discovered that his guess was a bit conservative, because according to Uncle Nell, this thing was not only a pipe, but also contained a secret.

"This thing is the inheritance of our tribe's wizard, and it even hides the location of a lost holy land in our tribe." Uncle Nell said with a frustrated look. "I finally got the news to buy this thing back, but I didn't expect to throw it away so quickly."

"Originally, my mother would bring someone to pick me up this afternoon and take those things away. But I didn't expect that someone would suddenly attack me at this time."

Uncle Nell is not only an Irish-American, but also a Native American. As a posthumous son, his father was unfortunately killed in an accident that year, so he grew up with his mother and the Native Americans of the tribe.

Because he is a Gohut Indian, and this group of Native Americans has a matrilineal tradition, he will inherit the position of the wizard of his mother's tribe in the future.

Although most Indian tribes have become modernized in this era, traditional wizards and elders still have their own rights, so the identity of the heir to the tribal wizard still causes some pressure on Uncle Nell.

This is why he worked hard to find out the location of the missing thing from his tribe and tried to buy it back at the auction.

He felt that he would most likely stay in the metropolis of Las Vegas to run his own business in the future, and would only return to the barren northern Nevada reservation once or twice during annual ceremonies.

In this case, he believed that he had to do something for the tribe to prove that he was qualified to hold the title of tribal wizard and to receive the annuity of this position with a clear conscience.

Soon, Uncle Nell finished telling all the details about the robbery, and then Pierce introduced Liang En and the others to Uncle Nell.

"I've heard of you." When Liang En was introduced, Uncle Nell said to him while shaking hands, "I really didn't expect you to come to the United States. I always thought that scholars like you would always be there." Stay in Egypt or the Middle East."

"This is probably because the research projects are different." Liang En smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with him and said, "I prefer to find those memories forgotten by mankind from the clues of history. As for the specific processing, others can do it. thing."

"By the way, can I entrust you to find the location of the lost holy land?" Just after Liang En and the others introduced themselves, Uncle Nell, who was lying on the bed, suddenly asked.

"I thought about it, and the other party probably didn't snatch the pipe just for the pipe itself, because such a clay pipe alone costs more than a thousand dollars, so it should be to find the holy place behind the pipe."

The reason for this judgment is also very simple. After all, after the other party took control of the person, he kept asking about the whereabouts of the pipe. At the same time, he did not touch other cultural relics or cash in the store during the entire process.

"I'm also very interested in finding the lost holy land." Liang En was stunned for a moment after hearing the other party's request, and then replied. "But you said, there are at least five people on the other side, and they have guns, so in terms of safety-"

Liang En was a little surprised by this invitation. He thought that the other party would not ask for help in matters related to the internal affairs of the tribe. But Liang En quickly reacted and expressed his attitude.

To be honest, I am still very interested in searching Liang En, the sacred land of the Native American tribes, because this is a completely different existence from the existing civilization in the United States. It is also part of the legend and should be able to draw valuable cards. .

But the previous criminal case made him feel a little worried. Although he could deal with an armed group of less than ten people when I was secretly against the enemy, he was here to hunt for treasure this time, so naturally he didn't want to start a fight.

"If you agree, safety issues will definitely not be a problem." After hearing Liang En's ambiguous words, Uncle Nell immediately understood what Liang En was worried about and said.

"If you are willing to help search, my mother will mobilize people to obey your orders and provide you with protection. This is completely enough to protect your safety in the wild."

Liang En still believes this, because these Native Americans have lived on this land for more than 150 years, so they naturally have a better understanding of the local situation than those strangers, but Liang En still hopes to have more More certainty.

"If we want to conduct exploration, we must also have weapons to protect ourselves, but we are foreigners-"

"That's absolutely no problem. I can help you get a hunting license and find a suitable gun for you in one afternoon. As long as you don't bring the gun to the city, it will be no problem."

"Okay, let's discuss it." After the exchange with Uncle Nell, Liang En greeted him, and then several people walked out of the room together and came to a place far away from Mrs. Nell and the two Indian bodyguards to communicate. stand up.

"This is indeed a good opportunity. The only problem is that the risk is a bit high." Pierce said softly. "The overall size of the Gohut Indians is medium, and they are mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry."

"This group of people respect tradition, but they do not reject modern society, so what they say is quite credible, especially since Uncle Nell has been communicating with my family for decades, so I know what he and the people behind him are like. The tribes are relatively reliable.”

"The only risk is the group of armed robbers. They must have known something and headed for the Holy Land. So it will be dangerous for us even if there is someone to protect us."

"I'm not too worried about this." Liang En said with a slight upward smile. "After all, whether it's me, Fan Meng or Jeanne, there will be no problem in fighting. As long as we have weapons to protect ourselves, there will be no problem."

"That's no problem for me." Pierce said. After all, he had traveled around with his father before, and had also practiced various self-defense skills. He even had no problem with shooting, so he wouldn't be a burden in a fight.

"Then let's take over this task." Liang En finally made the decision. "It can be considered as a taste of the western style."

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