Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 286 Locking the target

"Drive forward, don't look back." In the afternoon when Liang En and the others started searching, a car crossed the road across the Indian reservation, but when they saw a Native American sitting in the back at the intersection, The man in the platoon immediately gave the order.

"Why are there actually Native Americans in this place? Have our previous actions been discovered?" The man who was driving stared at the road ahead and said to the middle-aged man behind him.

"It's very possible, because the Native Americans just kept looking at the cars trying to slow down and looking at their mobile phones from time to time. They seemed to be looking for someone." The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said.

"I really don't understand how this group of Native Americans could realize our target so quickly. Fortunately, the people from the action team didn't come over, otherwise we might have been exposed just now.

"Then what should we do next? Should we abandon this Native American sacred site?" asked another young man sitting in the passenger seat.

"No, we came from somewhere else at night." The middle-aged man behind said firmly. "The number of these Native Americans is not large, and it is impossible to set up defenses at all entrances, so we should be able to bypass them if we find the opportunity."

Liang En and the others naturally didn't know that the mastermind behind the scenes had driven over and even arranged an infiltration operation at night. At this time, they were looking inside at the entrance of a valley.

The reason for this was because they knew from the picture of the pipe that the destination was in a valley, so they would search for it every time they went near a valley.

There was only one reason for stopping at the entrance of Zhang Valley, and that was that although this valley now looked like an arid valley no different from the surroundings, Liang En, who had a keen eye, discovered the cobblestones in the dry ditch in the center of the valley.

Obviously, these pebbles should come from a creek or river, and this past valley may be the location of the valley painted on the pipe.

"This river will not stop flowing for more than ten years." After walking more than a hundred meters towards the valley and making a detour, Jeanne Arc, who was exploring the road in front, came back, then spread out her hands to reveal the The bones of a small fish dug from the bottom of a dry pond.

"You see, although these fish are white and brittle, they are not completely rotten, so maybe there was water in the pools and creeks in this place a few decades ago, and it was the kind of water that could be used."

"You're right." After entering the valley, Liang En and the others also went to the bottom of the puddle and found some remaining fish bones and whitened shells. "And the water source has probably been dry for 40 or 50 years."

Both Liang En and Pierce are professionals in this field. Although they may not be very good, they still have this basic judgment ability.

"This place should have been a very nice place before." Pierce agreed after looking at the carbonized aquatic plants and dug-out animal bones in the soil. "At least in the wilderness, a place with water and shelter from the wind, sand and scorching sun is absolutely like paradise."

"That's right, if you consider that at least nearly a kilometer of road before coming to this valley was the kind of road walking in the Gobi Desert, there is nothing except a few grasses and an occasional tree or two."

"Then when you walk into this valley and discover this place with water and trees, you will naturally feel that this place is like heaven. Of course, this will also remind the indigenous people of gods and holy places." Liang En nodded. said.

"I have a small question." Jeanne asked with some confusion, "You also discovered that the real entrance of this valley is more than 100 meters and nearly 200 meters away from the road over there. Even if there is water in the valley, it can be seen from the road. It’s no different from the surrounding dry valleys.”

"So I'm very curious about how this group of people discovered this place from more than 200 meters away while being escorted like the epic they circulated."

Although it is said that according to the singing method of the epic, this is the ancestor spirit of these aboriginal people and the blessing of the gods, Liang En and others present do not believe this very much.

"I think this may be because the aborigines felt something, such as moisture, the sound of water flowing, or seeing some animals that only live near water sources." Liang En thought for a moment and said.

"You know that humans tend to regard animals or plants that are inconsistent with the surrounding environment and cannot be given a reasonable explanation as signs of some kind of mysticism. So the Native Americans back then probably regarded those traces as gods. The call.”

While discussing how the aborigines found this place, Liang En and the four of them walked along the valley into the mountain. As they continued to move forward, some plants began to appear on both sides of the valley.

Most of these plants have died, but judging from the remaining tree trunks that look like claws reaching toward the sky, this must have been a place rich in water and grass in the past.

"Look what I picked up." While walking, Joan of Arc suddenly picked up a very complete sheep skull from the grass on the roadside. "This thing can be used as a decorative board to hang at home."

"It's indeed pretty good." Liang En nodded, "But it's inconvenient to carry this thing with you, so you can hide it somewhere on the roadside and take it with you and put it in the car when we leave."

This skull was only the first skull of a large animal they had found. As they continued to climb upstream along the river valley, they could find animal bones from the grass or gravel on the roadside from time to time.

Obviously, this place was probably the only water source in the area a few decades ago, so after this water source disappeared, many animals died due to lack of precious water.

"This should be the end of the entire valley." More than an hour later, Liang En and the others arrived at the front of a hillside, and there was a cave on the top of the hillside. "The water should come from the cave above."

It is not difficult to make such a judgment, because there are obvious traces of water flow on the stone wall from the entrance of the cave to the ground. However, what is strange is that there are few plants near the cave.

Soon, they decided to take a ladder and go up to have a look. After all, they had come here all the time, so it was a good idea to take a look while they had enough time.

Because after checking around, they found no traces of man-made artifacts. Therefore, if this place is really a sacred place for the aboriginal people, then the only traces should be left in the cave.

Compared with the previous troubles required to climb such a three-story cliff, now they only need to let the raven carry a rope with a metal buckle and fix it in some strong stone crevices, and then they can Climbed up.

"I think we have found the right place." Liang En, who was the first to climb up, immediately saw the artificial traces in the cave as soon as he entered the cave that looked like a large living room.

On the side of the cave, you can see four carved patterns: an otter, a tomahawk, a bear paw print and an Indian spear, which are absolutely impossible to be naturally formed.

"I remember that the four tribes I discovered here were otters, tomahawks, bear claws and spears." Pierce, the second person to climb up, said after looking at the pattern.

"Yes, so I think we should have found this place." Liang En nodded seriously, "However, we still need more evidence."

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