Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 287 Discovery and Enemy

Soon, the four people came to the cave together. Next, except Fan Meng, who took off his rifle and stared at the outside of the cave with vigilance, the others began to search in this cave hall that seemed to be fifty or sixty square meters. .

"Did you find any artificial traces?" After walking around the cave, Liang En quickly met Pierce and Joan at the entrance of the cave and asked.

"Sorry, except for these carvings at the entrance of the cave, I didn't find any traces." Joan of Arc shook her head and Pierce also shook his head.

"But there is a place at the back of the cave that seems to have collapsed." Jeanne thought for a while and said. "Maybe the clue we want is behind that pile of sand and gravel."

"It seems that if there is really something behind this, our workload will definitely not be small." After looking at the pile of sand and gravel behind the cave that was obviously caused by a landslide, Liang En shook his head helplessly.

"Fortunately, we don't need to dig these things. The four carvings at the entrance of the cave are enough to mobilize the surrounding aborigines to come and dig, and they all bring their own dry food."

"Then what should we do next?" Pierce looked at Liang En and asked, "Should we stay here, or return to the car at the entrance of the valley."

"Of course we are back in the car. For some reason, there is no signal in this poor place. Maybe we can only contact other people when we return to the road at the entrance of the valley." Liang En said after taking a look at this desolate cave.

After making the decision, several people left the cave together, but before leaving, Liang En left a raven here to monitor to ensure the safety of this place.

Because the mountain road was not easy to walk, it was already past 4 pm when Liang En and the others returned to the car. After informing the surrounding aborigines of their discovery, they quickly prepared their dinner.

"Look, this is a field smokeless stove." They drove the car to the back of a mountain col on the opposite side of the road, and then Fan Meng used an engineering shovel to dig out a stove of the type that Chinese army cooks dug, and then took the stove they brought with them. A field stove was stuffed inside.

"Although the stove we are using now does not produce much smoke, this stove can accumulate heat and make the rice hot faster."

When did you learn this? Liang En asked curiously as he watched Fan Meng take out the meat from the refrigerator in his car and cut it on the cutting board next to him.

Because Fan Meng's method looked very similar to what the Chinese army cooks did, but he had never even been to China, so Liang En was a little curious about where he learned it.

"I learned this in Paris." Fan Meng explained to Liang En while frying the braised pork in the pot. "There is a Chinese restaurant chef in Paris's Chinatown who used to be a cook for the Chinese Army."

"Because I helped him a lot once, he used my vacation time to teach me a lot of skills, including how to cook in simple conditions in the wild."

"To be honest, this skill has helped me a lot in my military career. For example, when I was out on patrol, I could slightly process those unpalatable field foods so that everyone could eat better things."

Because there were only four people today, Fan Meng quickly prepared six dishes and one soup and served them. Then everyone spread the food on the canvas on the ground and started eating.

As Liang En said, not all Chinese food is acceptable to foreigners, but after a day of exercise, those high-carbohydrate, high-fat and high-sugar foods always have great appeal to people. .

"What do you think the attackers will do if they really come to find the Holy Land?" Pierce asked curiously while chatting after dinner.

"The entire mountainous area is full of loopholes, and there are countless places around it that can penetrate into that valley - if that valley is really a holy place." Joan of Arc shrugged with a newly learned posture, and then said.

"We have analyzed it before. The other party's goal is to try to obtain Indian cultural relics that may be placed in that holy land. Under normal circumstances, those cultural relics should not be too heavy."

"In this case, as long as the opponent has more than three people, they can simply climb over the hills that are neither high nor steep around the valley by walking, and then enter that place to plunder."

"You are right. As long as three people each carry a mountaineering bag, they should be able to take away most of the movable cultural relics in a holy land." Liang En nodded and said.

He had previously investigated what the traditional Native American sacred sites in this area looked like, so he knew that there were not many movable cultural relics in the real Native American sacred sites, and they could be carried away in a large bag.

While they were chatting, Mrs. Nell, the wizard of the Otter tribe, successfully contacted them. The other party said that she had contacted people from the other three tribes and that reinforcements would be coming later.

Unfortunately, it may take several days for those reinforcements to arrive. After all, the people who can be pulled out are scattered around the highway searching for thieves who may come, and it takes a long time for others to mobilize.

"It seems that we will stay here tonight." After hanging up the phone, Liang En sighed. "They will go there early tomorrow morning to see if they can find a way to dig out the cave-in."

Because they have a car, Liang En and the others don't need to set up a tent when they rest at night, and since each of the four has a long and short gun, they don't have to worry about any dangers in the local area.

"Don't worry, there won't be any dangerous beasts in this place." Liang En said to Pierce, who looked a little nervous. "There is no water in this place, so we only need to worry about poisonous snakes or scorpions, but not too many ferocious beasts."

"I'm nervous just because I have to worry about snakes and scorpions," Pierce said as he sprinkled repellent powder around the vehicle. "I hate these things the most."

Soon, everyone made all the preparations, and then arranged the night's duty schedule to get ready to rest. But just when they slept until about 1 a.m., Liang En heard a raven crow.

"It seems that someone else is approaching from that place." Hearing this voice, Liang En immediately got up from the bed. Because his three ravens are soul-linked.

The raven guarding the holy land will contact the other two whenever it finds someone else approaching and ask the other two to wake up Liang En.

"What happened?" The crow of the raven seemed loud at night, so everyone woke up soon and started asking.

"The raven I placed in that holy place is back." Liang En said, catching the raven that had just flown back from the valley, then took off the small infrared camera from its neck and connected it to the computer. .

"Sure enough, someone is coming." Soon, they saw five heavily armed figures approaching the holy place in the photo.

Perhaps because they were in the wild at night, the other party did not put on much disguise. From a few photos, it was obvious that the other party was a group of armed men of unknown origin, and their target was this sacred place of the indigenous people.

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