Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 285 Start exploring

Liang En and the others were assigned two cars, so naturally there was one for Pierce and Fan Meng, and one for Liang En and Joan of Arc. Since Joan of Arc couldn't drive, Liang En was the one driving the car.

"I will definitely learn to drive when I go back this time." Looking at Liang Enzhende, who was holding the steering wheel next to her, she looked embarrassed. In her opinion, it was really inappropriate for her master to drive for her.

"It's okay. This era is different from yours, and driving has nothing to do with status." Liang En said with a smile. "But it's a good thing that you learn to drive. In today's society, if you don't know how to drive, some things will be very troublesome."

There is vast Gobi desert on both sides of the road. The sun burns the stones and gravel on the roadside, and even mirages appear in the distance.

Unlike the urban area, the roads here seem very empty. It only takes a few minutes for a large truck or bus to pass by, and occasionally there are one or two private cars.

However, this kind of road also made it easier for them to travel quickly, so in just two hours, a few of them successfully arrived at the border of Utah and Nevada and joined the eight pickup trucks waiting here.

"It feels like the Native Americans in this place are in much better condition than the Native Americans in other places." When everyone formed a team and continued to move west, Liang En set the intercom to the internal frequency and said to Pierce in the car behind.

Because he had seen some aborigines during his previous trip to the United States, but these aborigines looked obviously poor and lacked that kind of spirit in their eyes.

Although the aboriginal people who joined them seemed to have average economic conditions, they had a positive spirit that was rarely seen in other places.

What Liang En is not sure about is that his judgment is very consistent with the official statistics of the United States. In the official statistics of the United States, these Aboriginal people's alcoholism, use of narcotics, life expectancy and even suicide rate are far higher than those of other ethnic groups. Oops.

"Because these Native Americans living in northern Nevada are the rare ones who still maintain traditional settlement customs and have not been tricked by the official U.S. policies." After hearing Liang En's question, Pierce quickly answered.

It turned out that after entering the 1980s, Americans could no longer handle the Native Americans who had to rely on federal grants to live on because they were driven to desolate lands, so they decided to let them fend for themselves.

But this self-reliance approach is nothing more than allowing Indian tribes to operate casinos on their reservations or buy and sell duty-free tobacco in an effort to reduce dependence on federal finances.

But there are a lot of problems with this kind of brainstorming policy. To take the simplest example, operating a casino costs money, and Native Americans don't have much money.

In this way, the casinos will at best use Native Americans as decorations, and those who make money are the already wealthy investors behind the scenes. Most Native Americans will not be able to get real benefits at all.

Although casinos can provide certain jobs, they also bring huge chaos and bring bad things from the outside world into Indian reservations.

After all, gambling is often associated with pornography and drugs, so since the establishment of the casino, except for a few people who did make a lot of money from it, the overall level of the entire tribe has dropped significantly.

However, this group of Gohut Indians did not open a casino not because of their high moral quality, but because their reservation is in the remote northeastern part of Nevada.

As we all know, each state in the United States also has its own legislative power, so whether gambling is legal varies from state to state.

Nevada, a western inland state with harsh natural conditions, has declared gambling legal throughout the state since the 19th century. Even before New Jersey legalized gambling in 1976, it was the only state in the United States that allowed legal gambling for nearly a hundred years.

As a result, it is naturally impossible for the Gohut Indians to open a casino in their reservation, because their remote casino will not attract many people if gambling is legal throughout the state.

As for duty-free tobacco, it is true that it is sold in the reservation, but because the geographical location is too remote, it can only be sold to drivers who come and go with goods on the interstate highway.

You can make some money this way, but the money you make is much less compared to reservations that open casinos and engage in some more dangerous illegal activities.

"But they have some good semi-precious stones here, such as opal and so on. My family used to buy goods from here." Pierce finally said.

“But because it is not high enough for industrial mining and the overall mining area is scattered and fragmented, the supply of those goods is not stable. Sometimes I can buy a bunch of good goods, but sometimes there is nothing to sell at all. "

"To be honest, this kind of mine is the best for the aborigines." After Pierce said this, Liang En couldn't help but say. "If it's really a big mine, do you think these people can really keep it?"

"You're right." After hearing what Liang En said, Pierce also reacted. Judging from the power controlled by this group of Native Americans, they would not be able to save a large mine if they really had it.

Compared with those big companies, this group of Native Americans have too little power. Therefore, if they have too much wealth, it will be like children holding gold to get through the busy market, but it will be more dangerous.

During the exchange, they quickly entered the destination of their trip. After stopping at the intersection for a discussion, the Native Americans quickly spread out in pairs to prepare for the search.

After Liang En and the others got the weapons brought by the other party, they naturally joined the search work. As they drove forward along the road, they released the raven and began to search the surrounding situation.

"Are your information safe or not?" Pierce asked curiously while driving forward. "Almost two hundred years have passed. What if the road has changed?"

"The general direction of this kind of road will never change." Liang En said while communicating with the ravens, "Don't forget that this is the Gobi Desert, and most human activities are centered on water sources. unfolded.”

"Especially for those in the pre-industrial era, if the roads were too far away from the water source, it would be difficult for them to get the water they needed to move forward."

"That's right." After Liang En said this, Pierce reacted. After all, he had mainly been active in Europe before, and the climate there didn't require much consideration about water sources.

"I think these aborigines should be able to design checkpoints near the main roads, but it is impossible to block off the entire area." Half an hour after starting the search, Fan Meng suddenly said.

"The space is so large that it was easy for the bandits to bypass the outposts and enter the land and go to the sacred sites of these indigenous peoples."

"You're right, we don't even know whether the other party will come." Liang En said with a sigh. "But it's the only way we can get down to it."

"If I had that pipe, I might be able to find more clues, but now it's amazing to be able to do this with just photos."

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