Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 283 Reasons and Clues

The stolen pipe was obviously of great significance to the Gohut Indians, so after Liang En and the others made the decision to help search for it, Mrs. Nell immediately communicated with them on specific issues.

"Do you have any clues about your tribe's holy land?" Liang En immediately asked his question after sitting down in a cafe not far from the hospital.

"The legend in our clan only says that there are secrets about the Holy Land on the pipe, but no one knows the specific secret." Old Mrs. Nell shook her head helplessly.

"However, this sacred site was discovered not only by our Otter tribe, but also by three other tribes that also belonged to the Gohut Indians, so it is very possible that other tribes recorded more things and let the news leak out."

"That is to say, the other three tribes may also have left clues similar to this pipe, right?" After hearing what the Indian wizard said, Liang En suddenly felt that the matter was more troublesome than imagined.

"The news should not have been leaked from the Bear Claw and Tomahawk tribes. There were no wizards in these two tribes back then, so they knew a large scope at most, but not the details."

After listening to Liang En's words, Mrs. Nell thought for a while, and then explained to him what happened back then. As a tribal wizard, Mrs. Nell has always remembered the oral legends passed down in the tribe.

"Because at that time, everyone had just been expelled here from the Great Lakes by the Americans, and the human losses were heavy. Not all tribes would have their own wizards."

"So among the four tribes that worked together back then, only two of us, the Spear Tribe, had wizards. Naturally, only our two tribes left the specific location of the Holy Land."

"However, several wizards chose to hide those secrets after communicating with each other at that time, because if that holy place wanted to become a real holy place, it would require a lot of manpower and materials to build it. But we had just been exiled in this wasteland at that time, and we couldn't build it at all. Don’t have that kind of power.”

"So several wizards at that time thought of hiding this holy land for the time being. When everyone has completely established a foothold in this place, they can then use that holy land to rebuild our faith center."

"It's just that what we didn't expect was that even though we had been driven from the fertile Great Lakes to this desolate desert, the Americans were still unwilling to let us go."

"Less than a year after we found a place to live here, those damn villains launched an attack on us again. In that attack, the Spear Tribe was completely scattered, and we also lost Almost all the elders and wizards."

"Because we have lost these historical recorders and inheritors, we have lost many precious memories and objects, including pipes, and these lost objects include the location of this new holy place."

"So I think if those robbers really knew anything, they should have obtained the relics of the Spear Tribe and deciphered the secrets on the relics."

"But if that's the case, why did the other party want to grab this pipe?" Liang En asked with some confusion. "If the other party really got some information from the Spear Tribe, there is no need to get another copy."

"I think it's very likely that the mastermind behind the scenes only got half of the information." As soon as Liang En finished speaking, Pierce said from the side. "After all, Europeans of that era considered themselves superior and looked down upon all other non-European civilizations."

"So after that attack, these things with secret records were most likely taken away by someone as ordinary trophies and thrown somewhere in their home, so they are most likely incomplete by now."

As an antique dealer, Pierce knew something about this aspect, especially the moral character of the white Europeans.

To give the simplest example, it is easy to see traces of pure waste on the objects he usually receives from non-European civilizations.

For example, the African wood carving with half of its head cut off and a few broken wooden strips nailed to serve as a clothes hanger, or the top-notch Chinese porcelain with holes drilled under the bottle used as a lamp post.

By analogy, there is a high probability that the items containing information owned by the Spear Tribe were damaged in some way due to poor storage or random modification, but the robbers also knew the existence of the pipe from the remaining contents.

That's why the other party is now taking this approach to obtain the pipe in order to find the sacred place that was discovered by the Native Americans and then hidden.

"But what do you think the other party wants to do with this kind of holy land?" Joan looked even more confused after hearing the explanation, "Especially this kind of holy land that has not yet been built, even if they find it, they can't move it away."

"But what if the other party doesn't know this?" Liang En turned around and explained. "This secret is only spread among a very small number of Indian wizards, so it is very likely that the records on those things only have holy places, but not the details of the holy places."

"If that makes sense." Joan nodded in approval. The gangsters most likely thought it was a complete holy land filled with various sacrifices and ritual items, and planned to loot the place. Fan.

After figuring out the other party's purpose, Liang En and the others began to guess where the so-called holy land was, so they studied the photos and rubbings left by the pipe.

This pipe is made of clay. When using it, tobacco is put into the groove of the pipe and the smoke is smoked through a small hole at the end with a diameter of no more than 3mm.

The entire base of the pipe is the size of a piece of chocolate sandwich biscuit. A small otter's upper body straightened up, as if it had just emerged from the water, with its paws on the river bank and looking around curiously.

When smoking, people will look at this little otter and touch noses. In addition, the hallucinogenic effect of the yellow cigarettes smoked by Native Americans will make this otter come to life in the eyes of people, so as to achieve psychic effect. effect.

And on the flat surface under the base of the pipe, some patterns were carved with a sharp blade. Judging from the triangles and lines, these patterns should look like a map.

If the real objects were in hand, Liang En felt that he should be able to figure out what these things were through the cards. Unfortunately, there are only photos now, so it’s very difficult to figure out where this map is.

"We can only confirm that the destination is in a valley, and that valley was most likely washed out by rivers in the past." After repeatedly checking the rubbings and photos, Liang En said helplessly.

"If you rely on this information alone, you will definitely not be able to find the location of this holy land, because there are too many places in this area that can match this point, unless there is more detailed information."

"For more detailed information, can you give me an example?" Mrs. Nell asked. As a wizard, she did know a lot of information about the tribe, but she didn't know what kind of information Liang En wanted.

"Any information that mentions this holy land will do." Liang En thought for a moment and said, "I want even the information that only includes the word holy land or is not sure whether it is related or not."

"If that's the case, I do have some information here." Mrs. Nell nodded, "They are all songs circulated in some tribes."

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