"Call Mrs. Nell and tell her that there are five armed men approaching the Holy Land." Liang En said to Pierce, then turned to Fan Meng.

"You and Pierce will stay here now and wait for the follow-up troops. Jeanna and I will go over and take a look first. Don't worry, we are just going to check and we won't rush in directly."

After the arrangements were made, Liang En and Jeanne each quickly checked the condition of their equipment, then took their weapons and walked into the darkness.

"Aren't you going to follow me?" After Liang En and the others walked away, Pierce, who had finished making the phone call, asked Fan Meng, who was watching the surroundings from behind with a rifle in the vehicle.

"No, I know he is not the kind of self-righteous person. In this case, he decided to act alone, and he must have done so only when he was sure." As a child, Fan Meng obviously understands Liang En better than Pierce.

"What's more important is that now Liang En has paid to hire me, so as a subordinate, I naturally have to complete the orders he gave me, instead of doing things according to my own ideas."

In fact, when Fan Meng agreed to Liang En's request and came to help him, his father specifically warned him many times. One of the core points was not to rely on his status as a friend to point fingers, and to follow orders resolutely.

For Fan Meng, his many years of military career have also made him more accustomed to doing things according to the orders given. So now I naturally stay here carefully to complete Liang En's order just now.

The moonlight is very bright tonight and it is cloudless. Therefore, Liang En, whose body has been strengthened many times, can clearly see the road under his feet through the moonlight.

In addition, the three similarly enhanced ravens all wore metal claws and flew in the air, providing full-scale investigation support for Liang En and Jeanne.

"Those five people were holding AR series rifles. Considering that they are all a group of lawless gangsters, it cannot be ruled out that the firearms used by them are modified fully automatic firearms." The raven flew near the cave. Part of the information soon came.

This is why Liang En only took Joan of Arc into the mountain. After all, in this case, his cards can have a great effect, but the effects of some cards are really not suitable for others to see.

"If it were an automatic rifle, it would be more troublesome for us to get close." As a former soldier, Joan of Arc has read a lot about military and weapons-related knowledge since she came to this world, so she naturally knows that this situation is more difficult.

In particular, although each of them has a rifle, because the local aborigines are relatively poor, both rifles are bolt-action shotguns with only mechanical sights.

"The only advantage is that we can accurately grasp the opponent's situation, but the opponent does not know our existence." After talking about the disadvantages, Joan of Arc changed the subject and revealed her own advantages.

"To be honest, this advantage can already fill the gap in numbers and weapons between us, because according to my experience, unilateral transparency on the battlefield is a great advantage."

"You are right, especially in this era." Liang En stopped and nodded in recognition. "We can design corresponding tactics based on the opponent's situation."

Because this group of people are not legal diggers, but a group of robbers. So they naturally need to seize every second and dig overnight.

Therefore, from the view of the raven responsible for monitoring the battlefield, Liang En could clearly see what the five people were doing in the cave with the help of the light coming from the cave.

Obviously, the other party also discovered the carvings at the entrance, so except for one person who was staring at the outside of the cave with a gun raised, everyone else gathered in the deepest part of the cave to dig out the collapsed part.

"Infrared night vision equipment, it seems that these people are much more professional than we thought." Because of the lights, Liang En was able to see more details through the raven's eyes.

It was obvious from the actions of this sentry that he saw this raven squatting on a rock less than 20 meters away from him. However, since ravens are also widely distributed throughout the American continent, he just took a glance at it. Shifted attention.

Since only Joan of Arc was accompanying him this time, Liang En simply did not put a camera on the raven. Therefore, no matter how vigilant the gunman is, he never imagined that someone could actually observe the world around him through the eyes of a raven.

"How should we go next?" After taking 30% more time than before, Liang En and Jeanne finally reached a bend in the mountain nearly twenty meters away from the cave.

"Go around. The mountain here is not high. We can go around from the blind spot of the other side's view. As long as I can reach the mountain where the cave is located, the remaining problem will be solved." Liang En said to Joan of Arc.

Although the surrounding mountains are not too steep or too high, in some places they still need the help of ravens to fix ropes before they can climb up. For this reason, it took them nearly 20 minutes to complete the final stretch of this section. distance.

"Keep an eye on it for me." After Liang En and the others moved to the bottom of the valley, Liang En ordered Joan of Arc, then pressed one hand on the stone wall in front of him and activated the card [Rock Control (SR) )].

In an instant, he felt a whole three-dimensional picture appear in his mind, which looked like the 3D map that appears in many science fiction movies.

"It turns out that the inside of this mountain is like this." As the perspective shifted and zoomed in and out, he quickly discovered that the mountain was not a tightly connected piece, but had a large number of cracks inside.

After briefly looking at the overall situation, he focused on the entrance and exit of the cave. Like other parts of the mountain, there were a large number of cracks near this place.

Of course, these cracks currently do not seem to cause instability in the mountain. It may take hundreds of years for these cracks to expand into dangerous situations. But now, these cracks can be turned into weapons in Liang En's hands.

Soon, he selected a crack not far from the roof of the cave, and then spent the remaining 9 destiny points in one breath to quickly expand the stone crack.

"Damn it, the cave is about to collapse!" As the crack expanded, some sand and gravel fell from the top of the cave. When he raised his head and saw the crack that was visible to the naked eye, the sentry at the door immediately shouted.

However, after shouting, the sentry was horrified to find that the cracks on the top of the cave were expanding much faster than he expected. A collapse was inevitable, and he was just below the collapse.

"Ah -" With a scream, Liang En and the others, who finished casting the spell and ran to the side, saw a figure rushing down from the entrance of the cave five to six meters high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Then there was a crashing sound from the entrance of the cave, and a large piece of stone and soil above the entrance of the cave fell down. When all the movement ended, only seven or eight gaps the size of a baby's fist were left at the entrance of the cave, through which light shined through.

"It seems that if these cards with different functions are used skillfully, they should be able to play some magical roles." Looking at the scene in front of him, Liang En nodded with satisfaction, and then walked towards the man who just jumped from the cave with Joan of Arc. Come down guys.

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